Wednesday, July 5, 2023


I hope those of you who were celebrating had a Happy 4th of July yesterday.  Our neighbors put on quite a firework display in their yard at the back of us.   It was fun to watch from our deck.

A few days ago we went to a garden center to look around. As you can see, Mrs. Gnome gave us a lovely welcome. 

 Okay, I added her thanks to paint shop pro.  She was for sale inside the building.  Unfortunately, she did not come home with us. We were there to find potted plants for the deck at the back of our house.  We were impressed with the staff who were very friendly and helpful.
We were also greeted with this beauty!  I checked online and the one I saw identical to this said it was a 1930 Ford Model A Pickup.  For the classic vehicle enthusiast there is a very interesting page here.  I fell in love with it.  I am by no means a car enthusiast, hence my first rust bucket (Morris Mini Cooper) very similar to this one. 
 It got me from A to B, and I saved every penny for three years, finally purchasing my old car second hand when I was 21. I said goodbye to it when I got married and moved across the pond.  I loved it dearly and traveled many miles along those narrow, country lanes, back and forth to work, a night out with friends, and further north to visit my sister and her family on the occasional weekend.  I sold it to a good friend who needed a second car.  She and her husband drove it for several years.  It was a good little car to them also.  However, getting back to that gorgeous old pickup truck, these old classics are the kind that I have always coveted, even before my old rust bucket.  I say this realizing that it is never going to happen.  Maybe in my next lifetime.
We started off inside the store and I took photos of things I might want to purchase in the future.  For instance, cute hummingbird feeders.
Here she is, Mrs. Gnome
A pretty little angel birdfeeder.
Lots of items that I didn't get a chance to look at, but there's always next time.
Beautiful orchids!
The last three photos were items we found outside, with a 4th of July theme for Independance Day. 
People are celebrating this weekend also, though the actual 4th isn't until Tuesday this year  (which will have been yesterday when you read this).
This patriotic wind spinner was very colorful.  I expect it would have been a pretty sight on a windy day.  
I have photos from the outside also, which I will share soon.


  1. This garden center has a very nice gift shop as well! It is kind of like the one here.

  2. What a fascinating looking garden centre. They are among the very few types of shops I will willingly visit.

    1. Happy you enjoyed it. Me too and I also enjoy browsing through the gift shops at botanical gardens :)

  3. It looks a lovely garden centre. We used to own one and a nursery and garden centre as well, I joined the team there after I decided I had done enough nursing as a RN. My husband is a Nurseryman and Horticulturalist.
    Lovely memories you have of you car Denise.

    1. How wonderful! It’s lovely finding out more about you. Thanks Margaret :)

  4. You kept a good collection of treasured items.

    1. Thank you :) I bought a couple of items for gifts also, though I can’t mention what they are yet.

  5. That looks like a very nice garden center. LOVE that truck.

    1. It is a lovely place and as for the truck, me too :)

  6. Looks like a fun place to explore, I like the hummingbird feeders, the old truck surrounded with the lovely flower pots . Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Thank you and you take care and enjoy your day also :)

  7. Such a beautiful place! I would love to visit it too.

    1. Thank you Angie, I am looking forward to going again soon.

  8. I am with you, that truck is a beauty! We love going to car shows and are always drawn to the old trucks from that era.

  9. A lovely time at the garden store!

  10. I can just imagine you in your mini on those NARROW country lanes! Fun. That is a beauty of a truck, too. I would enjoy a walkabout that garden center! Happy Wednesday to you.

    1. Yes, even with that small car, I had to back up into a farmer’s gate to let another small car pass :) Fun memories!

  11. I'm loving the garden center! So many different things to see!
    Have a great day!

    1. Happy you enjoyed it Donna :) You have a great day too, with hugs.

  12. Amazing the work that must go into those trucks!

    1. Isn’t it though, all hands on in those days :)

  13. The model A is my favorite old car. They were very common and were reliable and probably cheap. My first car was a model A. However, I did not know that there was a model A pick up. It was probably not sold in Canada.

  14. Many wonderful things to look at here. Nice memory about your car, Denise. My first car was a rusty Dodge Dart.

    1. Thank you Gigi, have a lot of good memories in that old car. I will have to look up your Dodge Cart :)

  15. a lovely place to wander and I love the bird bath angel best. I would have snapped myself silly, so much to see, so little time to see and snap it. we both love old cars from our early years on this earth, the truck is one we would like to own, cars when we were growing up had persoalities and were recognizable when we saw them. now i have to read what is written on it to tell one from the other.

    1. That’s a great way to describe old cars. I agree with you. On the other side from this place, there is another large gift shop. I didn’t get to see it this time but on our next stop, I will start there first :)

  16. I do like the wind spinner! We need more plants for our pots as Husband's are a bit slow - very slow - to grow this year. My first car was a Moggy Traveller but my cousin had a little mini.

    1. With all the spinners there are for sale, we are spoiled for choice but this one is very nice. I haven’t had any plants in pots for a while, so hopefully these will be okay. That’s great, I would have enjoyed having a moggy traveler :)

  17. Fun fact I'm a massive Mini car lover, I once worked nightshift on the Production Line! We always love a trip to the garden Centre, here in the UK you can spend practically all day at one as they offer many shop in shops and of course lunch!
    Have a lovely week.
    Wren x

    1. Lovely to know Wren :), that is quite a connection. The next time I go back for a visit, I will have to go to one of those garden centers you mentioned. Enjoy the rest of your week x

  18. Thank you for taking us around this neat garden center, Denise! Mrs. Gnome is rather interesting--love her expression. The old truck is certainly a beauty. It's funny, my husband and I were talking about these old vehicles last evening. He was telling me about his grandfather's old farm truck. I remember you mentioning your car. It sounds like you really loved it. My first car was an old red Fiat that you could see the road through the floorboard as I drove about. I'm sure it wouldn't pass any inspections or safety checks nowadays!

    1. You are very welcome Martha Ellen :) Mrs. Gnome reminds me of someone but I can’t quite remember who that is. Maybe a case of deja vu. How interesting about your conversation. My sister had a fiat. I had to drive it once, a stick shift and I also had to double-declutch. Oh my goodness, we kangaroo hopped for miles, literally!!! Lol! Love the fact you could see through the floor boards. I suspect mine had a few holes in places :)

  19. A nice place to walk around.
    I do like the little angel birdfeeder.

    All the best Jan

    1. She was a sweet little angel :) Thanks Jan, and all the best to you too.


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