Sunday, March 24, 2024


We are making our way down the hill and looking up you will see the greenhouse building.  I am not sure its proper name, but it contains many plants which we have yet to explore.  On its left you can just about see the chess set I showed you in this post.
And a little more clearly here.
In my last post I mentioned the couple who were having some professional photos taken in one of our favorite spots.  We were sitting across from them, seated underneath the cherry blossom trees.  We always enjoy sharing in others' joyful moments, even at a distance.  It was a lovely scene!  This is Gregg's photo and I like the fact that he caught the branch in sharper focus than the couple, giving them their privacy.
Here's another!
It was a lovely day and the turtles were out sunning themselves. We noticed several green bags floating on the edges of the pond. Whether these were for the turtles themselves I'm not sure. Perhaps something to do with cleaning the water in the pond also.
  Whatever their purpose, the turtles certainly seemed to be making use of them.  From what I read at their website, they are Eastern Painted Turtles.
These pretty blue flowers are called Glory-of-the-snow, also known as Boissier's glory-of-the-snow, Lucile's glory-of-the-snow, with a botanical name of Scilla lucillae. 
Not the clearest photo but it will give you an idea of what it looks like close up. It gets its name because it blooms so early in the spring or late winter.  Like snowdrops, you may see them poking up from the snow.  They are grown from bulbs and they tolerate full sun to partial shade.
One last photo for today of the Common Hyacinth, also called Wild Hyacinth with a botanical name of Hyacinthus orientalis. Another heralder of spring.

A shorter post as it is getting late. I will share another next week sometime.

Thanks for visiting and I hope the weather is treating you well. I've read that some of our northern friends are still getting snow. 

Take good care of yourselves everyone.


  1. We used to have hyacinths on the side of the house and loved seeing them bloom first in spring. Sigh... Thank you for the memories.

    1. Hi Kay :) you are very welcome. It must have been a lovely sight.

  2. Replies
    1. And from both of us, you are very welcome Sue :) so good to see you here.

  3. The blue flowers are gorgeous. I'm pretty sure I have never seen them before. I think my favorite photo is the second one of the greenhouse with the glorious trees behind it! Those bags are sure a mystery!

    1. Glad you like them Ginny :) they certainly are a mystery. I am going to write to the garden this week and hopefully will get the info to pass on.

  4. Thanks Denise for the beautiful Sunday post. The beautiful romantic side of life. I really like the post❤️

    1. You are very welcome Katerina and thank you :) I am very happy you enjoyed.

  5. Such a relaxing and beautiful place to take a walk! Happy Sunday!

    1. Thank you Angie, it was :) Happy Sunday to you also.

  6. The blossom is lovely, and yes, nice of your husband to give the couple privacy.
    The flowers are beautiful Denise.

    1. He is very good about that Margaret, thank you :)

  7. you certainly had discovered a very relaxing and beautiful place to sit with nature and enjoy her blessings :)
    professional photos are better in quality because of better camera . i share photos from my garden and try to use my older phone to capture blooms but it is not satisfactory often .
    loved these blue tiny blooms wow so cool and gorgeous !
    the other one is also so pretty .

    1. Dear Baili, it is one we keep going back to and never get tired of :) very true regarding cameras. Glad you enjoyed and blessings to you also.

  8. The couple in bokeh is casting a good dreamy feel

  9. Spring is a glorious time in this lovely garden, Denise. Gregg's photo is so lovely of the blossoming branch with the couple in the background. The turtles are darling storing up solar energy. Happy Sunday to you as well, my friend. I think we will dry out a bit today. Our daughter in New England has 20 inches of wet snow on the ground! Spring is a teaser for us all.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, always appreciate your kind words. Oh my goodness, I hope your daughter will be seeing warmer days to help with those 20 inches. I think spring is confusing all the flowers also :)

  10. our weather is good, and we are enjoying the hot days and cooler nights. love those wedding photos. perfection. that is an amazing building and one of the biggest greenhouses I have ever seen. wow.

    1. That’s wonderful Sandra, sounds great and thank you :) Yes it’s a big greenhouse! There seem to be some very large plants in there.

  11. It's a lovely place to have special photographs taken.
    The scilla are so pretty - it would be marvellous to see them against snow.
    I'm wondering if the green bags are full of barley straw, used for cleaning algae from standing water.

    1. Thank you Janice :) They would be lovely against snow. Thank you for that great idea on the green bags. Makes a lot of sense.

  12. Beautiful photos, the flowers are lovely and I love the turtles.
    Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and have a great new week!

    1. Wonderful Eileen and thank you :) I wish you the same.

  13. I absolutely love hyacinth. That Glory-of-the-snow is really pretty.

    1. They are beautiful aren’t they, and the Glory-of-the-snow :)

  14. If you happen to find out the intended purpose for those bags be sure to let us know. I’d be interested. As you say, they are great spots for the turtles to haul out and bask.

    1. I will definitely let you know if I get an answer. Thanks for the interest David :)

  15. Since we were getting a wintry mix on Saturday, Denise, it was lovely to see this continuation of your walk at Meadowlark Gardens with so many lovely blooms.

    1. So glad Dorothy and I certainly hope your weather improves :)

  16. Those turtles seem very happy with the bags. Beautiful flowers!

  17. Your glory-in-the-snow looks like my blue bells. My blue bells are just coming out of the ground.

    1. Hi Red, they do I agree :) Hope you take some photos of yours :)

  18. It is spring and romance is in the air

  19. Oh, look at those pink blossom trees! I really miss seeing them - they always graced the streets of my hometown, and looked so pretty. The turtle photos are really nice, and I'm wondering what that is they are resting on? The hyacinths are gorgeous - what a pretty color they are!

    Have a restful weekend, Denise, and good week ahead.


    1. Your hometown must have been very picturesque. The color of the hyacinth is gorgeous isn’t it? I hope I get an answer about the turtle’s resting spot soon :) Thank you and I wish you the same Sheri :)

  20. Still cold and snowy in South Dakota! Hope you had a great weekend!

  21. Such an idyllic place! Very glad to spend time there with you. Of course you bring a wonderful eye with you and we appreciate your photos. Aloha!

    1. I am so glad you enjoyed our photos Cloudia along with the tour :) Thank you for your kind words.

  22. Thank you Linda and I am happy for you as I know how I am after it has been absent for a while :) and that’s chilly!!!

  23. A lovely Sunday post ... love the turtles :)

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you so much Jan and thank you! All the best to you also :)

  24. What a delightful stroll through the gardens, Denise!
    And how considerate of Gregg to respect the privacy of the couple amidst such picturesque surroundings.
    Beautiful photos—I especially love the gorgeous hyacinths.

    Hugs and blessings

    1. Hello Veronica Lee :) and thank you so much! He has always been very considerate and kind and he will appreciate your comments very much. Hugs and blessings to you also.

  25. I think the green bags contain barley which is used to remove green algae from water. We used some many years ago in our pond and the pond was a lot clearer after that.

    1. Thanks Beverley, this is so good to know :) I have been thinking about this as Jan mentioned the same theory. I think you two have found the answer.


  26. What a lovely place to view as it is waking up for the warmer times!

  27. Both kinds of blue flowers are wonderful! And Greg's photos of the flowering branch and the happy engaged couple are perfect, the technique perfectlly captures the joy without intruding.

    1. They are very pretty and I will pass onto Gregg what you said about his photos :) Thank you Sallie!


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