Tuesday, March 19, 2024


If I could patch a coverlet 

From pieces of the Spring,

What dreams a happy child would have 

Beneath so fair a thing!

A center of the dear blue sky,

A bordering of green,

With patches of the yellow sun

All checkered in between.

Bright ribbons of the silky grass

Laced prettily across,

With satin of new little leaves,

And velvet of the moss.

In every corner, violets,

Half-hidden from the view,

With many-flowered squares betwixt,

Of pinky tints and blue…

Embroideries of little vines,

And spider-webs of lace…

With gold-thread I would sew the seams,

And needles of the pine;

Oh never child in all the world

Would have a quilt like mine.”

~Abbie Farwell Brown~

“Spring Patchwork” 1901

Abbie Farwell Brown (August 21, 1871 – March 5, 1927) was an American writer.  She was born in Boston, Massachusetts, the first of two daughters of Benjamin F. Brown, a descendant of Isaac Allerton, and Clara Neal Brown, who contributed to The Youth's Companion. Her sister Ethel became an author and illustrator under the name Ann Underhill. Her family, for ten generations, had only resided in New England, and Brown herself spent her entire life in her family's Beacon Hill home.

You can read about Abbie at this link.


  1. Wonderful, brilliant, and heartfelt!! I ALWAYS really enjoy your poems, you sure know how to find them.

    1. Thank you Ginny, so glad. I am very lucky to find these poems but I love looking for them and I read many that are lovely, usually choosing a favorite like this one :)

  2. A very beautiful poem haunts us even now. The information about the author is also interesting.

    1. Thank you Katerina, I'm glad you found it so :)

  3. What a lovely poem. The AI's are good too, fun stuff Denise.

  4. What a wonderful poem . The pictures are perfect. I love the joy in those little faces.

  5. Replies
    1. I agree, just a perfect and sweet little smile. It captures the complete innocence of children :)

  6. What a wonderful quilt that would be.

  7. Pretty Spring poem and lovely images. Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

    1. Thank you Eileen, much appreciated and I wish you the same :)

  8. Beautiful and nature is my favorite patchwork quilt. The poem says it all, so do the pictures.

    1. Mine too Sandra and thank you. Nature is a soothing, powerful medicine :)

  9. Replies
    1. Glad you enjoyed, thank you Donna and sending hugs :)

  10. Thank you Linda and the same to you :) I hope you get your warm weather soon.

  11. Thank you for this sweet poem. Denise! I'm taking notes to improve my own. Thank you very much. Aloha

  12. The photos are precious, Denise, and I really liked the poem. My sister used to sew quilts, and I've always thought it was such a talent. There's nothing like a handmade quilt made with love.


    1. That's great Sheri, thank you so much! So nice that your sister made quilts :) It is a marvelous talent and I totally agree with you.

  13. A lovely poem illustrating the joys of Spring. I also love the face of this darling child! How fresh and sweet the innocence of a child's face. I must read more about the author, Denise.

    1. I was in awe of this sweet face, everything you described. I need to read more of her work also. A nice thing to look forward to :) Thank you Martha Ellen.

  14. I love this! The poem, the thought and the beautiful pictures! Happy first day of spring to you!!

    1. Thank you Jennifer, so glad you enjoyed and a happy first day of spring to you also :)

  15. Lovely photo of the boy enjoying Spring. I hope you are too. The poem is very applicable to your time of the year.

    1. Thank you Diane :), it's a lovely sunny day and hopefully it will get warmer soon. Bit chilly today! I agree with you.

  16. A lovely poem about the joys of Spring. Thank you for sharing x


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