Friday, January 12, 2024


They enjoyed themselves very much and one of the restaurants they were at, they had to leave as the dress code changed over at 7:00 p.m., no jeans allowed. They had fun trying out different restaurants throughout their trip, ranging from every-day dining to fine dining, especially on our Daughter-in-Law's birthday. They also enjoyed several shows, a favorite being Penn and Teller. They have gone there each time they have been in Las Vegas. 

I think this is their third trip now but I need to ask. This person below was a magician.  I have forgotten the details but that is an interesting outfit.  

Added note:  thank you Sandra of Madsnapper who identified this magic act.  I can always count on my blogging buddies.  Her comment in part reads:

"that is Piff the magic dragon and the dog is Piffles . He won Americas Got Talent a few years ago and has his own show in Vegas, the show girl is his wife. he is a funny magician...."

Audience participation.
Not sure who this was, part of the same act and is that a puppy she is holding?  After reading Sandra's comment, it is a good feeling to know that they made it and have their own show in Las Vegas.
Moving along, in one of the places they were able to get cookies and milk (milk poured inside a cookie cup) served by a robot.
Below we are back in the Bellagio. I had told them about the ceiling of Chihuly glass, and could they take a few photos? I had seen it before on our last trip several years ago. It is located in their front lobby and debuted at the Bellagio in 1998. Dale Chihuly's inspiration was apparently found in Italian fields during the spring. The 20-ton piece of art is valued at $3 million at the time of the article's writing in February 2020.
I do remember being mesmerized by it all on my visit. (You can read a biography of Dale Chihuly at this link.)  The sculpture is called “Fiori di Como” which means Como Flowers.

As a side note, the Bellagio Hotel is modeled after a hotel on Lake Como in Italy. I found this out when I read the information at this link.

 This sculpture consists of 2,000 hand-blown glass blossoms that weigh about 40,000 pounds. They are supported by a 10,000-pound steel armature. Every morning between 2 and 5 a.m., a team of eight to 10 engineers cleans and maintains the sculpture.  There is a surrounding catwalk up there. 
Later my darlings found out about the secret Alpine Bar, by previously listening to someone on YouTube who tells you all about the places in the city.
A penguin visited their table. They took it all in good fun. I probably would have fallen out of the seat trying to get away.   
Now outside in the bright sunshine.

The collage below shows Gordon Ramsey's restaurant.  They went to one by the same name in Washington DC on Brad's birthday last year, and wanted to compare. However, the waiting time was unbelievably long and they didn't want to waste any of their time when there were a zillion restaurants to choose from, many of them with excellent dishes as they found out during their trip, and a lot less waiting time for a seat.
They saw the newly opened Sphere as they crossed one of the walkways.

It is located at The Venetian - this link tells you all about it.   
Looks very impressive close up, at night is when it really shines I would think, as you'll see from this photo I found at

That's all the photos from their trip. I enjoyed looking through them again, and I hope you have enjoyed the ones I have shared today. With many thanks to my Darlings who gave me the okay sharing their photos.

Thanks for looking and I hope your day is a great one.


  1. I have seen a Chihuly glass ceiling (not sure if it is the same one) and loved it. There was an exhibition of his work in our National Gallery and the ceiling installation was part of it. I lay on the floor and looked up - and I wasn't alone.

    1. Thank you Sue, that is wonderful and I would be on the floor right along with you if I had the opportunity to study all those beautiful pieces :)

  2. The glass ceiling looks so incredible

    1. My memory of it is being in such awe the first time I saw it :)

  3. Interesting and lovely to see. The robot, oh gosh!

    1. Thank you Margaret and oh gosh indeed! I keep saying we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg :)

  4. What a fabulous trip. So many fascinating and wonderful things. That ceiling is beautiful and that sphere is amazing. Would love to see that in person especially at night.

  5. Awe!

    such a delightful trip to Vegas by your son and dil dear Denise :)
    thanks for making us part of it as i thoroughly enjoyed each glimpse of it :)
    Many Happy returns of the day to you r daughter in law ,she is so pretty (one with penguin right?)
    this is always peace and joy for a mom to hear from kids and this joy is overflowed when they share their happy moments with parents :)))
    magician looked like sea creature to me ,interesting indeed
    the penguin moment was fun and startling lol
    loved the sphere at night Glorious !
    happy new year to you and family my friend!

    1. Hello my friend :) and you are very welcome, I am always happy to share. It is especially fun to see when I haven't done any traveling myself for a while. I am so happy they get this opportunity. Yes, my daughter-in-law is a beautiful young lady and she is the one with the penguin. I love your comment Baili, you describe spreading the joy so succinctly. I do like to spread the joy as so many of us bloggers do. I will pass on your birthday greetings and thank you very much for extending them :) So glad you enjoyed and I also wish you a Happy New Year to you and all those you love.

  6. The Bellagio Chihuly glass ceiling is fabulous! My goodness, to clean that every evening must be quite the chore. It looks like your family enjoyed themselves very much. The photos are great as well as the videos. How nice of them to share them!

    1. Isn't it though? Thank you Martha Ellen, you're right, that would be a daunting task and the word 'teamwork' comes to mind here. Glad you enjoyed my friend and it was very nice of them to let me share, always grateful to my darlings for so many reasons, and this is one of them.

  7. Hello,
    I have several photos of the glass ceiling too, it is beautiful. I like that sphere, a cool sight to see. Las Vegas is a great place for the foodies, so many great restaurants. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend!

    1. How wonderful that you got to visit LV and see this amazing glass sculpture. The Sphere is something I would like to see one day also, and definitely try out a few restaurants :) You take care too and I wish you the same.

  8. Looks like they had a great trip! We have been to Vegas a couple of times, but have never spent time going to shows, more just sightseeing and a meal or two.

    1. They certainly did and I have an idea they will be heading there again one of these days. They have sparked an interest in me again to do the same thing. There certainly is a lot to see there, glad you got to enjoy it too :)

  9. Last time we stayed there, we stayed at The Paris Hotel...It's beautiful!

    1. How wonderful! I remember walking through the place. As you say, it's beautiful! Sending hugs :)

  10. Boy, Las Vegas has certainly changed since I visited in 1998. It's really not my type of city, though. I prefer New York City, where I lived from 1970-1975.

    1. I'm sure it's changed in the few years since we were there. I'm not really a city person but they are interesting to see. I have yet to get to New York City and do a proper tour :) Hope all is going well with you and David, I think of you often.

  11. that is Piff the magic dragon and the dog is Piffles . He won Americas Got Talent a few years ago and has his own show in Vegas, the show girl is his wife. he is a funny magician. thanks for showing us their photos, i am love all of them.. since I don't travel will only see vegas in photos and movies. great photos and what fun

    1. This is great! Thanks so much Sandra, I'm really happy to know their background. How wonderful how they got their start. I have added your comment to my post now.

  12. It certainly is, I hope I get to see it again one day :)

  13. Oh my gosh, The Sphere is amazing!!! I would not have waited on the Ramsay table either. Especially when there were so many other good restaurants around. The penguin is totally weirdly cool!! They saw Piff The Magic Dragon!! I love him!! He is a comedian/magician. The dog is his little magician assistant buddy Mr. Piffles. He has a regular Vegas show. The photos show jst an amazing trip full of joy and wonder! I really enjoyed them.

    1. It’s so cool you know who Piff is. Thanks to you and Sandra, I do too now :) Thanks Ginny! Glad you enjoyed their photos. They are going to be so pleased.

  14. Thank you for letting me enjoy Las Vegas without traveling there. That sphere is really amazing. The restaurants would make the trip worthwhile for me. Enjoy your Friday!

    1. You are very welcome Ellen :) It is how I felt when I saw them. The restaurants would make it worthwhile for me too, though definitely not standing in any long lines.

  15. Hello! What awesome pictures of a beautiful city! We have been several times, but not since the Sphere opened. What an awesome structure! Thank you for sharing, my friend. Have a cozy weekend!

    1. Glad you enjoyed them Billie Jo :) so nice that you know it well. That sphere does looks amazing. Thank you and you have a cozy weekend also.

  16. Your photos are amazing. I do like hearing about life in the United States. Thank you for sharing your information as I learn a lot whatever the subject you write about.

    1. Thank you Linda, they both have a great eye for taking photos :) I always enjoy learning about other countries. I love your posts and enjoy the photos you take too. Brings my home back to me every time I see them, and I also learn something new each time.

  17. It looks like they had a fabulous time -- and they certainly took some amazing photos. Things have changed a lot in Vegas since my last trip -- but that Bellagio Chihuly ceiling is the same and that makes me smile!

    1. They certainly did, thank you Jeanie :) I would like to go back to see the Sphere and also the ceiling.

  18. So nice to see these photographs.
    That sphere looks amazing. I think they were hoping to have one in London but it's not being allowed. More details can be seen by using this link:-

    Have a happy weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan :) and also for the link. That is very interesting!

  19. What a lovely trip! I have eaten at Gordon Ramsay's restaurant in Vegas, very pricey for burgers.

    1. Thanks Christine, we enjoyed our burger at McDonald’s yesterday, lol!

  20. What an interesting post. I remember that magician from AGT ...I haven't been to Vegas in years and years and yet it's only about 3 to 4 hour drive from where I live. This all makes me want to go again.

    1. I will have to tune into AGT one of these days. Thanks Sandy :) When you go back I will look forward to your photos.

  21. The glass ceiling looks so incredible! I would love to see it in person.
    Love the photos.

    Hugs and blessings, Denise

    1. Thank you Veronica, it is an impressive sight :)

  22. what amazing images....the sphere is really incredible!! and many thanks to sandra on the i.d. of puff the dragon!!

    1. Thanks Debbie, it certainly is and I am always grateful for my blogging buddies for the help they give :)

  23. Sounds like a wonderful trip.
    The glass ceiling is beautiful.
    A robot serving the milk in cookie cups is both amazing and scary, to think of all the things that AI is taking over at snowball speed.
    And now I'm off to Google to see if I can see a video of one of Piff the magic dragon's performances.

    1. Thank you Sandra, I'm with you on that robot. I hope you find Piff :)

  24. Fantastic trip and wonderful photos. looks like your son and his wife had a great time. I particularly liked the Sphere.

    1. Thanks so much, the Sphere is something I would like to see. Hopefully one of these days :)

  25. Replies
    1. It is :) I still remember how in awe I was the first time I saw it.


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