Thursday, November 2, 2023


As mentioned in my Halloween post, I had already gone upstairs and Gregg was just about to follow, but first he looked out the window and saw a sight that he knew I would want to see.  He called me and stayed for a few minutes.  When I fetched a seat and placed it next to the window, he knew I was going to be there until they left... true!  All these photos were taken through the glass with my cellphone.

I took lots of photos as I knew that our little rascals would be battening down the hatches the colder it gets, and this may be the last time I will see them for a while. It was not an intentional feeding on my part, though I didn't begrudge them this substantial snack.  As I have said before, I don't want to encourage them as regular visitors, for their sake as well as ours, and our neighbors' families and their pets.  

However, it was a photo opportunity that I am happy to share today.  I remind myself once again that they were here before all these houses, this once being a heavily wooded area. We have to learn to live together, with a lot of common sense thrown in, to protect them and us. As much as I love them and think how cute and cuddly they are, I will never forget they are wild animals.  It is very important for them to retain their wildness.  Just as I was about to go upstairs, and after I had been watching for a while, another arrived.  I think they may have been siblings as they seemed very content in each other's company...and in sharing the food.The leaves are falling and looking really pretty scattered around.  We sweep them up regularly but Mother Nature is saying I haven't finished with you yet...and neither had our siblings.Just as I was thinking I had better get off to bed, one of them started heading towards the steps, and a few minutes later the other followed but first...  he must have heard me as he walked right up to the window.  Just before these photos, we had gotten practically nose-to-nose and just looked at each other. I was surprised and yet not surprised.  They are very curious animals.He turned and said I'm out of here, and scurried down the steps. Hopefully off to his den and ready for a good night's sleep.  It was way past midnight and I was certainly ready for bed.

If you were celebrating, I hope you had a very nice Halloween.  We only had a few kiddos knocking on the door.  It was a bit nippy and the little pirates, Harry Potters, princesses and ghosts didn't hang around the neighborhood for long.  We had an age range from five to 13, from five year old little girl Harry to four 13-year old boys who threw sheets over their heads.  They all made us smile.

Today, the house where our gardens connect at the back, and after having their roof replaced, are now getting their siding done.  I'm sure the continuous noise is keeping the birds away, but I am hopeful that once it gets quiet again, our feathered-friends will be back.

If you click on the word ‘raccoon’ below my post among the labels, it will take you to others throughout the length of this blog.  


  1. I love your super cute visitors - and you took some truly beautiful photos of them too. I do hope your feathered friends also return.

    1. Thank you Sue, I am happy you enjoyed them. I am still living in hope the birds will return :)

  2. The little 'coon was just wanting to come to the house and say "thanks." Cute. Linda in Kansas

    1. Thanks Linda, it would be lovely if I could do that! :)

  3. The curious visitors are cute too. Bet they would come back if they know there's food there.

    1. You're right Angie, they follow their instincts for survival 100 percent :)

  4. They do look ever so cute to me...enjoyed seeing them Denise.

  5. How entertaining to watch your two late night visitors. Hopefully the birds find it soon.

    1. It was, and thanks Ann, keeping my fingers crossed! The workers at the back finished their task today :)

  6. I can understand your need to watch. Amazing photos Denise.

    1. Thank you Carol, they certainly are mesmerizing :)

  7. excellent photos of your cute visitors. hope everything quites down and your birds arrive soon. also hope the visitors did not scoff up all your foods. i saw a video yesterday of a halloween scene here in Florida. the homeowners set up a help yourself buffet with bowls of candy. a huge black bear came and they videoed him/her scoffing up all the candy.. one little boy said in the background, he's eating the paper??? yes he was

    1. Thank you Sandra :) They actually left some food which I was surprised at. Oh wow, on the bear! That's one of the reasons I don't feed these little darlings in the summer, talking about feathered-friends. They have been wondering through the neighborhood at certain times of the year, raiding bird feeders. Cute story, thanks for sharing it.

  8. Hello,
    They care cute critters, I am sure they will return now that they know you have provided some meals for them. Great photos! Take care, have a great day!

    1. Yes, I think they will Eileen. Thank you and you take care and have a great day also :)

  9. Replies
    1. Muito obrigado. Estou feliz que você tenha gostado das minhas fotos. Abraços e uma continuação de boa semana para você também.

  10. Raccoons don't come to Hawaii. Cute but scary.

    1. I'm glad they weren't introduced to the Islands Gigi. I was perfectly safe behind the glass. I expect they will be going into semi-hibernation when it gets colder. We don't seem to get them in the coldest months. I don't know much about their behavior and need a refresher course. It's on the list :)

  11. They're very cute till they're not -- and they next in your chimney or get into your house (or rob the bird feeder terribly!) But their faces have such character. When I was a kid, I loved a book called Rascal about a pet raccoon!

    1. I know Jeanie, they can be very pesky and get into all sorts of trouble raiding bins, getting into attics, and that kind of thing. I just get them at the bird feeders. I hope I haven't jinxed myself ;)

  12. How wonderful to have a show at your lovely table, Denise! I'm sure you will have many wonderful sightings of your wild friends. Our Halloween visitors numbered seven. Each one was so polite and cute as we offered them candy. Hoping they would take handfuls, they only chose one piece each. Now there is a bag full left in the pantry! Have a warm and cozy day, my friend.

    1. Hello Martha Ellen and thank you so much! I was very happy to see them truth be told :) Lovely to read about your Halloween visitors. The few we had were also very polite and a couple of them even refused a second piece when offered. Well coached by their mom or dad no doubt who always stood a few yards away. Even the bigger boys without parents were very well mannered. It was so good to see. We have a full bag left also and must admit to having had a couple, tsk! lol!

  13. You are right, as cute as they are, they probably would not make great regular visitors. I speak of the both the raccoons and the trick or treaters!

    1. Agree 100 percent. Thanks for the smile at your ending line about the trick or treaters :)

  14. That's dedication to watch those critters and get so may photos. For the first time ever we've had one in the city. They are not native to this area.

    1. That's interesting Red, they are all over the place here :)

  15. Your midnight visitors are very entertaining for sure. Fun photos. Hope the birds return soon!

    1. Glad you enjoyed them and yes, I'm hoping for the birds' return very soon :)

  16. Replies
    1. I keep hearing that from what I have been told but fortunately we haven't had any problems. I shouldn't say that too quickly I suppose :)

  17. Wow, I would have gone to bed on cloud nine! And you got such good pics, even though it was dark. You must have had a really bright light out there. I wonder if they were mates? Likely not this time of year. Do you know how to tell a male from a female? I sure don't.

    1. Thanks Ginny, I did go to bed with a big smile on my face. It's funny but I am always looking outside just before I go to bed. I didn't do that this one time :) We do have a bright light out there but it didn't stop them from the birdseed. They could have been mates but they were so skinny and smaller than the ones we usually get, that's why I thought they might have been sibs. Just by looking at them it's hard to tell between a male and a female. I'll have to do some research.

  18. Delightful photos and thanks so much for sharing with us, so enjoyed this post. Cheers Diane

    1. You are very welcome Diane, happy you enjoyed them :) Cheers to you also!

  19. so think that they were here before we were. when we build our house we had a lot of trouble with racoons, getting in our attic, having babies was a real problem!! i had to take down my bird feeders for years. with that said, i did enjoy your pictures!!

    1. Uh-oh, I'm thankful we have never had that experience Debbie. My goodness, what a trial that must have been. Glad you enjoyed the pictures of the pesky little critters :)

  20. The racoons are looking so cute

  21. Great photographs of the racoons.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan, glad you enjoyed. All the best to you too :)

  22. Replies
    1. Thanks you, and don't be scared :) I speak raccoon, they like us all, as long as we have birdseed, lol!

  23. Your raccoons don't look very big! Ours are roly poly!
    Thanks for sharing them. So cute.

    1. I thought so too Jenn and these are the first I have seen that are a bit skinny. They are usually like yours. Yes, they are very cute and you are very welcome :)

  24. Those are impressive photos, Denise. They are so very cute. Our problem in Chicago was when they along with possums and skunks decided to use the space under our deck for a home.

    1. Hi Kay, thank you so much! No that would not be a good thing :)

  25. Great pictures....I am surprised at how close they came to you. I'm not a critter person myself and would, no doubt, have only enjoyed them from a distance!

    1. Fortunately we had the glass between us. I am a critter person with hopefully a lot of common sense around wildlife. You just never know! Thanks Jennifer :)

  26. They are cute! It seems like raccoons are more than evidence then they used to be, but that could be because we have trail cams now.

    1. Hi Linda, they certainly are :) You are right on both counts.


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