Sunday, July 30, 2017


~The Sun by Mary Oliver~

Have you ever seen anything in your life
more wonderful than the way the sun,
every evening, relaxed and easy, floats towards 
the horizon and into the clouds or the hills,
or the rumpled sea and is gone ---
and how it slides again out of the blackness, 
each morning, on the other side of the world,
like a red flower streaming upward on 
its heavenly oils, say, on a morning in 
early summer, at its perfect imperial distance ---
and have you ever felt for anything such wild love ---
Do you think there is anywhere, in any language,
a word billowing enough for the pleasure
that fills you as the sun reaches out, as it 
warms you as you stand there, empty-handed ---

or have you too turned from the world ---
or have you too gone crazy 
for power, for things?


  1. Beautiful poem and photographs. Nice to read something inspiring with all the blankety blank going on lately.

  2. Oh how I love sunrises ans sunsets. Have a great week Diane

    1. Me too :) I hope you also have a great week Diane.

  3. This is beautiful.
    And I so agree with the final lines. Too many of us are crazy for 'things'.

  4. The two photos you’ve included in this post fit in perfectly with the poem, setting a wondrous mood. Nature scenes are “a thing” I suppose but I’ve never been as awestruck by a piece of furniture, for example, as I have by a great sunrise and sunset. :)

    1. Thank you and I know what you mean Penelope. I feel the same way.

  5. Nice one, Denise. I sure love old Sol when it is winter...I feel the love more then! But I need sun....cannot stand dark and dreary for too long.

    1. Thank you Rose :) I agree, we need the sun.

  6. Mary Oliver certainly saw what we were to become.

    1. She is a very wise lady and I have always loved her poetry.

  7. This poem is new to me, and I adore it!!! I believe I will copy and keep it. The second picture is my favorite. It expresses so well what the poem is saying. You took it from a ship, I am guessing. Such a wonderful and inspirational post today!!!!

    1. I am very happy you enjoyed it Ginny. I actually took the second photo from the top of a cliff in California.

  8. Gorgeous photo, and it complements the poem very well, Denise!

  9. Warm greetings to you, Denise. Have a fantastic new week!

  10. Hello, Denise. Love the poem and images. I try not to be crazy for things, I could easily become a minimalist. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

    1. You sound like me Eileen. Thank you! Wishing you a great week :)

  11. Oh - I liked that very much Denise. Thank you.

  12. we were discussing the power for things this morning over our first cup of coffee. our America is now in the throes of wanting things more than ever before... and there is no answer

    1. I know it can be very upsetting Sandra but I will always live in hope, especially when I read how many Americans give so much to charitable causes, not just regular folks like us, but billionairs like Mr and Mrs. Bill Gates. When people like that give back, I feel there is hope for the world yet. In the words of Mr Rogers' mother, "Always look for the helpers". They are still out there :)

  13. The poem is lovely. I've always loved sunrises and sunsets. So true that our world is driven by greed, always grasping for more. If we would take a bit more time for appreciation of nature, we'd all be better off. And, yes, we need to care about the welfare of others and do all we can to make sure everyone gets a fair chance in life.

    1. i enjoyed reading your comment Janie. Food for thought.

  14. Beautiful post! Such an important reminder...and lovely photos!

  15. So beautiful... Mary O so often expresses perfectly the way I feel but can't put into words. Sunsets and sunrises are definitely my favorite way to recharge and (these days) to remind myself that the world is still turning in spite of it all.

  16. A splendid choice of poem for such pretty shots!


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