Monday, July 29, 2024



Definitely nothing fancy today. There were no new recipes as colds, sore throats and coughs were running rampant through the house last week, plus walk-in appointments at the local medical center.

So, after making sure the dear man had all he needed, I fixed myself an easy and fast meal as he didn’t feel like eating. We both normally enjoy green onion pancakes from Trader Joe’s and more often than not keep a packet in the freezer. There are four to a packet, 210 calories for one, very tasty. They make a great snack on their own, or with additions if you want more of a meal. TJ’s also sells Taiwanese pancakes, and one called green onion pancakes. As green onion and scallion are the same thing, I wonder what the list of ingredients is in all three. 

I found that these were in the scallion pancakes. 

I will eventually try the others but right now these are my go-to-fast-on-the-table meal, for ease and yumminess. As at the time of writing this post, they retail in price from $2.49 to about $4.50, depending on the location. We buy ours for $4.50, which is still a reasonable price considering we only eat one at a time. We get ours from the actual TJ store, and although it’s only our once-in-a-while shopping place (our local supermarket is closer), it isn’t that much further away.
This was a late breakfast/early lunch so I thawed the pancake a bit (they are already cooked).  All that needs to be done is to finish it off in a preheated frying pan until a nice golden brown on each side. A few minutes is all. In the same pan I sautéed the sliced tomato. (I coated the pan with a spray of avocado oil first and did the same in a small frying pan just big enough to cook the egg.) Flipped both pancake and sliced tomatoes over to brown. If you had an even bigger frying pan you could include the egg and sautée all three to serve up at the same time. I put the pancake in a few minutes before, and then when I turned it over, I added the other ingredients.  Just keep checking so they don’t burn. I enjoyed this combination for a quick brunch, and thought a poached egg would be nice another time.

The possibilities for your own favorite combination idea would be fun to know if you care to share.  We have placed a spoonful of sour cream on top when we had the pancake on its own and that was delicious.

There is a blog I found who does a copy cat version here. I haven’t tried it yet but it’s on my list. It doesn’t seem to have every ingredient mentioned above but I expect it is still an excellent version and additions could be added..

Thanks for stopping by 
and I wish you all a great week!


  1. I did not know about these. Gosh, I hope you are both feeling a lot better soon!

    1. Thank you Ginny and these are worth knowing about if these suits the pallet. Not everyone loves anything to do with onions, but it's a good way to get veggies into a person's routine :)

  2. I like potato pancakes, but probably not as healthy as your's. Linda in Kansas

  3. We adore green onion pancakes too. Get well soon!

    1. Thank you Angie and that's so nice to know :)

  4. They sound alright Denise. Hope your coughs and sniffles will so disappear.
    Take care.

    1. Thank you Margaret, good old summer colds right? :)

    2. Oh yes, and sometimes they take longer to recover from, they can linger!

  5. A simple meal is good when you're not feeling up to much. We have similar maladies in our house. It is summer, isn't it??

    1. Agreed, thank you Janice and I hope those maladies disappear soon :) Yes it's summer :)

  6. They sound good. I hope you are both starting to feel much better.

    1. Thank you Sue, happy you think so and much appreciate your good wishes :)

  7. That is the type of breakfast I enjoy lately

    1. Yes, they make a wonderful breakfast, these easy ones :) Thanks Roentare!

  8. Looks like a a great fast meal. We don’t have Trader Joe’s in Canada, but there are probably other stores selling similar items. I will keep my eyes open for them.

  9. I've never seen anything like these before. Looks tasty. Hope your husband is feeling better soon.

    1. Thank you Ann, I will pass on your good wishes :)

  10. These are new to me, they do look good! Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

    1. Thanks Eileen, happy you think so and I wish you the same :)

  11. So sorry to hear about the colds in your home, Denise. We don't have a Trader Joe's but we often visit one in Richmond and the one in Williamsburg. I'll have to look for these yummy looking pancakes next visit. Take care of yourselves!

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, I am glad you have had the opportunity to see what they are like. I know they are not everywhere. You and Grayden take good care of yourselves also :)

  12. Koreans are famous for their pancakes. I love kim chee pancakes and seafood pancakes. Yummy!

    1. The kim chee and the seafood pancakes I would like to try sometime :)

  13. It's great when you find a frozen entrée that just needs heating up. I live alone and rejoice when I find something like that.

  14. as i leave this comment, i hope greg is feeling better also. we have a trader joe's in town, 10 minutes away and i have never been. i keep seeing yummy things from there, i think i should give it a try. this looks and sounds wonderful, thanks for the little nudge, i am going to give tj a try!!!

    1. Much appreciate your wishes for Gregg, thank you Debbie :) I am glad I have planted the seed for you to take a look at TJ’s. It is a fun place to look around, a nice change of pace.

  15. Yummy I wish we had Trader Joe's here.

    1. Happy you like the look of this Christine :)

  16. Sorry you are feeling under the weather. Hope you are both back to normal, soon. I've never seen those at TJ's but. I'll have to look next time we are there because they sound like something I would enjoy.

    1. Thank you Ellen, Gregg is feeling much better as I am :) I hope you will find the pancakes when you go. The staff are very helpful in ours and take us right to the product we are looking for.

  17. Sorry to read you've had some nasty bugs/illnesses visit you and Greg, I hope you are both now feeling a little better.

    All the best Jan

    1. We are both on the mend, thank you so much Janice :)

  18. I hope everyone recovers quickly.

  19. Gracias por la receta. Te mando un beso.

    1. ¡De nada! Me alegro que te haya gustado la receta. ¡Te mando un beso!


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