Tuesday, January 9, 2024


 Not much narrative here. Still plodding along though things seem to be taking a turn for the better.  Fingers crossed!  I will sort it all out soon hopefully, and there does seem to be a ray of hope! Fortunately, I got a good head start on this post before my laptop went into conniption mode! I have one more post from their trip to Las Vegas after this, which I will share as soon as I can put it together.  

In the meantime, here are more of their photos.  
If you go to this link, it will take you to the Boston Ballet's website. On that page is a synopsis of The Nutcracker Suite. I have never seen the ballet performed live, and it's one thing on my bucket list for next season. I am hoping it would be local but it might even be nice to get tickets and do a little road trip somewhere. We will just have to wait and see.


  1. Amazing photos. It must have been an incredible experience. Thank you - and your son and his wife.

    1. It must have been, I would have loved seeing this display but I am happy my son and daughter-in-law got to enjoy it. You are very welcome, I will share your comment with them soon. Thank you Sue :)

  2. This is such a beautiful set of decorations with Xmas.

  3. Oh my, how beautiful to see these photos - thank you Denise and I do hope your computer is ok as well as you!

    1. Thank you Margaret, much appreciate that. Glad you enjoyed these photos :)

  4. Every single photo is perfection. I think I’d like that ballerina on her toes best of all but they’re all absolutely gorgeous and what a wonderful place for taking photos. I would have snapped myself silly

    1. She's a beauty I agree. There certainly were a lot of people doing the same, I'd have been snapping myself silly too :)

  5. Wow. These are spectacular. If They look this good in pictures I can only imagine how impressive they are in person.

    1. I agree, it must have been amazing to see it with their own eyes :) Thanks Ann!

  6. The Christmas decorations are just beautiful. Great photos! Take care, have a great day!

    1. Thank you Eileen, much appreciated. You take care and have a great day also ;)

  7. Lovely decorations! I, too, have never seen The Nutcracker live. Maybe I will one year. There are several opportunities to do so locally.

    1. Hi Linda, that would be lovely. I think I may have the same opportunity around here. I'll keep our fingers crossed that we will both get to see it one day :)

  8. Oh, how Gorgeous!! What fun to see it all, in person!

    1. Hi Donna, it certainly would be fun, thank you :) Sending hugs!

  9. Beautiful decorations and great photos. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Hello Denise :=)
    W0W! What beautiful decorations, they are all wonderful. I have been fortunate to see the Nutcracker Suite. My daughter performed in it on the stage in Porto being a student of her ballet class.:=) Thank you for these stunning photos, and also thank you to your son and daughter-in-law. Having computer problems Denise, what a nuisance!

    1. Hi Sonjia :) Aren't they? How wonderful that you saw it with your daughter. What a lovely memory :) I will share your thank you with son and daughter-in-law soon. My husband wants me to get another laptop and I know he can see the writing on the wall just like I can. Soon, very soon!

  11. Thank you Denise! A fun outing for us! Aloha, the mouse king was very handsome

    1. So happy you enjoyed Cloudia and yes he is :) Aloha!

  12. I love the close-up of the red sofa!

  13. Wow...never thought of Las Vegas as a Christmas Destination with so much to soak in, but there it is. :)

    1. Thanks Ellen, it would be surprising but I remember the decorations from around this time years ago. It was different, more to do with nature I think. I will have to try and do a search to see if I can find the photos. This was before digital. They are in a box somewhere, and oh dear to that, could take a while!

  14. It can certainly be said that holiday decorations are over the top in Las Vegas and quite beautiful too. Thanks for sharing these pics, Denise, and hope your PC woes are sorted out soon. I am facing the same decision as to when to replace an aging PC before it totally fails

    1. You are very welcome Dorothy :) They certainly go all out at the Bellagio. It's an extraordinary place inside to begin with. Thank you on the computer also, maybe we will get something new at the same time.

  15. For my money (no pun intended) there is only one good reason to go to Las Vegas -- and that is to go to the Bellagio, especially at Christmas. I've been there two or three times and this is the most magnificent of their displays that I can recall. The work is exquisite and it is a wonderful theme. I'm so glad you shared these -- they make me smile.

    1. I have only been to the Bellagio once and that was so many years ago. It really is an incredible display. So glad these brought you a smile Jeanie, thank you :) I would love to see them put this display together, from its very beginnings.

  16. How very special, Denise! This looks fantastic. They certainly did the characters proud! I've got my fingers crossed that all will be well with your computer issues. They can really be annoying! Take care as you sort it all out, my friend.

    1. Glad you though so Martha Ellen and totally agree :) Thank you, my laptop seems to have settled down again. It's so strange, it was like this on at least two other occasions. Throws an absolutely wobbly and then seems to be okay for a while. I really do need to make a change over and am busy backing everything up right now. Way behind on that! Must do it before the next wobbly :)

  17. Oh my those decorations are stunning! My brother and I see the Nutcracker just about every year...and those scenes and decorations really bring it to live! I don't suppose I will ever be in Vegas so I'm happy that you shared the photos with us!! I hope you are having a blessed week!

    1. How wonderful! I would love to do that. I am very happy you enjoyed the photos Jennifer. Our week is blessed thank you, I hope yours is too :)

  18. The Nutcracker photos are so festive and pretty. Love all the RED!

    Wishing you a Happy New Year, and I hope much goodness comes your way in 2024, Denise.


    1. That's what I love about it too. It's gorgeous! Thank you so much Sheri, I loved these sentiments and certainly wish you the same my friend :)

  19. Lovely to see these photographs.

    All the best Jan

    1. That's great, thank you Jan and all the best to you too :)

  20. I've seen all the of the Nutcracker Suite that I want but I still love these decorations.


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