Wednesday, July 12, 2023


to our back deck was an Indigo Bunting.

This little beauty appeared after a hard downpour, and everywhere was wet and soggy.  It seemed a bit timid as he stayed on the edge and quickly flew off back into the trees.  However, we were very happy for its visit.  I have never actually seen one before except for those in nature photos.  Mine are not the best but I am very happy for them, and I hope it revisits.
 I was surprised to find out that they belong to the Cardinal family, and just like the male and female Cardinal, they are easy to tell apart as they are dimorphic.  A fun word and I put the meaning below.  I found the info here


which means occurring or existing in two different forms.

A breeding male Indigo Bunting is blue all over, with slightly richer blue on his head and a shiny, silver-gray bill. Females are basically brown, with faint streaking on the breast, a whitish throat, and sometimes a touch of blue on the wings, tail, or rump. Immature males are patchy blue and brown.  Our visitor as you can tell, is a male.  

To see beautiful photography and more information, you can click on this website

The Indigo Bunting is broadly distributed in North America and all members of its population move south in the winter.  Another surprise for me, migration takes place at night, though they sometimes continue their flight after daylight arrives.  They frequently return to the same breeding area in subsequent years, with males doing so more often than females. 

The oldest known Indigo Bunting in the wild lived over eleven years.

More interesting facts:

Indigo Buntings split their time between North and Central America. Specifically, they spend spring and summer in the eastern and southwestern United States, then fall and winter in Central America and some islands of the Caribbean. 

In the United States, they have traditionally been found from Maine south to Florida and west to Texas and North Dakota. Their range has recently expanded into the Southwest and the Four Corners region. 

One theory is that Indigo Buntings use the stars to navigate during migrations.  Tiny though they may be, these small birds are able to fly hundreds of miles thanks to the help of an internal clock that enables them to determine their location in space. The birds migrate at night so they can see the stars overhead when they fly. To chart a course, they fixate on a specific star. They fly at a specific angle between the star and the earth. Geometrically, this points them in a straight line that allows them to accurately arrive at their destination.

They sometimes breed with the Lazuli Bunting.
In areas of the western Great Plains, the Indigo Bunting can be found alongside another blue bird, the Lazuli Bunting. While they often defend their territories against each other, they also may share songs and even interbreed to form hybrids.  

During the breeding season, males are a bright cobalt blue. Their heads are slightly darker than the rest of them, although some may have darker blue wingtips. They are sometimes referred to as the “blue canary”. 

At other times of the year, the male has more brown feathers. His tail, wings, and part of his neck may be brown. However, the blue feathers of his head and back are still visible. 

After mating, the male Indigo Bunting doesn’t contribute much to his mate’s hefty job of building the nest, incubating the eggs, and feeding the growing chicks. One thing he does do is defend his territory vigorously against intruders. 

In some situations, however, the pair might mate again when their brood is about to fledge the nest. While the female goes to another part of her mate’s territory to build a second nest, the father of the fledging chicks might take over the feeding role. 

They adapt according to what food is available. In the winter, seeds are usually present from the ripening and harvesting of autumn. Since many live near abandoned agricultural land, they take advantage of successional plants that may seed or fruit and leave remnants for the winter.  However, in the spring and summer, Indigo Buntings feast on insects. The first food the mother feeds her chicks after hatching is insects. 

It’s more difficult to attract Indigo Buntings to your bird feeder, because they are more shy than other birds. If you have a large yard with a low, brushy area with grasses and shrubs, consider placing a feeder at the edge. Indigo buntings might make an appearance in such a comfortable location.  (I would say we were very lucky to see ours.)

Some birds are gregarious throughout the year. Not Indigo Buntings! During the summer months, they prefer to forage for insects alone. Wintertime is another story. Flocks of buntings work together to find seeds and locate the most nutrient-dense food sources. 

It may surprise you to learn that the male Indigo Bunting’s vibrant blue feathers are not, in fact, pigmented at all. His feathers appear blue for the same reason that the sky appears blue – the reflection of light. Structures within the feather reflect only the blue light. 

Male buntings love to sing.  Their songs can last for longer than they do – up to 20 years! Males learn their songs from other males in the area. You can tell it’s an Indigo Bunting according to the presence of double notes. 

Watch for males in the middle of summer. They like to perch in plain sight where they are visible to other males, females, and any potential threats. Sometimes, they’ll even fight between each other. These musical commotions involve mid-air tussles where the birds grab at each other’s feet mid-chirp! 
My thanks to this website for the above interesting information.


  1. What a beauty! I don't think I have ever seen one over here...really gorgeous!

    1. I thought so too. I have been giving it a lot of thought, and I seem to remember seeing a dark blue bird like this once before. We were on a walk a few miles from here and had to walk up a steep incline along a narrow path. Trees were on each side forming a tunnel, so we were in deep shade. I saw a flash of dark blue fly up into the treetops, momentarily resting on a branch and just as suddenly as he appeared, he flew away. I am wondering now if it was an Indigo Bunting.

  2. What an absolutely gorgeous visitor - and thank you for the extra information about him and his family.

    1. Thank you Sue and you are very welcome. I enjoy researching what I take photos of :)

  3. Wow, this was really special! I would be overjoyed to have one here. I did read that their feathers are really black, I think. And the light reflects them as blue. But I had no idea about the night flight and the stars, how amazing!!!!! Almost unbelievable, but I consider you an authority. I have only seen a male one twice, and each time it was very fleeting.

    1. I agree, very special :). Thank you for your info Ginny. I scratched my head on the night flying and navigating by the stars, but I read this information on two different websites. Perhaps one of our knowledgeable birders will verify. Believe me, I am no authority, just have a great love of learning and reading about everything in nature, passed on to me by my father and his side of the family.

  4. Indigo Buntings looks so beautiful.

  5. What a handsome bird that ones is Denise.

  6. He's a beauty. What a treat to have him visit.

  7. Beautiful bird, one of my favorites. Great series of photos. Take care, have a great day!

    1. Thank you Eileen, I can see why it is one of your favorites :) You take care and enjoy your day also.

  8. Piękny ptak. Super fotografie. Miłego dnia😊

    1. Dziękuję bardzo. Mam nadzieję, że Wy też macie super dzień :)

  9. What a beautiful bird...Thanks for all the information.

    1. You are very welcome Donna :) Happy you enjoyed. Sending hugs.

  10. I am thinking this stunning and oh so cute blue bunting is not only prettier than me, but a whole lot smarter, i could never fly/drive in the dark that far... very intersting facts about him. Only seen these in photos.. vibrant blue bunting. i might try that in AI

    1. It is amazing how they can navigate so well when migrating. I look forward to seeing your AI results :)

  11. How cool is that?!?!? I know I have seen on before but I do not remember if it was on our travels or at a homebase somewhere. I sometimes wish that I would have started a "Birds Seen" list so I can keep track of which birds we have seen. I should have done that years ago!

    1. Very cool! He hasn’t been back so maybe he was just passing through :) I feel the same about wishing I had kept track years ago.

  12. So interesting to learn about the Indigo bunting, thank you.

    1. You are very welcome Christine, I felt the same way :)

  13. Beautiful bird. You've given us some great detail of these birds.

    1. It is and for me it was like a snowball going downhill, the more I looked, the more I found the info super interesting :)

  14. That's an incredible bird. Blue is my favorite color. Unfortunately, I have never seen one and probably never will.

  15. What a wonderful new visitor your your deck! Thanks for all the info, too. It does look a similar shape, etc. to the cardinal (I think) I love seeing any birds that are blue even the pesky blue jays! Hope you have a good day today!

    1. Thank you Ellen and you are very welcome :) I love the Blue Jays too. They visit every day.

  16. Oh my goodness! I have never seen a bird so beautiful!!!

  17. Why do the songs stop at 20 years?

    "To chart a course, they fixate on a specific star. They fly at a specific angle between the star and the earth. Geometrically, this points them in a straight line that allows them to accurately arrive at their destination."


    I have never seen one, but I will be on the lookout.

    1. That’s a good question Sandi :) I think they mean that these birds can pass on their particular song to other birds. Perhaps generations die out with the song. Truthfully I find it a bit mind boggling. I would love to chat with those researchers who come up with all this interesting information.

  18. Such a beautiful looking bird.

    All the best Jan

    1. A beautiful bird for sure. Thanks Jan and all the best to you too :)

  19. Denise, I'm so happy he decided to pay a visit to your buffet. How beautiful he is. I know you were thrilled to have him so near. Thank you for the wonderful facts about him and his habits. Maybe he'll remember your hospitality and return one day soon.

    1. Me too Martha Ellen, very much so :) You are very welcome, always happy to share what I find out. Hopefully he will remember. Fingers crossed!

  20. Indigo Bunting is quite common here, and often one sees an ardent male atop a tree belting out his song. Most years we have one visit the garden feeders for about two days, and then it moves into the woodlands to breed. Very attractive bird.

    1. I would enjoy seeing them more regularly David. Thank you for sharing interesting habits of those in your area.


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