Tuesday, July 30, 2024


 Usually, I wait until the end of a visit to go to the gift shop, but this time it was the first stop. The parking lot is a short walk, and Gregg took the few purchases I made back to the car, and put them in the trunk. He was there and back in a couple of minutes. I suspected, and rightly so, that we would be too tired to go on our way out. This way we didn't have to carry these few purchases around the garden.

In all of the museum and gardening shops we go to, I more often than not look for stocking stuffers for Christmas. They have some neat little things in them that I don't see in other places.

Inside the cabinet the top two shelves were dedicated to a Christmas in July theme. These are wooden Santa Clauses made by local artisans. I enjoyed looking at them and no I didn't buy any. I did pick up two or three greeting cards and a drinking mug. I didn't see those stocking stuffers today, but I'll be sending off the cards to family and friends sometime, and the mug will replace the one I broke last month.

It's fun to look at the stoneware, also made locally.  Many, many pretty pieces.
I had an eye on this plate. I thought it was beautiful! Maybe if I drop a line to Santa when the time is right, and tell him I've been a good little girl, or at least I am trying hard.
For a small gift shop it has a lot in there.

One last photo with my dear buying those items. I daresay we will be back here again when we visit the glass exhibit before it ends. Keeping fingers crossed that we get there.

I hope your week started off well and thanks for dropping by.


  1. I just knew these Santas were handmade by craftsmen before you even said. They do have a lot packed in there. It looks a lot like the gift shop at Louis Ginter Botanical Garden!

    1. They have the look don't they? I love them! You mentioned a park I would love to go to. I have only been there a couple of times and we are overdue :)

  2. I love those stonewares! Really beautiful.

  3. Love the plate you like. Interesting place and it's so pleasing when you can find something that you like, and not seen elsewhere Denise.

    1. It is I agree! I will be going out again soon to try and find some of those stocking stuffers :) Thanks Margaret!

  4. Some lovely things - and that plate is truly gorgeous.

  5. That looks like a nice gift shop. I love all those Santas. I would have had a hard time resisting those.

  6. It's all so beautifully displayed and so tempting.

  7. I would spend my whole time there just window shopping

    1. With the weather so hot outside that day, it would have been the thing to do :)

  8. Stocking up on christmas stocking stuffers is a really good plan to do over the year. Less pain on the purse all in one go at the end of the year :-) That plate is lovely. How did you resist?
    Enjoy a great week x

    1. Very true Beverley and it was hard, very hard! You enjoy a great week also :)

  9. Hello,
    The gift shop is nice, so many beautiful items. I do like that plate. I will talk hubby into trying to see the glass exhibit before it ends. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Hope you can get there Eileen, I am eager to return :) It will be a good excuse to go to the gift shop again, not that I need one, ha! You take care and enjoy your day also.

  10. I hadn’t realized that Christmas in July is celebrated quite as much as it is, until my wife had a real surge in Christmas items in her ETSY shop this month. Amazing!

    1. It is amazing and has been growing steadily fo rmany years :)

  11. the Santa's are really really cute and something I would like and would have when younger bought one.. now I don't put things out and am going to get rid of 3 of the 4 boxes of Christmas in the closet. its a beautiful gift shop and those are really nice walking sticks. If I remember I will make a post about our walking sticks. they are real sticks and are Hisbicus sticks...

    1. I think we reach a stage Sandra. I have a 'few' boxes down in our basement that I need to go through. What we accumulate in all these years is beyond belief. We are trying to downsize but it goes slowly. We figured plenty of people out there will be able to make use of it. I might be going back and getting one of those walking sticks! I would like to see that post on yours.

  12. Wow. I'd have done my holiday shopping!

    1. Good for you! Always great to get a good head's start :)

  13. I would live to browse in that gift shop! I live that plate that you like.. tell Santa I want one, too.

    1. Thanks Rose and I'll whisper in his ear for you ;)

  14. I love the carved Santa's lately they are my favorite.
    What a wonderful shop. I'd be lost for days. thank you for the lovely photos
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. You are very welcome and I'm glad you enjoyed them. I have always loved those carved Santas. I have two or three of them in a storage box I need to get to for this Christmas :) Sending hugs!

  15. Hooray for getting some Christmas things! I'm not very good at shopping ahead of time but it certainly is fun when you can find unique or one of kind things!! I enjoyed your photos today....hope you are having a fine week!

    1. Yes Hooray! Must try again soon :) So glad you enjoyed Jennifer, thank you and I wish you a wonderful week.

  16. You are so right about museum gift shops, Denise. They do usually have very unique items. This looks like a great one! I will be putting in a good word to Santa letting him know you are a very good girl. The plate is lovely!

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, they are fun places to browse around for the unusual :) Well, thank you, I will do the same for you my friend :) it is a pretty plate.

  17. I'll say there's a lot in thee. One could brows for quite a while.

    1. Oh I could have stayed for another hour at least but the garden was calling. Little did I know the heat was calling too ;)

  18. Me gustaron los papa noel. Te mando un beso.

    1. Estoy de acuerdo, son muy bonitos. Gracias y te mando un beso.

  19. This looks like a large and lovely gift shop. I can see plenty of things that would make me stop and pause! Maybe buy, too!

    1. There were plenty, I would have paused for a long time if I could :) It helped I gave myself a good talking to before I entered the store, lol!


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