Tuesday, January 23, 2024


"The woods would be silent if no birds sang there except those who sang best."

~Henry Van Dyke~

(Click on above link for a biography.)

Crows often visit us and my photo of this one was taken yesterday as he sat on the deck rail.  I have always liked crows and the more I read about them, that liking has been strengthened. There are very interesting facts about them here

I also found a story I thought you would enjoy reading. This is a snippet. Their are photos and you can read the whole story at this link.

A crow couple has been together for more than 12 years. She broke her beak 8 years ago in a collision with a car. Since then they have stayed together and he has patiently fed her.

(Added note: I have since found out that the crow who broke its beak was a male named George, so named by the author of the blog post - previous link - who originally told their story.)

More facts about crows at this link.


  1. I share your appreciation of crows. They are such intelligent, family minded birds.

  2. I love this quote, and I adore crows. Did you ever read my blog post about Phil's pet crow when he was about 15? Phil's dad was a preacher, and the crow would sit on the church windowsill every Sunday morning and crow during his sermon. They finally wheeled the lawn mower in front of his cage door right before the sermon. That fixed the problem, as he was afraid of it and would not go past. Your story is so good, and sad. So sad that George died, but what a lovely grave marker he had! And his mate carried on and had more babies. They are so smart!

    1. Hi Ginny, no, I didn't read that about Phil's pet crows. How wonderful! I'll do a search when I come over. It's a delightful story! Thanks for sharing that. The more I find out things like this, the more I adore them :)

  3. That is amazing about that crow with the broken beak.

  4. Their squeak often wakes me up from doldrum

  5. Wade always loved the crows. He would come home from work and talk about the ones that were always around the shop and how he would feed them. It thrilled him that if he was outside alone they would almost come all the way to him to get the food.

    1. That's a sweet memory Ann. I would love it if they came up to me like that but they keep their wildness and always fly away when I open the door. I'm okay with that but it would be lovely :)

  6. Interesting story. Love the photo! Take care, have a wonderful day!

  7. your photo of your crow is just wonderful and the story of George is truly amazing. someone could turn that into a childs book with pictures... seems crows are more amazing that we thought.

    1. They certainly could turn it into a children's book. I hope they do one day. The more I learn about all things in nature, the more I love and respect them, including our crows :) Thanks Sandra!

  8. That is a pretty interesting series of stories about George and Mabel. Amazing creatures!

  9. Crows, and all members of their family (Corvids) are incredible birds of great intelligence and deserve our respect and affection.

  10. Crows always make me smile because my daughter when she was little always called them ''awkers (hawkers). I think it was a reference to a Disney movie. Do you know when some people see a cow in a field, they say "Cow!" to each other? When my husband and I see a crow, we always say " "awker!" to each other. I know, crazy!

    1. That's a lovely story Pamela, such a sweet memory. Not crazy at all, I love it!

  11. Crows are smart birds. It’s nice that they are caring also.

  12. I went to the link you shared and read the story. They are really smart and loyal birds, and so are ravens.
    I've been following a family of ravens that came to town quite a few years ago and built a nest on the water tower across the way from my balcony. They came back every year even when there was major construction going on and a temporary tower built to temporarily house the antennas, etc. that were on the original, and they found a spot to build themselves a nest there too, and then when all the work was completed and the temporary tower dismantled, they went right back to the original tower.
    Anyway, all that to say, I took many pictures of them and their babies learning to fly, and that was the inspiration of my first children's picture book--The Water Tower Ravens (see sidebar on my blog). I had never aspired to be an author--let alone of children's picture books--but that's what got me started.


    1. That’s great that you have been following these ravens. I loved the story you told about them. I have only seen ravens on my road trips. I would love to see your pictures and will be sure to take a look on your sidebar. Lovely to read the story of how you started writing books. Thanks for sharing that :)

  13. Crows really are fascinating birds that are very smart. Noisy for sure. Have a great day, Denise.

    1. They are fascinating Ellen. Thank you and you have a great day also, and a great Wednesday :)

  14. I see one crow almost every morning sitting on a tree limb, the same limb, in our neighbor’s yard. That crow, although there are many others that show up, has caught my attention. I look for it everyday.

    1. That's so nice Linda, it's talking to you somehow :)

  15. I like the photo and the image of the crow. We see crows perched high up in trees at the back of our house. Their cawing cries are very atmospheric. They are clever birds for sure.

    1. Thank you Linda, I agree about their cawing. Most definitely very clever birds :)

  16. Lovely love story of Mabel and George and baby, Denise. I admire crows so much as well. They are like old souls. Full of intelligence that we may overlook. I enjoyed this post very much, my friend!

    1. A perfect description for them Martha Ellen :) Thank you my friend, I am happy you enjoyed my post.

  17. WOW it is fun to learn about crows Denise
    I found them annoying in old days as they would scare off sparrows in our native home yard.
    But since I am living in Sindh province in small city ,crows visit daily our yard regularly and this is how we both get along :)
    More blessings upon you each day my friend ❤

    1. Hello Dear Baili, thank you, I am glad you enjoyed learning about them. It is interesting they scared off the sparrows. Thank you for the blessings, I wish you the same :)


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