Tuesday, February 13, 2024


 There actually wasn't a lot to see.  Not much wildlife visible except for the three turtles on the manmade island in the middle of the pond.  

We were surprised to see them, but it had warmed up to the low 60s, so perhaps they felt it was a good time to sunbathe.

We were very interested in this lady's 'bike' however.  Gregg is very interested in purchasing an electric bike for us, and I jokingly said not unless you can get me a tricycle. As I have mentioned before I'm dangerous on my own two feet, I doubt I would be very safe on an electric bike! Well, he spotted this lady's contraption and there you go, his mind started working in that direction again.  "Nope!" says I. Nope, nope and that's a big nope!!!  I see a ditch in my future I said.

I have an idea this lady was practicing on something new.  Her husband wasn't too far behind on a regular bike. I think she was using her own peddle-power. My dear other half said you can probably get an electric one just like that. Nope, nope, nope says I again with a smile.  

It's good for a fun conversation.  We were sitting on a bench on the other side of the pond, ending up laughing at the thought of me on one of those things, me more than dear other half. Goodness what would it be like if that were me?  I'd have to attach a big red flag to warn people I was coming on through.  Nope, I don't think so!

The next thing that took our attention was the beaver lodge. No sign of Mr. and Mrs. Beaver.  We noticed their abode had a very unruly look to it and wondered if they had been encouraged to vacate.  There were a lot of downed trees in the woods, sawn into manageable logs.  Not pointing fingers at the beaver as they all looked like they had fallen naturally, were very old and rotted, and odd branches had been thrown on top of the lodge, by park people we are guessing.  It didn't look like our nice beaver lodge we remember a few months back. You can see our last visit at this link if you would like a reminder.

I am in the middle of putting a post together on our walk around Meadowlark Gardens. I'm also doing my best to catch up with your comments since I had my short break, for which I thank you once again as I have loved reading them.  

I haven't been out the last couple of days as it has been very rainy.  Plenty of things to do around the house but I'm hoping the weather will dry up enough so we can get back to our walks.  I love getting out in nature.  Nature and home are definitely my two happy places.

Enjoy the rest of your week my friends.  I hope you are getting some sunshine.


  1. So glad you are in your happy place! And have another not too far away! Always a pleasure to be with you both. Aloha

    1. Thank you Cloudia and with you :) Aloha my friend.

  2. No need to hurry with your blogging and visiting, we will all wait. Don't push yourself. I love the reflections you got of the turtles! I am extremely clumsy, so would wreak havoc in any contraption that moves. I do have to use a scooter in the grocery stores, though. Phil used to want an electric bike. The neighbors next to us have one each for the husband and wife, and we see them out riding a lot. This contraption is so unusual! I showed Phil, as he used to work in rehab. He has never seen anything like it! I will say if we got chucked out of it, we wouldn't have far to fall!

    1. Thank you for your very welcome patience Ginny, you are such a good friend :) You and I seem kindred spirits with the clumsy situation. I love that last sentence.

  3. It is so beautiful to see how the turtle cleaves the water in the middle

    1. That's a lovely way of putting it Roentare, thank you :) I agree!

  4. That bike is rather interesting. I'm wondering how you steer it though.

    1. I was wondering that too Ann, if there were hand-steering grips at each side maybe? I'll have to look it up :)

  5. Oh, I think you Should get an electric bike! Practice makes perfect...even the recumbent bike! How fun! lol

    1. Who knows Donna, I just might be persuaded eventually. I probably won't take it out of the box for a couple of years, lol! Sending hugs :)

  6. Bardzo fajny spacer. Żółwie zapewne cieszyły się z ciepłych promieni słońca . Rower super tylko nie wiem czy dałabym radę nim jeździć;) Miłego a życze:)

    1. Zgadzam się ze wszystkim co mówisz. Chyba nawet nie dałabym rady się z tego wydostać! :)))

  7. Hello,
    What a nice walk. I love the turtle. We may have more snow today, winter is not over yet. I would rather walk than bike ride. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. It is a lovely walk and a very easy one around the pond. We had a light dusting of snow but it's just about gone. I must say, I would rather walk than ride also. Thank you and I wish you the same :)

  8. I'm with you on the bike contraption, Denise. That would be a big "nope" :-)
    Glad you are starting to feel better again after being a little under the weather.
    Shame about the beaver lodge I hope they are ok. I enjoyed reading your Witch hazel post and the mug in a cup looks yummy.
    Have a good rest of the week x

    1. Thank you, I am almost 100 percent now. A kindred spirit and yes, I hope the beavers are okay. So glad you enjoyed the Witch hazel post and the mug in a cup. You have a great weekend x :)

  9. you would love to visit Desoto Monument natl park, we went there this past Saturday, i dragged bob out, we only stayed 20 minutes but i did get about 40 photos. did not get to do the trails though, which is what you would love. we used to hike all the trails within 10 miles distance from us and there are many, but not now. i would not ride that bike either. just imagine trying to sit down in in and them even worse get up out of it.

    1. I think I would definitely love it Sandra :) I am looking forward to seeing all your photos. That's one of the things I thought of about trying to get out of the thing. Now that would be quite a spectacle for people, lol!

  10. I sold our bikes. Our backs and shin splints and tendonitis precludes riding now.

    1. That would definitely take the fun out of it. I always remember one of my friends saying years ago after I offered sympathy when she got out of a low chair, no worries she said, we come with sound effects at this age. Well, I definitely come with sound effects, lol! Thanks Jenn :)

  11. Seriously consider the "contraption". They are available and you could go much further than now. Do you have an app to identify birds? The app will find birds for you. We pass a large percentage of birds as they are aware of our presence so sit still and we go by.

    1. I will definitely consider it Red :) I would like to go a little bit further but I was hoping to use my own two feet. I am amazed that I don't have an app for birds, thanks so much for the reminder.

  12. I'm pretty sure I would drive that bike right into the pond!! I see you were at Walney Park....I grew up there. Well, not at the park but in that area. Hardly recognize it now but nice that the park is still enjoyed by folks (alongside all the growth and traffic!) Happy Tuesday to you!

    1. Ah yes, that's what I thought of too :) How wonderful you grew up around there. Yes, I'm glad they kept this area for people to enjoy. Yes on the traffic and growth. It certainly doesn't seem to be slowing down. They are building extra lanes now and that's on the side roads, not the freeway. A lot of people are losing a good portion of their front gardens.

  13. I would have to say no, no, no to an electric bike or any bike. I retired from bicycling after my bike accident several years ago. I smiled visualizing the two of you laughing on that bench. Hope you have a sweet Valentine's day tomorrow!

    1. Oh that doesn't sound good Ellen, your bike accident. I'm glad we made you smile with us sitting on the bench chatting. It's fun looking at what's going on around us and in the long run I always much prefer walking under my own steam. Hope your Valentine's day was wonderful. I am late answering all my comments as you can see :)

  14. I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better! A lady in our Park here rides a bike like that, just around the resort here I think, and she *does* have a tall red flag. There used to be quite a few "grown-up" tricycles around (I had one myself for a while) but I think the electric bikes have replaced most of those. And there are a lot of those! Not for me, I don't trust myself either. I had enough trouble with the tricycle.

    1. Thanks Sallie, people definitely have fun riding these bikes. I'm just not as steady as I used to be and even a tricycle doesn't appeal. I keep going back and forth on the idea but I really do much prefer walking and then it can be a challenge, lol! I enjoy seeing others using them :)

  15. It is a special bicycle.
    Nice turtle.

    1. It certainly is :) Thanks Hilly, I thought he was a nice turtle also. Like many things in nature, I love watching turtles.

  16. The turtles are very beautiful! Overall a very nice ride! The fauna is similar to where I live (Greece near Thessaloniki). Thanks for the post!

    1. Very much so, thank you Katerina and you are very welcome. I have heard of Thessaloniki. I always wanted to visit Greece and its islands. The pictures are incredible, beautiful country!

  17. Above all - you don't have to have everything :-))
    My girlfriend bought an electric bike that has a normal height and two wheels on the back instead of one because she has problems with her legs. The bike is safe when getting on and off... it is brand new and has not been tried yet - except when it was delivered with the service department. I am excited. When spring comes, it will be tried out, i.e. around 15 degrees Celsius.
    But like I said... you don't have to have everything :-)))
    The turtles are beautiful. Especially the first photo with the reflection. Thank you very much. Many greetings to you from Viola

    1. Greetings Viola :) Very wise, we really don't have to have everything :) These electrical bikes are very good for people with leg problems. I will be very interested in what you think when the time comes to ride in better weather. Thank you and wishes for a wonderful weekend.

  18. I do like that first photograph of the turtle, it looks a good walk.

    All the best Jan

    1. It's a nice walk, and I was surprised to see the turtles that day. All the best to you too Jan and thank you :)

  19. I have seen people riding bikes like that on our local bike path, but they are not electric. They pedal.

    1. Hello Sandra, they seem to be everywhere these days don't they?


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