Sunday, November 12, 2023



This was taken on Dartmoor in June 2015 while on vacation.  I have left a link on the name, with information and a great slide show of the area. 

The foal was part of a larger herd of ponies roaming the moors. There were several foals to be seen that day.

For those who haven't been coming here for long and don't know my background story, years ago before I met my dear other half, I lived in a small village not too far from the moors. My family and I visited Dartmoor at every opportunity.  Long before that we would holiday in South Devon twice a year, from the time I was eight years' old.  It was a place we always longed to return. 

When I was fifteen my father retired and we all moved down to Devonshire permanently. The day my parents told us the news, it brought a lot of joy. I always loved Devon, and no doubt I always will. 

This is in the southwest of England. I have included three maps below of Devonshire.  The first one is from this link.  It identifies certain landmarks.   

Next, both maps show the County of Devonshire outlined in red, easily seen in the first.  In the one showing the whole of Great Britain, you can just about make out an identical outline at the bottom of the map, in the top part of the ‘toe’ of England.

Thanks for visiting and I hope your day is full of sunshine.


  1. I have always thought of the moors as being so romantic. Would you roam them, like in novels?

    1. Thanks Ginny, I loved the moors. Where I worked there was a group I would join that had walking weekends and yes, we would roam for a day, pitch our tent, stay the night, wake up to sheep bleating. I remember sticking my head outside and see the sun rise. I enjoyed those years living near the moors. It was a lot of fun and we all became good friends.

  2. That is a truly gorgeous photo. As a child my mother often holidayed in Devon, and retained fond memories until the end of her days.

    1. Thank you Sue and how lovely about your mother holidaying in Devon. Thank you for sharing :)

  3. This is a stunner photo! I love how you make a map by your photo journals

    1. Thanks Roentare, it is one of my favorites. I'm glad you enjoyed the map also. I have always enjoyed ones I have seen on other blogs.

  4. What a beautiful foal. It would be a treat to see it.

  5. Although I live in Cornwall, i do love Devon, and we often used to take a few days away in places like Tavistock or Chagford.

    1. That's lovely Elizabeth, I always felt the same about Devon :)

  6. Hello Denise,
    Happy memories, the foal is so cute. Love the photo and your post. Take care, happy Sunday! Have a great week.

  7. the baby is so sweet, would love to see wild horses on the moors. i like the maps, it gives me a better look at your home country. since i have never left the USA i have to depend on maps

    1. Thanks Sandra, I'm so glad you enjoyed my post :)

  8. The foal looks so cute. On our daily walk, we usually see some horses, but never a foal..

    1. Thank you Angie, we were very happy that there were many foals when we visited.

  9. I've Always wished to see England...and live in Skellingthorpe. No idea why...

    1. That's wonderful Donna, and now I am going to look up Skellingthorpe :) Sending hugs.

  10. I've never been there, most likely never will. Sounds like you have special memories of Devon.

  11. That would be a wonderful part of England to live in for sure. We love your home country so much.

    1. That warms my heart to read your words Ellen, thank you :)

  12. Replies
    1. Very much so, he was such a lively, sweet foal :)

  13. It was nice to hear a little bit about you and where you lived growing up. And this foal photo is wonderful. I love horses, and often see one or two on my drive to the creek. They are amazing animals, and special, indeed.


    1. I'm glad Sheri, thank you :) I love horses also but don't get to see them that often. I am glad you do.

  14. Such a darling frisky pony you captured, Denise! You know we adore your lovely home. It's truly one of those magical places that makes my heart happy to think about! Happy Sunday, my friend.

    1. He certainly was Martha Ellen :) I am very happy you enjoyed your time in the UK, and that it gives you that special feeling. Happy Sunday to you too my friend :)

  15. What fun to see wild ponies roaming the area. There are so many interesting sounding places in Devonshire.

    1. Thank you Kay, it is lovely seeing them in their natural habitat. Whenever I get back I am to do more exploring :)

  16. Always good to air wonderful memories, love to hear the thunder of wild horses.

    1. I have never heard the thunder of wild horses, only in movies. Must be a terrific experience :)

  17. What a cute photo! We've been watching Escape to the Country, and enjoy the scenery, even if it is in 2016 or so.

    1. Happy you enjoyed it Jenn :) I'll have to watch that show, sounds like my cup of tea.

  18. Beautiful picture. Sounds like a wonderful place.


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