Friday, September 15, 2023


A few days ago when Gregg opened the curtains in the morning,  there was an animal four feet away staring up at him.  He didn’t get a photo as it scurried down the steps immediately afterwards. It was a coyote from the sound of his description.  At first he said it was a strange looking fox but the coloring was all wrong.  It certainly sounded like a coyote even though I am not 100% certain, not having seen it myself.  There have been sightings in the neighborhood so we know they are around.   I showed him the above photo online and he said that’s what it looked like. 

A few things from Pinterest.

I enjoy looking at the artwork.

A wise little bird!

I know, sometimes easy said, harder done and yet good to keep in mind.  I say this for myself too.

A couple of my online puzzles I have done lately.  I am looking forward to the changing season, as you can probably tell from the theme of this post.

October is always a favorite of mine.

I have been getting interested in AI pictures ever since I saw Linda at the View From Squirrel Ridge do hers.  My dear other half has been asking AI lots of questions on complicated subjects and he is impressed with the info he gets.  I am more interested in the art at the moment.  

It is always interesting what you get.  

We went for a later walk at Meadowlark Gardens and got back about half an hour ago.  By the time we made our way home the traffic had thinned out some, which made for a more pleasant drive home.  The weather was perfect.  The temperature got up to 82 deg. F, but it was 75 by the time we got to the garden.  In the shade it was almost Autumn-like.  There were a lot of cars in the parking lot but the place was very quiet, with only a few people walking around.  We saw a bride and groom with their entourage having photos taken quite a distance away, and we thought perhaps all the cars we saw belonged to their guests.  There is a separate building on the grounds for these special events.  I also saw signs asking for people hire on as staff to help with their light show this holiday season.  It's that time of the year getting isn't it?  Goodness!  

I will have the garden photos for you next week sometime.

And as for me, it's another early night as that walk did its magic and I am nodding off as I type this.

So, that’s all for now.  
Thanks for visiting, and enjoy 
your day and weekend.


  1. The artwork is good, pinterest is sometimes or mostly interesting for searching for what you want.

  2. Replies
    1. Wonderful to see you back Christine, and yes it was a bit startling to say the least. The last time we came across one was in the southwest on a road trip and that was years ago.

  3. Autumn is a glorious time of year isn't it? I do love the arboreal fireworks as the leaves change.

    1. It certainly is Sue, what you describe, I love it too :)

  4. I'm using AI to write little poems and captions on my blog! It's fun and interesting. We take what it gives us and make it our own. And of course our prompts start the whole thing. Image generators, I have to try that next!

    1. I would like to read those poems. I asked for one on birds but not sure I am going to publish. The prompts sometimes produce interesting results. I do enjoy their art, though like a book I have to sift through them :)

  5. I'm loving all these pictures. The Pinterest ones of the fox are adorable. All your AI images are great. I play with it some but never seem to get exactly what I want.

    1. That's great Ann, so pleased :) Pinterest has lovely images. I understand about your experiences with AI, but I'm 100 percent sure it will only get better.

  6. These images are so sweet to look at!

  7. Great photos and AI images. I am not sure if I would like seeing a Coyote in my yard.
    My favorite image is the Corgi running in the field of sunflowers. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

    1. Thank you Eileen, the coyote was quite a surprise. Never seen one on our back doorstep before! You take care, enjoy your day and weekend also :)

  8. I love us a quick break from all the heat!
    Cool photos...and I bet it was a coyote your husband saw. They take small pets...dogs, cats, so if you have a small one, keep an eye on it!

    1. Me too Donna and thank you. There are always warnings about coyotes and leaving small pets outside on our neighborhood app. I saw even more warnings when we lived in San Diego. They were more frequent where we lived as we were 20 miles out of the city. We even heard of a mountain lion jumping over someone's wall once. Best to be made aware and reminded of the possibilities, and I appreciate your comment. Thank you and sending hugs :)

  9. I have never seen a coyote except in the zoo. That little wise bird is my favourite!

    1. Hi Angie, I have seen them in the zoo and also on our trips out west in a more natural habitat setting. I have heard about rare sightings in our neighborhood. Sometimes there's confusion whether it was a fox or a coyote, but this was our first actual sighting in our own back yard. I liked the wise little bird too :)

  10. Coyotes are cheeky and will come very close like the one at your door. They know that they are not being watched.

    1. I always feel wary around wild animals, as much as I love seeing them :) We get foxes, raccoons, skunks (never seen those but you can smell them from a quarter of a mile away when the wind is in the right direction) and a few more animals I haven't mentioned. I am concerned for any small children, and then there are the many pets people have. Our homes were once forests so not all wildlife has moved out of the area. Even though we live in a community with many homes, we still have woods all around us and even a creek that flows nearby.

  11. It seems to be a good coyote, taking off when seeing humans. I hope, for you!

    1. Thank you Jenn and yes, not good for them to be too habituated to humans.

  12. That's really close for Gregg to have seen a coyote! I've never seen one in our neighborhood, but we did see one in Arizona walking down the street in Scottsdale. We later talked to a park ranger about it and he said not to worry. If there are a pack then we should worry. Lovely photos of Autumn---October is a favorite month for me as well and this year I can hardly wait. The weather is quite beautiful now--so glad you can enjoy it!

    1. Thank you for that information Martha Ellen :) I didn't realize you lived in Arizona at one time, I would very much like to explore that state further. Maybe on a road trip whenever that might be. Maybe next spring! Isn't the weather wonderful?

    2. Denise, we didn't live in Arizona, but were visiting when we saw the coyote. We had the best time exploring this fascinating area. You would love it I'm sure, but it is quite hot! I do love this wonderful weather. It's so nice opening a few doors and airing out the house! Have a great weekend.

    3. Like us visiting Arizona, driving through really. It is a great area to explore :) I have had the windows open all day, it's been wonderful! Thank you so much for the explanation Martha Ellen :)

  13. I have seen two on our walks, several while in the car, coyotes I mean. they look a lot like a fox. love all the art, yours, the puzzles, AI and what kind or art did you aske for to get these? i don't get this kind. love the dog in sunflowers

    1. Hi Sandra, I am a browser at Pinterest and I have saved artwork that I like for quite a while. If I come across something I really enjoy, I scroll down to see the 'just like this' feature where they show you many similar art pieces. As for the dog with the sunflowers, I asked AI for a dog running through a field of sunflowers, and this was the result :)

  14. So many delightful images on here today, Denise. I will have to forward that fox photo sipping on coffee, as my Nel loves fox things. Isn't that something to see a coyote outside the window? I do love the pictures with the pumpkins and the leaves changing colors. And that's a nice poem you shared also.

    Have a peaceful and lovely weekend, Denise.


    1. Glad you have enjoyed them. I'm happy you are sending the fox off to Nel. Yes, that was really something having the coyote so close. And I enjoy the pumpkins and all they bring to the season and collecting poems at that time of the year too. Thank you Sheri, you have a peaceful and lovely weekend also :)

  15. I like October too! Just wish that sort of weather would last for three or four months! The AI stuff was really interesting -- I've read about it but have never talked to anybody who has actually used it! I enjoyed your pictures (or AI's?)

    1. That's great Sallie. Right now I have all the windows open, the sun is shining and there is a cool breeze. Fantastic!


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