Friday, November 10, 2023


"Be a kind human. Always. Show compassion, have a listening ear, ask someone about their day, smile at strangers, say hi in the grocery store, everywhere. Show small acts of kindness throughout your life..."

~Author Unknown~

Kindness is not only good for their soul, but also good for yours.  If you find your kindness falls a little flat, be kind anyway, be kindness personified.  

We learn as we get older to treat each day not only as a learning experience, but as a blessing. We meet people who have been treated unkindly for a good part of their life and are surface-grumpy. We certainly don't know what they have been through, what awfulness they may have had to deal with. Often people are put off by this gruff exterior, and yes you have to use your common sense and be aware. I certainly wouldn't want my child for instance, reaching out without a parent or a much-trusted person's okay. We are more likely to see the dangers that they don't.

But, often younger people don't understand what it is like to get old and there are some who treat old age like it is something to be ignored or looked down upon. It is definitely the cycle of life, and it is important to remember that we all get there eventually.  In a sense we are returning to where we started, almost like childhood.  But we also might benefit when we realize the wealth of knowledge our older generation may share with us, and what they can still give to many.  Kindness and a smidgen of caring, a question here and there, can open a floodgate of knowledge into our own family history for instance.

With my own family, their kindness has always been what I am very proud of, and I know many would say the same thing of theirs.  I have often witnessed their kindness to people of all ages, but I find it especially touching when shown to someone who is much older than they are.  Kindness is a powerful emotion, and is not our weakness but our strength. In the sharing we could be giving our strength to another who might badly need it.  I have heard this quite a few times over the years, and it is very true.  We certainly need more kindness in the world right now, and a good place to start would be in our own garden, and move on from there.


Just a few thoughts that pop into my head at times.  (I loved that original quote from this unknown author.  It sent me on a thoughtful journey today.  "She's got her head in the clouds again" I can hear my teacher saying, and I am once again smiling.)

If you would like to share your own thoughts, please let me know in the comments. You might be able to tell me something I haven't thought of, and my head is always open to learning something new. 

Ramble over with and thanks for visiting. I hope your day is a great one.


  1. Kindness never ever goes astray does it? To give or to receive.

  2. This is so true, Denise. Thank you for sharing it!

  3. A lovely post! It would be such a beautiful world if everyone in it could do this. I remember reading that we should try to carry out a random act of kindness every day. Most of the people in our village are kind to each other and often very helpful. Unfortunately, there are some grumpy ones but very few. When Bill was recovering from his fall, neighbours would call in to see how he was and if we needed anything. It makes you feel special. When you are kind /helpful to someone and it makes them happy, it also makes you feel good too. Hope you and greg are okay and that you are enjoying Fall.

    1. It certainly would Diane :) I have read about those random acts, and I'll venture to say we all here do that without even realizing we are doing it. It's so good to know about your village and how sweet they were checking up with you both after Bill's health scare. I am so happy he is recovering well. As for the surface-grumps, I have met many lovable grumps in my life, and the not so lovable. I have in the past been put off by certain people, given up and stopped at times, especially if they have been unkind, but I don't want to do that anymore. None of us are perfect, we just keep trying our best :)

  4. I like the term surface-grumpy. I think I can be a little surface-grumpy

    1. Ah yes, the surface-grump. You are not alone Ann, I have a touch of the surface grump at times, lol!

  5. I think that kindness was one of the few traits I instilled in my daughters when they were young. Always be kind. When there is nothing you can do, think of the kindest thing, and do that. It is absolutely amazing how one small act of kindness can make a significant difference in some one's life. It is reciprocal as well. Which isn't to say that the person benefitting from your kindness will be kind to you in return. They may not. the kindness you bestow upon others becomes something inside of yourself. Confidence, empathy, self-worth, joy...and so many other things.

    1. That's wonderful! Instilling this in our children right in the beginning of their lives, is what is needed. No one is born to hate, I keep hearing that a lot lately. Even if we reach only one person with a touch of kindness, (hopefully more), it's an amazing feeling to both giver and receiver. Paying forward is as welcome as a fall of dominoes. We reach many as they topple and miss a few when they don't. Thank you for such a lovely comment :)

  6. Hi there!

    WONDERFUL post! And particularly now, with so much tension all over the world.

    I LOVE this...

    "We certainly need more kindness in the world right now, and a good place to start would be in our own garden, and move on from there. Kindness is a powerful emotion, and is not our weakness but our strength."

    I TOTALLY agree! I truly believe that the most powerful changes come from within, one person at a time, day by day. I see kindness as an "energy" that spreads and spreads. I'm someone who feels very blessed in my life. So I try to spread that to others in my daily interactions. Sure, I have grumpy moments as well. But when I do, I think of how blessed I am, and it changes my perspective.

    Thank you for sharing this!

    1. Hi there Ron, and welcome! So nice to meet you! I am very happy you enjoyed my post. You're right, changes come from within. Love that! I am also very happy you feel blessed in your life and pass those blessings on daily. Yes, we all have grumpy moments and as you say, remembering those blessings changes our perspective. Beautifully put! I look forward to visiting your blog soon and thank you very much for stopping by.

  7. Ramblings like that are welcome any time. Kindness, just to be kind is a rare thing. Many have an ulterior motive when being kind. We don't know too many grumpy people, sometimes I try to figure out the reason for their grumpiness, other times I get as far away as possible. Life is too short.

    1. Hello Jim and Barb :) I've come across people who have ulterior motives, true, but thankfully they have been very far and few between in my life. My dad blessed me with a good judge of character, and my inner radar has indeed started pinging loudly. People are often surprised that I can be overly cautious at times but mostly, things have a way of working out. As you say, life is too short!

  8. the only thing I can add is that I totally agree with everything you are saying. and I think it is way more important than most people even realize. If someone is kind of grumpy, or frowns around a sensitive person, they can feel badly and wonder about it for weeks and it can have a huge effect. Wondering if they did something, or the person doesn't like them. when often none of that is true. People need to think more about their effect on others.


    1. I agree Ginny, people ought to think about their effect on others, but sadly perhaps that is sometimes the effect they wanted, whether it be with family, with friends or at work, this need to wound. Sensitive people tend to keep things to themselves and when someone is unkind, rarely respond because they are the peacemakers and don't want to make things worse. The problem with that is those same people will keep being mean, plain and simple, because they know they can get away with it. Very often it happens when they are in a bad mood over something else that has happened in their lives, whether they recognize this fact or not, and we’re in the wrong place at the wrong time. They will even say, "Oh you are too sensitive", like that's an excuse for their bad behavior. There's an old saying that goes roughly like this. When a person finally pushes back to an unkind person, that person is totally outraged, not realizing that we are talking to them like they've been talking to us, for a very long time and in some instances for years. They know how to push our buttons in their attack, and when we push those buttons back, as I said, they feel outraged.

      Then there are times when saying nothing really is the right road to take, so long as we are aware of why they behave that way and in being aware, not let it get to us quite as much. We could of course tell that person calmly how offensive we find their words, and they may be genuinely surprised. Communication, in a calm way, can be powerful. But this is hard to do when we are so taken aback, surprised even and are struck with astonished silence. My mother-in-law, bless her, had a saying which I really took to heart, "People should engage their brains before they engage their mouths". She was such a wise lady!

      The hardest thing to do is to not dwell on the unkind words and who knows, no one is perfect, we may have rubbed them the wrong way on many an occasion and not realized it. Things have a habit of building up.

      I will finish off by saying that every situation is different but once angry words are spoken, we can never take them back. They are often forgiven, but never forgotten and the trust is gone. It certainly is a conundrum! Which comes back to what Aspiritofsimplicity said, we need to instill in our children kindness from the very beginning, which I know many of us do. The world would certainly be a lot better off.

      Kindness can be powerful and I hope mankind wakes up one day, but it's been a long road so far and the road seems never ending.

      Well, this is a bit long-winded of me, but my thoughts keep flowing lately.

  9. Kindness goes a long way in promoting peace in society.

  10. It's nice to have a place to express yourself and the thoughts that swirl about in our heads especially if they lean toward kindness and truth. There are some thoughts that pop into my head that it is best to say NO to! What we fill our heads/minds with will have a way of popping out verbally so I'm trying to fill those spaces with what is good, true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, worthy of praise. Have a beautiful day kind lady!

    1. It certainly is Ellen, and I've been doing that a lot on this post says I with an honest-to-goodness chuckle :) You speak very true words. " I'm trying to fill those spaces with what is good, true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, worthy of praise." I love that, thank you! You have a beautiful day also kind lady :)

  11. I love this post and the advice. Kindness is free, pass it around. Take care, have a great weekend!

    1. That's great, thank you Eileen :) We are all a wonderful family of kindred spirits here. You take care and have a great weekend also.

  12. I love this post, Denise! It can be difficult to show kindness to those that aren't kind, but this is just what I try to do--notice I said try. I've observed the more hurried, the more stressed our society gets, the less kindness I see. When we open our hearts to showing kindness anyway possible our world is a better place. Love your thoughtful journey, dear friend!

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, that makes me very happy and yes, I knew you would try very hard. Society is getting more stressed out, you are so correct. Thank you for this lovely comment, I have enjoyed reading your thoughts on this topic too. So many of us are trying very hard to make things better for each other. It gives me hope. Have a wonderful weekend my dear friend.

  13. I wish everyone would read this post in the whole world today! Thank you, D, Aloha

    1. Gosh, that's so sweet of you Cloudia :) Thank you so much! Aloha my dear friend :)

  14. These are great fruits to keep on the daily basis

  15. Replies
    1. I always used to think I had a lot of patience, but as I have gotten older it's more challenging. Thanks William :)

  16. What a wonderful post.
    We certainly need more kindness in the world right now, and kindness is free, I just wish more people would pass it on ...

    Wishing you a peaceful weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan, I got real wordy on this one :) So happy you enjoyed my rambling thoughts today. Wishing you a peaceful weekend and all the best also.

  17. Oh, I love that picture of the fruits that are always in season. Such beautiful words about kindness and also about being appreciative of people as they age. And I smiled when I saw your name, "me." I have done that myself a few times before. ; ) Thank you for this post, Denise. It is something we all need to hear.


    1. I thought that picture was great also Sheri, spoke absolute volumes. You are very welcome, I am very happy you enjoyed this. Yes we all need to hear these words, a good reminder and refresher for me too.

  18. This is lovely, Denise. And you are spot on about kindness -- we sometimes see so little of it. Children are taught many things -- math and writing and science -- but not enough about kindness.

    1. Thank you Jeanie, much appreciate that :) and I agree with you wholeheartedly.


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