Sunday, July 14, 2024


A few weeks ago we went to Walney Pond Visitor center, not to go into the visitor center but to see what they had growing in their garden. There were several young children who had been taking nature classes. They were finished and outside under the supervision of an adult, presumably their teacher in all things of nature. 

Bypassing the happy, excited little darlings who were waiting for their parents to pick them up, we headed for another bench that we call 'our' bench. In all the time we have visited this area, we have never seen anyone else making use of it. From where we sit we can see the garden and we use this vantage point to watch the activity at the bird boxes not too far away. One time in a post dated June 9th, 2021, we watched blue bird parents going back and forth to feed their young. You can see that post at this link. There is another one here that will show you the actual garden. You may have seen these before.

We sit under a very simply built arbor with grapevines trailing around the poles, and look at the overhanging grapes above us and on the side. Here you will see the arbor when it was first erected, and there were no trailing vines to give it such a pretty look. The arbor is rustic in appearance and as it is now, I find it charming. It is very peaceful once more and we take everything in around us. I am guessing that the poles originally came from the surrounding woods, where supplies are plentiful from naturally fallen trees. We stay there for quite a while but eventually walk back to the car. More photos to follow eventually. 
Thanks for looking and 
I wish you all a very happy Sunday!


  1. The grape leaves are so pretty with the sun shining on them.

    1. I thought so too, and I loved the blue sky above. Thanks Ginny :)

  2. Happy Sunday - and thank you for taking us with you to this picturesque spot.

    1. Thank you Sue, and you are very welcome. I hope your Sunday is great too :)

  3. Beautiful Denise, lovely photos too.

    1. So glad you enjoyed them Margaret and thank you :)

  4. Happy Sunday, Walney Pond Visitor Center looks very interesting to visit!
    The vines are very beautiful this season, we have them on our estate!
    It's a great subject for a photo.
    Your photos are very beautiful.
    Have a beautiful week DenisešŸ§”

    1. I do appreciate your kind words Katerina, thank you :) I would imagine your grapes grow amazingly well in Greece. You have a beautiful week also.

  5. It looks a lovely place to rest a while and take in beautiful surroundings. Perfect!

    1. Thank you Janice, we love visiting this area :)

  6. Mum used to wrap all the rice dumplings with grape vine leaves. It reminds me of childhood memories

    1. That sounds lovely, what a sweet memory you have of your mother's rice dumplings :)

  7. It’s great to see young children being introduced to nature. Long may it continue.

  8. this makes me miss my daddy's grape arbor. it was exactly like this one, and I spent many happy moments under it eating those grapes.. I would be first on the bench that bypassed the children, ha ha... the further away the better.

    1. Your comment made me smile Sandra and thank you for sharing the memories of your daddy's arbor. I tend to love my little bubble of silence these days, have to admit, lol!

  9. Looks like a lovely spot to sit and enjoy the garden! Beautiful photos!
    Take care, have a wonderful week!

    1. Thank you Eileen, happy you liked it. You take care and have a wonderful week also :)

  10. So happy to see your view from your bench at Walney Pond, Denise. Those luscious grape vines with its fruit is beautiful. Happy Sunday to you and Gregg!

    1. That's wonderful Martha Ellen and thank you so much! Happy Sunday to you and Grayden also :)

  11. Lovely photos Denise. You caputred the sun kissing the grapes purrfectly.
    I adore your signature today. I am a lover of seedless grapes
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Thank you so much Cecilia. I love those seedless grapes also. However, cantaloupe has taken their place on our dessert plates lately :)

  12. Sounds like a lovely spot to sit and take in the surroundings

  13. That sounds relaxing and lovely. And I hope you are having a relaxing and lovely Sunday.

    1. Hi Jeanie, it was and I am having a very relaxing and lovely Sunday. Thank you, I hope you are also :)

  14. Lovely photographs.
    Happy Sunday Wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. So kind of you, thank you Jan and the same to you too :)

  15. It must be lovely to sit underneath that arbour and enjoy the views.


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