Thursday, June 9, 2022


Okay, so in yesterday's post I mentioned we had heard about a pair of swans at Walney Pond.  Our neighborhood app was abuzz!   Whenever we read about these things, expectations are kept low, as you just never know.  They could have moved on.
However, inwardly I was getting a wee bit excited, hoping for those swans and who knows, maybe baby swans.  I couldn't help myself.  I ran this whole scenario.   We could see them on the other side of the pond, two small white shapes at this distance. Not wanting to startle them, we made our way around and as we got closer, we slowed our steps.  There were plants obscuring our view somewhat, but that worked to our advantage.  We decided they were blissfully unaware of our presence.There are four types, Mute, Trumpeter, Tundra and Whooper swans.  If you click on their names, the links will take you to the Audubon with more information. 
When I saw these, I wasn't thinking about its particular type.  I thought that could come later.  We stayed in one spot just to observe them. At first, we thought how calm they were.  Gregg said they aren't moving around much.  We peered through those grasses and realized we had discovered a new species.  This species is called Fake Plastic Swan!  Yes, they were decoys and are there to discourage Canada Geese.  We looked at each other and I think I rolled my eyes and Gregg had a chuckle.  It really does pay to keep your expectations on the low side.

Later, after we had finished our walk, we stepped on to the small deck and there was the sign.  We didn't start off there like we usually do, our focus on seeing the 'swans'.  As we were leaving, we were asked by two ladies had we seen them?  We don't play poker, our expressions said it all.  "Well," we said, "they are over there but...."  We didn't have to say any more.  They saw the sign.  "Oh no, they're not real?"  I could tell they were disappointed, and they mirrored each other's eye rolls.  I felt their disappointment.  And next time I really am going to keep my expectations low.

I have more photos from around the pond, as is my way, and I will be sharing those soon.

Thanks for visiting and happy Thursday to you all.


  1. I have seen birds floating on a pond that I thought were real, and they turned out not to be. The only way I could tell was that one was kind of listing to the side. It is dissapointing.

    1. I saw a duck decoy in the middle of a large pond not so long ago. It took us a while to realize what it was :)

  2. I feel your disappointment. And wonder whether the decoys work.

  3. Replies
    1. Estou muito feliz que você tenha gostado deles. Obrigado e envio os mesmos cumprimentos :)

  4. Oh no, what a let down. Then again, depending on how you look at it, you did see swans out there.

  5. Oh no, I am sorry they were not the real Swans. Swans are being seen all around Maryland. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Thank you Eileen, how wonderful they are being seen in your State :) I wish you the same :)

  6. I didn't know there were four types of swans. We saw some real swans in the city park here...and they are REAL.

    1. I'm glad you see the real ones in your city park Angie :)

  7. in your first beautiful photos I was thrilled that you could sneak up on them and the photos are really beautiful , shocked to the core that they are plastic. after reading the story don't you just wonder how in the world our world survived our growing up years when wild life just lived where ever they wanted to and no one died from it. so encourage the geese to go to somebody elses pond, just like people do with the homeless people, we want a home for you guys but NOT close to us.. oops venting comes easy.

    1. Thank you Sandra :) and yes indeed. That's a sad but wise analogy. Vent away my friend. There is lots to vent about right now.

  8. Replies
    1. I'm glad this gave you a chuckle, the irony of my swan episode was not lost on me. I had a chuckle too.

    2. Good story. I didn't know swans scared geese away.

    3. Thanks Red, I didn't know either.

  9. Thank you Linda, another lesson in keeping one's expectations low, in all things :)

  10. You had me hook, line, and sinker!!

    1. Those swans had me hook, line and sinker too ;)

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks Jeanie, I am seeing the funny side :)

  12. I am so sorry you were disappointed...


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