Sunday, September 17, 2023


I haven't shared any photos from the fairy garden in quite a while.  We were there on the 14th and there were old pieces as well as new ones.  I don't have a fairy garden at home, but I enjoy the one at Meadowlark, as do several other adults I have noticed these past several years, some with small children but often on their own.  You will recognize this photo from yesterday's post.  This is its original setting.
 I was thinking that if we wanted children to develop a hobby in their young lives, this would be a good place to start.   A fairy garden would be a good way to encourage them in a positive direction.  
I know of at least one garden we go to that offer classes for the young ones, usually in the summer months when school is out.  
In the meantime, you'll find me here still taking photos.
According to this article, there are a lot of flowers that fairies like in their garden.   A bit too late for the planting season, but maybe for the next one.  Pansies, Bee Balm, Foxglove, Sunflowers, Daisies, Nasturtium, Violents, St. John's Wort, Heather, Thyme and Rosemary.  Apparently they also have pet dragons!
We could always have a miniature fairy garden in a planter on our deck.  This lady has a lot of tips.  I don't see it happening but you never know, maybe next summer.
Another link here where there are all kinds of fairy garden items for sale.
A poem for you.

The fairy beam upon you,
The stars to glisten on you,
A moon of light
In the noon of night,
Till the firedrake hath o'er-gone you.
The wheel of fortune guide you,
The boy with the bow beside you.
Run aye in the way
Till the bird of the day
And the luckier lote betide you.

"The Fairy Beam Upon you." 
from "The Gypsies Metamorphose."
by Ben Jonson.
If you would like to know about fairies, you can click on this link.  It tells you all about them. 

In part it says: "fairy (also fay, fae, fey, fair folk, or faerie) is a type of mythical being or legendary creature found in the folklore of multiple European cultures (including Celtic, Slavic, Germanic and French folklore), a form of spirit often described as metaphysical, supernatural or preternatural.  (Might as well slip in a Word of the Day:  
"pre·ter·nat·u·ral - beyond what is normal or natural.  As in "Autumn had arrived with preternatural speed"

This little flying pig has been there as far back as I can remember.  It has moved around but always in the fairy garden.  The fairy with the goose, it looks old but I don't remember it at all.  I will have to check my previous photos.
I don't remember this little bluebird either.
The bridge is new, to us at least.  We found it on the other side of the path.
You can see the gnome in the photo above, his red hat showing.
And this one wasn't too far away.  They only started adding gnomes last year.

Anyway, that's all from The Fairy Garden.  I will have more photos from our walk next week sometime.


  1. I love them all! Especially the strawberry house and the tall grey and pink house. I make tiny fairy rooms in my cloches in the house and set them out. Right now they have fall things in them, but in the spring they will have fairy things. Dollar General sell a lot, tiny little wells and fairies and houses.

    1. That is great Ginny, thank you. I will remember Dollar General and I’ll look forward to seeing your fairy rooms too.

  2. A selection to make anyone smile. Thank you.

    1. Thank you Sue, I am happy it brings you a smile :)

  3. What a wonderful fairy garden. I thought about starting one but that's as far as it got.

    1. Thanks Ann, that’s about as far as I got too but fun to see at the garden :)

  4. The fairy garden is charming. Part of me wants to believe in magical creatures (in my heart not head). There is a sort of magic to life.

  5. The Fairy garden is so cute, a nice walk! Take care, have a great day and happy new week!

    1. A lovely walk indeed :) Thank you Eileen, I wish you the same.

  6. Gnomes are very popular here ... we call them Garten Zwerge.

  7. Replies
    1. Totally agree Christine and I would like to thank the person who first said “Let’s add a Fairy Garden”. They have brought a lot of joy to all ages :)

  8. We do love fairies. So many interesting things to see over there. Wish we had something like this here in Hawaii.

    1. Thanks Gigi, we do have some interesting places within a relatively short drive away. But then Hawaii has some amazing places we don't have here :)

  9. What a wonderful place to visit ... magical.
    I've always enjoyed anything to do with fairies, a lovely post and photographs.

    You may be interested in this post:

    Wishing you a good week ahead.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan, also for the link. I will enjoy checking that out :)

  10. Love the faeries..My step daughter has several in her gardens..The kids love them..

    1. How wonderful :) if you have any photos of them I would love to see those fairies. So nice for your grands.

  11. These garden decorations are so cute and exquisite!

  12. Replies
    1. Me too Linda, I thought he was new but found him in an older post on the fairy garden :)

  13. Oh, that is so darling. There are so many whimsical items in the fairy garden. You know, I collect fairy figurines, and sometimes I'll give one or two to Nel, as she has a fairy garden in her back yard. I've always wanted one myself.....maybe someday. Those little gnomes are too cute.....and that bluebird!


    1. Thank you Sheri, I appreciate that. How wonderful that you collect them and give to Nel also. Yes, maybe some day for you and for me. I might even buy a little gnome, and a bluebird if I can find one :)

  14. What a fabulous place and I am sure the children must love it. I hope all is well, I will get back to blogging eventually, just so busy here. Cheers Diane

    1. Thank you Diane, all is well. I hope the same for you. It’s good to be busy but look forward to your insect and flower photos when you have the chance to post them. Cheers to you too :)

  15. So sweet to see, Denise. You are right children (of all ages) would enjoy a fairy garden!

    1. I feel the same way Martha Ellen, and most definitely :)


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