Saturday, June 4, 2022


  It is Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s 

Platinum Jubilee 

 Remembering the great love, admiration and respect my parents always had for Queen Elizabeth, and as many of us enjoy Paddington Bear, an iconic symbol for Great Britain, I felt the need to share the YouTube address below of a delightful video of them having a cup of tea together.    

Another link here, a news report of all the celebrations.

70 years on the throne!

 I also thought I would share some photos from the last time we were in London, June 2015.  These are my notes.

We walked through Green Park down to Buckingham Palace.  It drizzled the whole time we were out, but it was a steady drizzle and not a real bother.  It certainly didn't stop the tourists, or us.  That circular road in front of Buckingham Palace was blocked off to traffic because of Trooping of the Colour the day before.  This enabled us to walk across to the Queen Victoria statue, which we weren't able to do last year because of the heavy traffic circling the monument.  A day later the barriers were taken down and traffic was allowed to flow again.
  Our photos are a good memory but a little dark. 
At one point we saw the Life Guard's Regiment in their shiny helmets with white plumes and bright red overcoats (identified by blogging friend Roy - Roy's Nature Blog - thanks Roy). Their horses were gorgeous!  
One more parade and I quickly took a video.
 Another interesting event was to see the Changing of the Guard at St. James Palace.  
They were also very smart in their bright red coats and Bearskins atop their heads, but I couldn't get that close and I was really missing my other camera. We would not have known except for a man who had set up a tripod across the narrow street, with camera trained on the gates of St. James Palace.  I had asked him what was going.  He said sometimes they don't appear at all but if they did it would be in about half an hour.  Gregg and I decided to stay.  Slowly we were joined by other spectators.  We knew something was happening when three armed police officers turned up, plus two on horseback.  The man with the tripod told us it would probably be a small contingency, as the Queen wasn't home.  There weren't many soldiers he was correct, but they made a lovely sight.  

After they had marched away we walked a few feet and stopped to read a plaque outside the Queen's Chapel.
On our way back to the hotel we stopped at Patisserie Valerie.
I ordered a coffee, Gregg a Vanilla Milkshake and we shared a Napoleon.  It was crowded and we were fortunate to get a seat relatively quickly.  We were both glad to sit down for a spell.
We walked up an alley, a short cut where there were a few interesting shops
.....and the second oldest pub in England.
On its doors it read, "Welcome to the Old Red Lion, reputedly the oldest license in the West End. The village pub in the heart of St. James."
One of our favorite walks has been in James Park, just down the road and we have been there every day.  
The bird life is wonderful.  We enjoyed them all. 
The Coots were feisty little things, and just like the ones we saw in Devon, they chase everything away.
There were a lot of geese here...
and herons.
The pelicans were a gift from the Russian Ambassador in 1664, these being their descendants.
There were mounted police officers patrolling the park.  We saw them often and their horses were always well groomed, absolutely beautiful and considering the crowds, very calm.
We had a three-day pass for the Hop-On-Hop Off tour company. We got off at the Tower of London but didn't go inside as it was near to closing.  We figured we would go back (we didn't as we ran out of time).
We did pop into the gift shop.  I bought a jacket as it was very cold, and I didn't have a warm enough coat.  I was trying to keep our luggage down thinking the weather would be like last year, warm and sunny.  It wasn't this time but a little weather wasn't a problem by any means.  Far too many interesting sights to see.

We love the city and have found everyone to be very polite. Even when one cabby yelled at Gregg, in a relatively polite fashion, (we got swept up in the swarm of people at one traffic light) "Oye mate, the little red man means don't cross!"  In such crowds at all traffic lights I just held on to the back of Gregg's belt, tried really hard not to close my eyes and crossed my fingers.  City traffic can be very intimidating when you are not used to it.
Today we started our daily walk in James Park and eventually found ourselves in Parliament Square.  We thoroughly enjoyed seeing Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament.  
We saw the Changing of the Guard again in Whitehall.  Thanks to blogging friend Roy - thanks again Roy - I now know that these are from the Blues and Royals Regiment.  
Very impressive, all the shiny armor glinting in the sun, and their handsome jet black horses.  
And there my friends is a little bit of England from our last trip several years ago now.  I hadn't thought about it until I put Queen Elizabeth and Paddington Bear here at the top of my post, and decided to go back into my archives.

And as Paddington so reverently said,
“Thank you Your Majesty, for everything!”  And that's also from my Mum and Dad, who would also say, "God Save The Queen" as they toasted her good health.

If you remember this from years ago, I hope it will still be enjoyable.  

Enjoy your day and have a great week.


  1. We love the queen. She has always been dignified and always been there. She is a fixture of our lives.
    This is a beautiful post. Thank you!

    1. Thank you Cloudia, so happy you enjoyed it :)

  2. Thank you for including the delightful Paddington Bear video in this beautiful and informative post.

    1. You are very welcome Sue, I know many have seen it now :)

  3. We just watched The queen and Paddington on T.V. It kicked off the big concert. Did you see it, and how they lit up the beautiful images on the castle wall? I wish now I would have snapped it for my blog. So you were born in England? What part? Gosh, this looks like the trip of a lifetime.

    1. What fun! I only caught part of it today but am catching up :) It sounded like a wonderful concert.

  4. The Paddington Bear video is very cute. I’ve only been to London once and that was 20 years ago.

    1. It's been seven years since I was there. Hopefully I will get back sometime :) Thanks Linda!

  5. Hello Denise,
    Wonderful tribute post to the Queen. Your trip photos are wonderful. Take care, enjoy your day and the new week ahead.

    1. Happy you think so Eileen, and thank you. I hope your weekend was great and I wish you a super week :)

  6. Loved the marching band video. Haha … all of that driving on the “wrong” side of the road. Also, watched some of the events in the news, including Paddington with the Queen which was pure delight! It's good to think of her steadfastness amid all else that is going on nowadays.

    1. Hello Penelope, it was a wonderful band, even after the Trooping of the Color when we were there, the atmosphere was electric :)

  7. i enjoyed this visit to London and my favorites of the photos are the shiny guards on black horses. wow what a sight to see. I do love marching bands and guards on horses. Have always been an avid fan of King Arthur and his Knights. The Queen looks so sweet with the bear.. so glad you got to visit and bring back memories to view again and again. photos capture a moment in time that will never be seen again

    1. So glad Sandra :) Those horses were incredible! And how interesting you enjoy anything to do with King Arthur. It has always been a fascinating tale. I thought the Queen was a natural with Paddington. Photos are wonderful for keeping our memories alive aren't they?

  8. I was just watching Queen at the jubilee concert such a massive crowd

    1. I saw the crowds, incredible! Thanks Christine :)

  9. Love those photos of your London trip!

  10. hi denise...this is not something i generally follow but i really enjoyed your post, it drew me in. i loved the parade video, the horses were so elegant!! i just read another post about the queen at the jubilee, i found it very interesting as well!!

    i have never been to london but would love to go!!

    1. Hi Debbie, thanks for popping in. I am happy you found my post interesting. I hope you get to London one day :)

  11. What a wonderful trip to London you had, Denise. And those bird photos are amazing. My daughters also visited London years ago, and had the most wonderful time. Thanks for sharing your adventure and journey with us.


    ps.....I appreciate your comments very much, but they're still not showing up, and I'm not sure why, it puzzles me. Just wanted you to know. : )

    1. Thank you Sheri, and how wonderful your daughter visited London, and better still that she had a great time. That is always good to hear :) I tried again to leave you a message but it never published. Don't really know what the story is. I know people have been having trouble with blogger lately. I hope it's sorted out soon.

  12. I've been watching every minute I could on BBC News and wherever I could find it. Isn't St. James Park lovely with the birds? I loved that -- and seeing the Changing of the Guard here brought back great memories for me. Next time I'll add the other sites, too! I love England more than I can say and any time someone posts about it, it reminds me of how special it is!

    1. Hi Jeanie, I thoroughly enjoyed your post on the Queen. So glad you had the chance to experience , and I am happy you are a true Anglophile :)

  13. A lovely tribute post to the Queen, her Platinum Jubilee Celebrations have been wonderful.
    I did enjoy seeing her with Paddington Bear :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan, I'm so happy you enjoyed this post and the celebrations :) What a wonderful experience for everyone. I heard someone say we will never have another experience like this in our lifetime.

  14. What a wonderful trip. Thanks for taking us along.

    1. Thank you Ann :) I am very happy you enjoyed.

  15. Loved your lookback -- I avidly read every word I could find about the celebration and saw about the tea with Paddington, but I didn't even think about there being a YouTube of it (or of any of the celebration -- now I am excited to go and look. I do so really admire Queen Elizabeth.

  16. yes, I did watch the video of the Queen and Paddington Bear having tea and offering one another a marmalade sandwich and now we know what's in her handbag! I also watched other parts of the celebration which so many were obviously enjoying and it was wonderful to see people happy. Thanks for sharing your previous London visit.

    1. Yes, now we know :) whoever put this video together was so clever, and I thought Queen Elizabeth seemed to be enjoying herself also. She is a natural.

  17. That was quite the celebration, but the bear video was the best.

  18. Love everything about this post. It was fun to watch the grand events for the Queen. What a wonderful Queen she is and has been. Thanks for sharing your travels, too. We do hope to get back to the UK sometime soon.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed this and also our travels to London Ellen. I hope you get back soon :)

  19. Denise! I absolutely love this post which reminds me of where I was so recently. :)

    1. Thank you Penelope, so glad you loved my post. I loved yours equally as it is always a treat to see the old country through someone else's lens :)


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