Tuesday, May 7, 2019


I have been wanting lavender in our garden for a long time.  When I saw pots of Spanish Lavender outside our grocery store, one was in the basket and on our way home.  It will be planted in the next day or so, and at the same time I will do a whole lot of weeding.  We have had a deluge of rain and those weeds love it don't they?  
Wanting to find out more about the correct way to plant, I found a YouTube video here.

Lately I have enjoyed both family and friends.  Get-togethers for some are all too infrequent and so when we do get together it is extra special.

Our son lives only a short distance away, and we enjoyed his company again.  The last time we got together was last week, and we also enjoyed seeing our daughter-in-law the time before that.  We all went out for dinner at what has become our favorite hang-out place.  More of that sometime down the road.

My laptop is still acting strange and I am backing up everything!   It will go well for a while and then I get that shaking screen.  When I shut everything off and go back to it later it seems okay, but then comes back again.  We were told of an expert who specializes in my make of laptop, so it will be dropped off to see if they can find out what the problem is and fix it.  I am keeping my fingers crossed.

We went for another walk around Huntley Meadows, and I will be sharing photos in an upcoming post.  We saw a lot of birds and other wildlife.  I am busy in the middle of putting a post together.

Now to get to get back to this pretty Spanish Lavender.  I found information on Wikipedia, link at the end of my post.

"Its scientific name is Lavandula stoechas, a species of flowering plant in the family Lamiaceae.  You will see it growing naturally in several Mediterranean countries, including France, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece."  
"It is used commercially in air fresheners and insecticides.  Flower spikes have been used internally for headaches, irritability, feverish colds and nausea, and externally for wounds, rheumatic pain and as an insect repellent.  The lavender also produces essential oils, which are not used economically.  The infusion of its dry inflorescences are febrifuge and fight the affections of the chest and bronchi.  It is used as antiseptic, digestive, antispasmodic, healing and antibacterial.  The flowers are used in aromatherapy, to prepare infusions and essential oils that contain ketones (d-camphor and d-fenchone and alcohols (borneol and terpineol)."

Thank you Wikipedia for the interesting information.  You can learn more at this link.


  1. my first viewing of Spanish lavender and it is beautiful... it doesn't sound good for your laptop and depending on its age, if you should spend more money trying to fix it.. anything over 3 years old, I would dump it and get a new one.

    1. Thanks Sandra, no it doesn't sound good for my laptop but it is only a couple of years old. I would like to get it fixed but we'll have to wait and see.

  2. try some English lavender, plant on mound, they don't like wet feet

  3. Even the name sounds wonderful! And it's nice to know what it is used for and get ideas for what you might do with the blooms too. Beautiful!

    1. I agree, I rely on those 'how-to' YouTube videos for any number of things. Thanks LD :)

  4. Replies
    1. Eu gosto muito do cheiro dele. Obrigado e um abraço e uma boa semana para você :)

  5. Beautiful lavender! Sounds like it's time to get a new computer.

  6. Lavender grows well here but I only have one plant of the Spanish Lavender which does not do nearly as well!! Have a good day, Diane

    1. That's interesting Diane, I am interested to see how it fairs in our garden. I'll let you know :) Good day to you too!

  7. I've seen it in a few of the gardens we have visited and I have always liked it. Thanks Linda :)

  8. Hi Denise,
    What an interesting Lavender, sounds as if the laptop may be getting to the end of its days, sometimes it can be cheaper to change than repair.
    Why is it that weeds grow that much quicker then anything we plant.
    All the best, John

    1. I don't remember ever seeing this when I was growing up John. It certainly is a pretty lavender, though from what I have learned, maybe not quite as hardy as the one we're used to. It's beautiful though and I'm hoping it will thrive in the garden, hopefully much more than the weed :) All the best to you too :)

  9. I do love lavender. Such a comforting, soothing perfume.
    Good luck with the laptop.

    1. I've been around it my whole life, in the garden, in scents and soaps. Have a soap right now infused with tiny bits of lavender. It's my favorite. Thank you, still nursing the old laptop along.

  10. Very pretty!

    Hopefully the laptop gets sorted.

    1. Thank you, it really is. And thank you regarding the laptop too :)

  11. Oh how sweet is lavender! I adore soaps that are infused with its wonderful blossoms. Your plant looks so healthy and ready to delight you! I do hope your expert can figure out the issue with your laptop.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, me too, I just love anything like that. Thank you also regarding my laptop :)

  12. Wow!! I adore lavender, and have never seen this kind! I wonder why? It is amazing! So glad you researched and told us a bit about it. Does it smell the same as regular lavender? It really is stunning.

    1. Hi Ginny, I don't think it is sold as much as the other lavender that we are used to. I'm going to be getting a pot of lavender, will compare the scent and let you know :)

  13. I've had a shaking screen once in a while . It didn't last long. I can't remember what I was on when it happened.

    1. Interesting Red, I'm curious about it myself :)

  14. I do enjoy lavender. The Spanish variety is pretty. How nice that your son is close by and you can enjoy visits. Have a good week!

    1. Hi Ellen, yes we feel very blessed. You have a good week too :)

  15. I love lavender and the color. A local ice cream place has honey lavender and I love it as well. I love what computers can do but I hate the machines themselves. Why can't they work dependably? They need to be more like an appliance by now.
    Take care!!

    1. Hi Yogi, now I would be interested in tasting that honey lavender ice cream. I have also seen it in chocolate but haven't been able to bring myself to try any. I agree about the laptops. Mine is only a couple of years old.

  16. i enjoyed the video!! this is a beautiful plant that has my name written all over it. now let me try to find a spot in my already overcrowded gardens!! hehehehe

    good luck with your computer!!!

    1. Hi Debbie, glad you enjoyed it, I thought it was interesting. I am looking at more and more how-to videos these days, as I find them pretty interesting. I have yet to get an over-crowded garden. Your garden sounds wonderful!

  17. I should look for some lavender...but then I should do a lot of stuff that does not get done.


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