Wednesday, April 19, 2023


 it was lovely going outside and seeing the trees full of blossoms.  At least once a week we eat out, usually at a fastfood restaurant.  This time we were feeling like a chicken sandwich and shared some waffle fries.  I bring my own filtered water from home as I don’t like sodas.  I have my reusable drinking container which I always take with me when we drive around.  It stays nice and cold. 

At busy times of the day, instead of placing our order through the ‘talkie-box’, there are two lines of cars that make things smooth sailing, with staff who take our order. There is a single line to begin with, which can sometimes lead out of the parking lot.  They do such a good job of getting people through, that line never puts us off because of how they are organized.  It's impressive!  No, not too exciting but I don't need an excuse to take photos, and we find even the mundane interesting when re-reading old posts on our daily activities.  

As we neared the register after the staff had taken our order (and they are always incredibly nice and polite young people), to our left was this lovely sight.
and many more lovely sights as we made our way home.

I love the look of gnarly old trees with the blossoms decorating them.

We drove by the building (below) where my dear other half's office was for many years.  He enjoyed his job immensely and found it very rewarding.  
He had worked in Washington DC for several years before that, where the commute was two hours plus each way, depending on traffic. He also traveled a lot on business, so wasn't there all the time.  In fact, he made me laugh as on one occasion and the first phone call to me that night, he said he got off the plane and said to himself, where the heck am I now, this before his destination clicked in?  That said a lot about how often he was on a plane going somewhere.  However, when he was in this office and not traveling, he was only 15 to 20 minutes away from home.  We both loved those days but his company moved him to yet another building in Washington DC, where it was back to a long commute again, and still traveling.  He was there until he retired nine years ago.  Another lifetime before that he had been in the navy, so even though he traveled a lot, it was quite different from those six to eight month deployments when he was out at sea.
Anyhow, even when we don't have rush hour, we still have loads of traffic in this area.  I used to dream of moving to the country but truthfully, we learned to work our way around the pros and cons.  We enjoy living where there is much to offer within a short car ride, an overabundance of parks, gardens and nature reserves, churches, hospitals, doctors and dentists, theaters, numerous supermarkets, many other amenities.  It is also wonderfully multi-cultural.  And as for the traffic, we try to avoid rush hour as much as we can.  We know a lot of short-cuts!  Now, that's not to say that I wouldn't want to live where many of you do, out in the country or places like Hawaii!  But we have enjoyed every destination where we have landed. I don’t think we will be living anywhere else at this stage of our lives and are very happy with that.
As we passed by one of the shopping centers, there were lovely displays of tulips and pansies at all the entrances and other areas of the parking lot.

It is such a beautiful day, we are going for a short ride, one that we cancelled because of the rain.  We decided on Burke Lake Park but more on that next time.


  1. The fast food place seems to be in the middle of a beautiful park. I believe it to be Chick-Fil-A. The one here is closed for a few months, and they are digging up and making it much bigger and renovating. I can't wait to see what they did. They always seem to have the most polite and friendly workers. So what is the city you live in? I know you are not very far from me. Do you live in Northern Virginia? We are in Central Virginia by The Skyline Drive.

    1. It feels that way doesn't it Ginny? :) But we were just off a busy road but there are always a lot of trees around to give it that feeling. You are correct on the name, it was Chick-Fil-A :) We live in Northern Virginia, probably a couple of hours away from you.

  2. A delight to see the blossom, it's very pretty.
    We only have Maccas and Hungry Jack here, we only have Maccas once in a blue moon and never have the other.

    1. Thanks Margaret, it certainly is :) I'll have to look up those restaurants.

  3. What a truly beautiful drive you took us on. Thank you.

    1. I am so glad you enjoyed it Sue, thank you :)

  4. I have never seen a drive thru like that for a fast food place. It must be really busy.

    1. It does get very busy and it is in a very busy working area. Lines are fast though. It is one of the best drive-thru's we have ever been to, both in design and in service :)

  5. Love the beautiful blooming trees, a lovely sight to see. Hubby and I rarely eat fast food. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Thank you Eileen, you take care and enjoy your day also :)

  6. The view of the blooming trees is pure heaven to me. I miss all the blossoms and spring flowers of the north. Spring is my favorite time of the year.

    1. They feel that way to me too Carol :) and it is a favorite season for me also.

  7. The colours and the blossoms are just so amazing here

    1. I always enjoy them :) The trees and flowers were very confused with the warm weather we had for a while, and now it's back to being in the low 60s all week.

  8. The environment around the restaurant is really beautiful. I always live in a city, but far from the centrum, so it's okay.

    1. Thank you Angie, I am in the middle. Same distance to get to Washington DC as it is to get to the Shenandoah Mountains. Best of both worlds :)

  9. Spring is blooming everywhere there! Gorgeous flowering trees...
    We try to eat out once or twice a month but head to town for shopping once a week.
    Enjoy those blooms!

    1. Thank you Donna :) sounds like a good way to go. Hugs from me too.

  10. How pretty!! All our fast food drive-thru lane are surrounded by more concrete...nothing like this!!

  11. All those blooms and flowers are so beautiful! I think spring has finally arrived throughout the country.

  12. Great food and fresh spring colors. I learned one new thing today Talkie box! I'd never heard that before!

    1. I had to smile at your comment Red. For the life of me I couldn't think of "intercom", a momentary laps, so I came up with Talkie Box.

  13. Such beautiful pictures.
    Love the colors of spring--especially the redbuds. They are my favorite.
    Where did your hubby work before he got moved to DC? What I can see of the building in the picture reminds me of where I used to work in Herndon, a long time ago.

    1. Thank you Great-Granny Grandma :) glad you enjoyed and yes, those redbud trees are gorgeous! Before we moved here and got that job, hubby was in the navy and we moved from San Diego where we spent many years.

  14. Those blossoming trees are such a pretty sight. Your weekly fast food trip sounds fun. They really train their staff well at Ch**Fi***! Sounds like you are content where you are and that's a good place to be....

    1. They certainly do train their staff well, and they come across as being very friendly and polite. Keeps drawing us back :) I agree with you, it is a very good place to be. Thanks Ellen!

  15. Yes, going out for a meal is a nice treat and we also try to do it at last once a week, usually at a local eatery. In all of our travels we have never been to a Chick Fil-A place, if that is the one you showed photos of, Denise. It has always amazed me that there is always a long line at the take-out windows, so they are very popular. The trees in bloom made me a bit envious as we are still waiting for bursts of color in Nashua, NH.

    1. Yes it is Dorothy. We have only started going to it this past year. I can't take long lines and usually avoid them. This is the first place we have not had a problem of waiting for very long :)


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