Thursday, January 4, 2024


It has been a while but I am having trouble with my laptop. It is getting rather ancient but like an old sweater, I love it and I do hate change. It has been a bit finicky before but has come back after leaving it alone for a few days. However, the screen remains dark and still has the shaking of the image, though I can see the outline of the start-up page. No arrow to start it off even if I could see the screen properly. I have my iPad but I am an awful slowpoke on this thing and much faster with my laptop. Thank you for all the lovely comments. I will be plodding along on my iPad catching up with your blogs. I seem to be getting slower and slower returning comments, and apologies for that! I miss my laptop as I'm pretty fast on it. I’ll get there eventually though. I already had this post started off and a few more already set up, just a little finishing up here and there. Enough winging on my part, now for the fun stuff!

 In a post a few days ago, I finished off saying that it was our Daughter-in-Law's birthday on December 27th. They have been before and decided to go back to Las Vegas to celebrate. They are not gamblers but they do enjoy the shows, going to a variety of fun restaurants, and walking up and down the Strip exploring. They also met up with a good friend who was in town this time. Here are a few photos to be going on with. I will put together others soon. They are very sweet letting me share their photos.  The first three is of their hotel, 'New York New York Las Vegas Hotel and Casino'. It has a whopping 2,025 rooms including 104 suites. There are 12 towers ranging from 26 to 45 stories. There are 84,000 square feet of casinos, featuring 60 plus casino table games and over 1,000 slot/video machines. It has 23 restaurants from fine dining to casual. The roller coaster ride is a view from their bedroom. It is called The Big Apple Coaster and there is also an arcade.

Next shows part of "The Hotel Paris Las Vegas"

These decorations are in the Bellagio Conservatory. Their theme is the Nutcracker.  Just a little look as I have others to share that are as delightful as this.

I will be sharing more of their photos next Tuesday.

Thanks for visiting and I hope the start of your 
New Year is a great one.


  1. Thank you and your family for sharing these photos. I do hope your lap top settles down - or can be fixed.

    1. You are very welcome from all of us Sue and thank you :) Almost there with my computer problems.

  2. Sorry about your computer problem. I change my laptop every 2 years. Les Vegas looks such a fun place to be

    1. Thank you Roentare, they don't seem to last as long as they used to, do they? They love Las Vegas for many reasons, not gamblers though :)

  3. The photos are nice and good to see.
    Gosh if that was my laptop doing what you say I would have bought a new one by now...good luck with it though. Take care.

    1. Thank you Margaret, so glad you like them. I tend to be a hanger on with computers and thanks for wishing me good luck :) You take care too.

  4. Wow, wonderful photos. Wades oldest daughter lived in Las Vegas for a while. She worked at one of the big hotels. I think it was the MGM Grand.

    1. Thanks Ann. Interesting about your daughter. Their hotel was across the street from the MGM Grand.

  5. Bummer about the computer problems. It seems as though they don't last as long as they used to and one has to wonder if they installed a self destruct program or something.

  6. It's a bummer about the laptop, isn't it?
    Hopefully, it'll bounce back soon. I totally get that reluctance to switch—it's like parting with an old friend. Vegas does seem like a blast! Love the photos Denise.

    Hugs and blessings

    1. Hello Veronica Lee, thank you, it's been a bit frustrating but seems to be coming back, fingers crossed :) Yes, computers and I become very old friends, lol! Happy you enjoyed the photos, my son and daughter-in-law love it but as I have said before they don't go for the gambling. They enjoy the shows and the restaurants and the general trend of being around happy people.

  7. Las Vegas is certainly a photographers dream to visit. I had no idea the hotel had that many rooms or is that huge. thanks to them for sharing their photos. Sounds like it is time for a new laptop. I can't live without my desktop but also can't live without my laptop. life is short, go get that laptop. they are a lot cheaper than they used to be. depends on what you buy though. is yours a Windows or a mac, if its a mac, nothing cheap out there. I am thinking it is not the cost of one but the new laptop thing.

    1. It truly is Sandra, most of the hotels are so big and The Bellagio where these decorations are, have 3,933 rooms. You're right, I should get a new laptop, it's on my list :) I like mac laptops but I am so invested in my Paint Shop Pro that I stick to Windows. I haven't found a program that I like better but I suppose it's fits me like an old shoe at this stage.

  8. Las Vegas is a fun place to visit and to celebrate a birthday! Love the photos, the roller coaster looks fun. Take care, have a wonderful day!

    1. Thank you Eileen, they had a great time :) Wishing you the same :)

  9. Super... I like :-)))
    Dear Denise, thank you for the photos from Las Vegas, it is probably the dream of many people to be there one day... I don't think I will achieve it... but I am happy to say that I have been there several times Paris was... and that comforts me a lot :-)))
    Kind regards to you.
    I wish you a wonderful 2024. Yes, it started very well, including here for me.
    Hug Viola

    1. Dear Viola, I went to Paris once and I loved it! Such a beautiful city! I hope to get there again one day. My kind regards to you also, as well as wishing you A Very Happy and Healthy New Year. So glad you are off to a good start. Sending hugs :)

  10. Bad news on the computer. If you don't already back up your computer (photos, documents) on an external hard drive or the cloud, get a drive NOW -- just in case you are having a hard drive problem. I'd hate to see you lose your photos. And get thee to a computer fixer soon!

    1. Thank you Jeanie, that is excellent advice :) I purchased a portable hard drive and have been backing up madly. I used to be very organized doing so but have slowed down some and needed this wake-up call!!!

  11. Thanks for sharing your photos....and here's to a new year without computer woes. Ugh...they can be so aggravating! Happy New Year to you!

    1. You are very welcome Jennifer, and thank you :) Much appreciate those sentiments. Yes, frustrating! Happy New Year to you too :)

  12. Completely different sky line since I went through Vegas.

    1. It keeps on changing Red :) I went there years ago for the first time and it certainly has since then.

  13. I'm hopeless on other devices that are not my laptop, especially my phone. I don't know how people blog from their phones!? I hope things will shape up soon. Good for you for using your ipad. The photos are so clear and crisp. Thanks for sharing them.

    1. Thank you Ellen :) I couldn't do it from my phone, I have a hard enough time with my iPad. My eyesight just isn't up to it even with glasses on. My eyes get tired very quickly.

  14. Over the top, which you expect with Vegas.

    1. Yes, but such a fun place even for those who aren't interesting in gambling.

  15. The hotel must have been amazing. Likewise the skyline, buildings and decorations. I can sympathise regarding your computer woes.

    1. It is, I remember going there to look around when we were there several years ago. Thank you for the computer sympathy Linda, I know you have had your issues lately :)

  16. Thank you for sharing some wonderful photos of Las Vegas. Amazing rollercoaster ride.
    I hope your daughter -in-law had a lovely birthday and that you all have a peaceful 2024.

    1. Thank you so much and you are very welcome :) She said her birthday was great, and I know they celebrated at a wonderful restaurant, and maybe saw a show that night, or it could have been another night but they had a blast. You all have a peaceful 2024 also. It's been so nice getting to know you.

  17. Sorry about your computer problem, so annoying.

    Thanks for sharing the Las Vegas photographs.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, frustrating too but all seems to be going in the right direction now :) You are very welcome to the photos, glad you enjoyed. All the best too.

  18. Like yourself, Denise, I know that it is past time for me to replace my desktop PC as while it still functions, it tends to be slow. I'm considering a laptop replacement but also like you dislike change. Hope we both get our PC issues sorted this year. The shared photos of Las Vegas show it exactly for what I've always considered it to be - a playground for adults. I've visited once and also not a gambler, the sights years ago pale in comparison to these!

    1. Yes, I think we have all been in the same boat :) I haven't been back to Las Vegas in several years, so I loved my dear family's photos. Glad you enjoyed them also.

  19. Oh sorry about your computer! Thanks for the memories of Vegas, I have been a few times.

    1. Thank you Christine, as I write this comment on the 10th, its conniption has connipted, lol! Gregg keeps telling me to change over to a new one but still doddering along with the old :) Glad these brought back memories of your visit.

  20. Computer issues seem to happen to us all, Denise. So sorry, my friend. Great shots of Las Vegas. So nice of your son and daughter -in-law to share! Look at that gorgeous blue sky!

    1. How true Martha Ellen :) Thank you, I'm grateful for something to share. The weather was very nice out there.

  21. That looks amazing! I would love to go to Las Vegas to see the shows and the sights. Plus the restaurants are supposed to be great. I am not a gambler. If I wanted to throw away my money I can stay home and do that.

    Sorry about your laptop being in its last days. I've just resigned myself to getting a new one every few years. The cheap ones work great for me.

    1. Thanks Yogi, I loved their photos, these particularly as it shows one of my favorite themes for the holidays. People don't realize that there is so much more to do there than gambling. They had some great meals and great shows, and loads of sight-seeing. Thank you for the sympathy on my laptop issues, and you're right about the cheap ones. I don't need one with the bells and whistles.

  22. Blogging on an iPad is tricky. You have to be careful that you don’t accidentally delete a bunch of things. I find that it is good for short posts.

    1. It certainly is and I couldn't agree with you more Linda :)


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