Wednesday, February 14, 2024


What's this?

"It's a Knight, not a horsey!" or so the quote goes.  This gave me another smile.  I always, before I was aware of the significance of each chess piece when at a very young age, liked horsey the best.

We saw the Chess Set last year in a different area of the garden, in between the Visitor Center and the Atrium. There was always a lot of activity around it, so we usually continued our walk down the hill. 

On this visit we found it had been moved to the back of the greenhouse building.  

We were on our own and had fun walking around it and taking photos.

It had been raining but fortunately not when we were there.  

I am typing this on 2-13-24 and we have been out for a good part of the day. We awoke to 28 degrees F. The high was 46. We also had a dusting of snow this morning, but by the time we got back home it had gone. More expected on Saturday apparently, but I don't think it will be much. Here is our forecast through to Thursday the 22nd. You can click on it for a more detailed view.

(Graphics are from my favorite go-to,


  1. Very cool. I wonder why they keep moving it?

    1. Thanks Ginny :) there was a wedding photography session going on where it usually is. They have a lot of weddings in the Atrium. I'm guessing the chess set was moved because of them. This is a nice place for it to be though, as out of frame, the set is overlooking one of the lakes.

  2. Keep warm. The chess does look great there.

  3. How tall are the chess pieces? As tall as a person? Hope you can keep warm while we are trying to keep cool.

    1. They come up to above my waist Diane, not quite as tall as a person. And I hope you are keeping cool :)

  4. horse is popular here as well as chess figure dear Denise :)

    i enjoyed the Gambit queen show on netflix because i found the game intriguing
    how nice you spent a beautiful day out wandering around and exploring the beauty of surroundings .
    in Celsius your temps seems very cold for us here
    more blessings to you and loved ones

    1. That's lovely baili :) I'll have to check out the show on netflix. Thank you and many blessings to you and your loved ones also.

  5. I am always drawn to chess pieces in game shop

    1. There are some wonderful chess sets aren't there? I remember seeing a really old one in a mansion we were visiting, and they had one that belonged to Napolean. I found that mesmerizing :)

  6. The giant chess set is cool. We had a little snow too, I was happy to see it melt quickly. Take care, have a wonderful day!

    1. Happy you think so Eileen, thanks so much! Glad your snow went away quickly :) You take care and have a wonderful day also.

  7. Thank you, Denise, what a nice blog. I can't play chess. But the men in my house can, and they promised years ago to explain it to me, but they never did. Because I'm bad at math, I don't think I can do it.

    Nice to see your photos. It's very gloomy here (the weather), so I'm making it cozy here. That's what I need. And I'm going for a walk anyway, to the village. Just to get out for a bit. That will do me good. Lots of Loves from a rainy and gloomy mid-Netherlands.

    1. Much appreciate you saying so Aritha, thank you :) I don't play chess either. I hope you enjoyed your walk, exercise is very good for us but very cold weather puts us off a bit. Thank you for the link. I am a bit late getting around but I will pop over as soon as I publish this comment.

  8. This reminds me of a chess game we played back in the 1970s. We were human chess pieces. Haha.

    1. That sounds like fun! The thought of it makes me smile. Thanks Gigi :)

  9. Hi Denise, glad to read that you are feeling better and back to your outdoor explorations. There was an oversize chess set similar to this one on the front lawn of the Woodstock Inn (NH) when we stayed there in the past. It was interesting that no one was using this one and that all the pieces were in place.

    1. Thank you Dorothy :) Interesting about the Woodstock Inn. It was probably too cold for people to play. There were very few people at the garden the day we went.

  10. Well you didn't play chess on that board. I tried it once and you sort of get lost as you cant see and envision the whole board.

  11. brrr on you cold, that chess set is really cool. my brother loves to play, he would love this but not if i were there. he once tried to explain it to me and never tried again

    1. There are things we enjoy doing and things we don’t, and your brother probably figured that out quickly. Gregg can see the walls go up if there is something I am not interested in :) I literally shut down, not something I am consciously aware of. We are expecting snow tomorrow but more in the more western part of the state. Fingers crossed for us all.

  12. Kiedyś w naszym mieście też były podobne szachy. Piękne są szachy które pokazałaś w twoim poście. Miłego weekendu :)

    1. Dziękuję bardzo :) Widziałem podobne szachy niedaleko miasteczka w którym mieszkali wiele lat temu. Życzę miłego weekendu.

  13. How cool that is. So did you challenge your husband to a game? I've never been very good at chess.

    1. No, I don't play chess Ann and it was way too cold to stay for long :)

  14. That looks interesting.
    I'll have to put Meadowlark Gardens on my wish list of places to visit.

    1. Hi Sandra, I think you would enjoy the garden in the warmer months, but must say that it has a very steep hill that takes you down to the lakes where the gazebo is, and it feels even steeper going back up the hill after a long walk. Fortunately there are plenty of benches not very far apart :)

  15. Your temps are only a little bit warmer than ours. I love that giant chess set. It would be fun to "play." (First I have to learn!)

  16. Thanks for the post, which is very interesting! I liked chess, we have a similar one at the school I teach!

    1. You are very welcome Katerina, I am glad you found it interesting. The chess set would be a great addition to any school :)

  17. Fun chess set, it reminds me of the scene in one of the Harry Potter films where Ron had to get on the Knight to view the board and play. Happy Valentine's Day to you and your Valentine!

    1. It was and I must rewatch the Harry Potter series one of these days :)

  18. That chess set is really neat. I like the black and white board. I used to be pretty good at checkers, but haven't played in so long. Now, it's just checkers, which I enjoy. You always come across interesting things at the gardens, Denise.


    1. I enjoyed playing checkers with my father. Always had fun with them. I'm fortunate with our local gardens, as they always have something interesting to look at. Thanks Sheri :)


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