Thursday, July 13, 2023


 I am sharing a few of Gregg's photos today.  I enjoy looking at his.  He sees things I don't see and then we sometimes find that we have taken photos of the same plant, like this one.

We decided to wander around the two ponds on this visit.  We go to the top part of the garden also, but not today. Here things are allowed to be less manicured.  The deeper into the woods there are lots of wild plants and flowers, and the various trees are interesting to look at.  We enjoy this area as much as the other.There is a stream that runs along the pathway.  The ponds on one side, the stream on the other.This outing’s doggy fix!
This path is just before we get to the second pond.American Robin

It was another splendid walk, and that evening what a surprise!  I look out the window before I went to bed, and there were two young fox kits playing in the front garden.  We have had foxes making a home nearby for several years now.  It is my first sighting in 2023.  

The two I saw were playing with each other and running around in circles, play fighting, jumping and yipping, having a lot of fun.  It was a sweet end-of-the-day gift to see them.  Perhaps their mother was hunting for food, or they could have been out on their own.  They didn't look as young as the ones I have seen before.  No photos, way too dark but a lovely memory.  


  1. Keep a camera near the window where you saw them, they may come back if they live nearby!! I love foxes!!

    1. Good advice Ginny, thank you! I also love foxes :)

  2. Thank you and Gregg. And how lovely to see playful fox cubs I would be smiling very, very broadly.

    1. Thank you from both of us Sue :) The fox cubs are always a wonderful sight.

  3. This is definitely a lovely week unless here on my end. Love the robin.

    1. Thanks Roentare, and from your comment I do hope your week is going well :)

  4. Lovely photos that your husband took.
    We don't have foxes here on the Island, the authorities thought they did have a few years back but nothing was proved or found.

    1. Thank you Margaret, I will let him know :) That's interesting about your foxes.

  5. Love the photos. Looks like a beautiful place.
    I've only see fox here running across the road while I'm driving.

    1. Thanks Ann, it is a favorite place of ours. We see foxes very rarely but it's a joy when they stop by :)

  6. Pretty photos from the garden and your walk. The fox sighting sounds nice, they are cute critters. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Thank you Eileen, glad you enjoyed them. I love foxes and have looked out every night since I saw them that first time, but no luck :) You take care and enjoy your day also :)

  7. Foxes right at your house is about as good as it gets, Denise.

  8. I have not seen fox in the wild, but twice saw coyote. hope the come back when your camera is ready to grab us a shot. I prefer the wild part of the park over the manicured. I like the way flowers and trees look without HELP from humans.

    1. I saw one only this morning, in the daylight. No time for a photo again unfortunately :( There's a lot of beauty when things grow wild. Better for the wildlife too :)

  9. Pretty photos! The lotus is a stunner.

    1. Thanks Linda, I will let Gregg know. Those lotus are very photogenic aren't they?

  10. It is very rare here to see fox, but I have once or twice- almost like the eagle that visits. I hope you get a shot of them- love to see! Lovely photos- have a great Thursday!

    1. Thank you! I would love to see eagles. How wonderful! I am keeping my fingers crossed about the foxes and will be sure to share if I get photos :) You have a great Thursday also!

  11. Young foxes seem to be able to play in the open and yet you don't hear of them as prey.

    1. There are people I read in our neighborhood app who are a bit nervous of them. I can understand but I have always loved seeing them and have never had any trouble. I would be concerned if I had small children or pets though. We used to get the occasional coyote through here but I haven't heard about those for a while now.

  12. I always like it when Barb and I take pictures of the same subject. A different perspective through a different lens can be very interesting!

    1. Hi Jim and Barb, totally agree. It's always fun to get that different perspective :)

  13. Replies
    1. I will Christine :) He will appreciate that and thank you :)

  14. It is fun to see someone else's perspective in photos on the same walk. Nice views!

  15. And sure enough, the dogs must sniff.

  16. I suspect, Denise, that the next time those fox cubs are in the yard you may have a camera at the ready.

  17. Lovely photos and how nice to se the foxes at play, lucky you. Cheers Diane

  18. Gregg's photos are beautiful! What a lovely visit you enjoyed on your outing to the garden. Love the Indian Lotus flowering! How exciting to see the fox play in your garden, Denise. I'm so glad you were able to spot them.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen :) He takes great photos and I am very happy we share this hobby, one we both enjoy. The lotus is gorgeous isn’t it? I will keep looking for those foxes.


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