Sunday, February 4, 2024


These are the birds that I saw out back over the last few weeks. You can click on the collage to enlarge. I changed their birdseed and added fruits and nuts, but I noticed there were those who were a no-show. I am going to add millet next time. The Northern Cardinal (thank you David - see his comment) still remains elusive. Any advice on a birdseed that works for you? I would love to know and thanks in advance.
For those of you who don't get them in your part of the world, I have named them all, adding links with more information if you click on those names.

Middle row left to right: Blue JayAmerican CrowAmerican Goldfinch
Bottom row left to right: Carolina Wren, two more Eastern Bluebirds, Black-capped Chickadee

Thanks for looking and 
have a great week.


  1. What a great variety! My favorites are the Wren and the Titmouse. I know that Cardinals love black sunflower seeds, but I'm sure you have already tried that.

    1. Thanks Ginny, I'll have to remember that and look out for them next time we go to the store. I've bought sunflower seeds before and will have to check on the ingredients of the bag I have. I am always trying different things as I notice some birds love it or leave it depending on what I get :)

  2. Lovely to see these birds that visit you Denise.

  3. So many different kinds of birds that I have never seen over here...they are so beautiful.

    1. I feel blessed to have such a variety, thank you Angie :)

  4. Aren't they all cute?!! I love birds...

    1. Me too, I adore our bird life :) Sending hugs!

  5. i love the tit mouse, small, cute , adorable birds are my favorites. the ones that look like we could cuddle them in the palm of our hand. I like the style of the collage

    1. They certainly are an adorable bird :) Thank you Sandra, I made the collage on paint shop pro.

  6. Replies
    1. We do have quite a variety, changing depending on the migration patterns :)

  7. The only seed I use, universally accepted by all, is sunflower hearts; in other words sunflowers minus the shell, so there is no mess, which pleases Miriam to no end. Congratulations on spelling the names of the birds correctly, with hyphens in the right place. I have to grit my teeth sometimes when I see how people mangle names. Canadian Goose instead of Canada Goose is the worst. The cardinal by the way is Northern Cardinal, not Eastern Cardinal. Good luck with luring it to your feeders. They visit my yard on a regular basis.

    1. Thank you David, I try to get things correct but I missed the cardinal. I should have seen that mistake but I appreciate you letting me know. How lovely you have them as regular visitors. I am still waiting for them to come back :)

  8. Hello Denise,
    You have a wonderful variety of feeder birds, great photos. Take care, enjoy your day and have a happy week ahead.

    1. Thank you Eileen, I appreciate that. I wish you the same :)

  9. It will be interesting to see who shows up when you put the millet out. Great photos!

    1. Hello Jim and Barb, and thank you :) It turned out, the millet wasn't all that popular. I am still scratching my head on that one.

  10. beautiful images of these gorgeous birds, you are getting a nice variety. i only use black oil sunflower seeds (i think) the hubs buys it, no filler. i use a woodpecker specific suet!!

    1. Happy you like them Debbie. I am always in awe of your photos. Thank you for the tips on the bird feed.

  11. Replies
    1. You are very welcome Hilly, so glad you enjoyed my post.

  12. You take some of the best bird photos, Denise. I love that little bluebird sitting on the bird house. Such a cute picture.

    Have a lovely Sunday.


    1. So kind of you to say that Sheri :) That little bluebird was a treat to see, I was very happy he landed on it.

  13. Pielne ptaki . Lubię malować ptaki . Ptaki lubią nasiona dyni i słonecznika. Miłego eieczoru:)

    1. To byłyby fajne tematy! Dziękujemy za pomysły na karmę. Bardzo doceniam. Życzę Ci udanego tygodnia :)

  14. That's a nice variety of birds. When we used to fill feeders we only ever put out black oil sunflower seed. We occasionally got cardinals but not regularly.

    1. Thanks Ann, I am going to have to put sunflower seeds on my shopping list :) Our cardinals still seem to be a bit shy but I've had the female visiting over the last couple of days.

  15. Don't those little feathered friends just make your heart happy!! We recently changed bird seed...and seemed to have "run off" our birds. Sooo disappointing. We will have to go back for the much more expensive seed (sigh) but what do to with a full (large) bag of less desirable seed?!?

    1. They certainly do Jennifer :) That's so interesting about your birds too. I seem to be getting quite a few back again and one even turned up today that I didn't recognize. I'll have to get to identifying it when I download the photos. Yes, what to do with the old birdseed? Hubs said it will go eventually so living in hope here :)

  16. They are all such beautiful birds.

    Happy Sunday Wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. I think so too, love them visiting. Thank you Jan and all the best to you too :)

  17. All of your darling birds are so photogenic, Denise! Your gorgeous photos are exquisite. We have a cardinal pair that seems to like our yard. My observations of them is that they really love to have a tree or shrub nearby to hide and watch each other as they come to our feeders. We buy the 40lb bag of seed from BJ's--Songbird Mix, white millet and cracked corn. It also has a lot of sunflower seed that they seem to enjoy. I hope you had a lovely Sunday. It was a beauty!

    1. That's very sweet of you to say Martha Ellen, thank you :) You are right about the places to hide. I fully believe things started to change when we had to cut our old tree down. It was bird heaven for them and for us. I am bound and determined to plant another this year. We have other trees in the garden but none near where we have our bird feeders. I could feed them nearer the trees but then I wouldn't be able to get to see them at all. I'm just going to have to make it as inviting as I can this year and I have a few ideas :) Thank you also for the idea on the birdseed.

  18. Good for you to try a variety of foods to attract birds.

  19. What a terrific selection. (And I'm glad you identified them!). The photos are terrific and I love the wonderful variety!

    1. Thank you Jeanie, I am very happy you enjoyed them and appreciate the sweet compliment.

  20. Sounds like you have a nice variety also Linda :) I have fun watching them.


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