Thursday, January 25, 2024


I was really taken with this tire cover, so of course had to take a couple of photos. 

At one of the local shopping areas.

I like the banners for obvious reasons.


Great cloud action!

We are looking at one of the main roads from where we parked our car.  I love taking photos of trees.

Back home and more trees!

I have mentioned this before but I want to plant one this year, to replace the tree we had to cut down for safety reasons. In its peak years it was very big and lush, with branches hanging over most of the deck, and it was a great shade tree.  In the summer it made me feel like we lived in a forest far away from everything. We were also closer to the birds and squirrels. When we sat outside we heard the constant chirps and chattering.  Looking up only a few feet from our heads, they were staring down from their respective perches.  They must have felt very safe with all that cover.  It was special! A great natural privacy fence that I'm sure our neighbors appreciated too, I hope. We probably won't see a new one grow that big, but maybe our son and daughter-in-law will live here one day and they will be able to sit under it, who knows. It's a nice pipe dream.

The squirrel made me smile.  The first day when it snowed, he seemed very comfortable having shelter over his head.  That's a benefit I hadn't thought about when we purchased this garden bench/feeding table.  He had already been at the top and rearranged the trays.  We have found them on the deck a few times, and sometimes he/she or they, because we have a family of four that visit, have pushed them through the space in the rail and we have found them in the dirt.  No breakages, they bounce well!

A hawk visited in the afternoon.  It landed on the rail but thankfully it didn't stay around for long.  I love these majestic birds even though I don't want them to stay for long.  No photos, way too fast and I was too slow reacting.  They don't visit often but I have seen them for several years now quite close, resting, searching.  The backyard residents know when to make themselves scarce.

The day ended with another pretty sunset.

And guess who paid us a visit?  Our male Cardinal.  He has been missing for a couple of months, and last week he did a quick flyby over a two-day time frame, even sat on the rail for a while just looking, and now he's back. He stayed much longer and I am hoping he will keep visiting.  No mate though, soon I hope.  It's a bit messy out there but the snow is disappearing fast.  On Friday it's supposed to be getting up to 72 degrees!!!   I shall be out with all my cleaning products to give everything a good wash down, and it will be clean and tidy again.  I am going to enjoy that weather!

Take good care of yourselves, thanks for visiting 
and have a great day!


  1. GORGEOUS photos today. Thank you. Stay warm.

    1. Thank you Sue, it is supposed to get warm tomorrow, yay for that :)

  2. The sunset is gorgeous! And your deck is perfectly positioned to enjoy all of them. It is so cool that the feeder has that roof for the birds! And squirrels, too. I have never seen a tire cover like this. I wonder if it is the owner's dog, and was specially made? It kind of looks like it. Maybe his dog died, and this is a memorial.

    1. Thanks Ginny :) and the tire cover was a first for me. I would not be surprised if the owners did have a dog and had this made especially. I think that would be really sweet if it was also a memorial but I hope the dog was sitting in the back seat :)

  3. Beautiful pictures and I love the tire cover you spotted!

  4. Dog Tyre cover does look too good to miss a shot. Hawk visited the urban area too? I found it quite incredible to read that.

    1. Thank you Roentare, we get a lot of hawks in our area. Our homes were originally a forest and I am grateful there were many trees left for the wildlife.

  5. What a nice wheel cover that is and I love the banners at the shopping center.
    All that snow on the trees sure looks pretty. The sunset is absolutely gorgeous. We're supposed to warm up a bit here but nowhere near 70.

    1. Yes, I really liked that cover and the banner, and always into a beautiful sunset :). That’s great that you are going to get warm weather too. That should melt a lot of your snow ❄️

  6. Ok, there's a lot to respond to today. I also love trees and hope your new choice grows well. Squirrels are funny critters and I also enjoy their antics. The sunset is fabulous and I love that you ended with a cardinal. Gorgeous!

    1. Hi Carol and thank you :) very much appreciated. I hope you are settling in after your move. They can take it out of you so I hope you are able to put your feet up when needed.

  7. Trees are my favorite part of nature, even above the critters. one of the things i like about our house, is the view out every window shows trees. now the squirrels and birds have cover while eating on the occasion it is drizzling rain. the sunset is gorgeous. can't wait to see what tree you plant. glad the cardinal is back. so far the last few weeks we are birdless and squirreless, but the past 3 days two squirrels are back and we had a baby dove i the yard. talk about cute. with just the cell phone i can't get photos of the baby dove. need a long zoom. I am glad to see your cam is up and grabbing the wild life and look foward to what you get in the spring time

    1. Trees make me realize how connected we all are, to trees, to our wildlife, to everything in nature. I am glad you got your squirrels and a dove back, and hope the other birds will be there soon. I am still taking close-ups with my camera and the zoom lens. I take them inside the house. I still have to get the trail cam out but I am having a hard time figuring out how and where to secure it. I will figure it out eventually.

  8. Cute tire cover.
    You made me feel there almost with your magnificent shots dear Denise!
    Trees and snow glorious combination ❤
    The great cloud action is breathtaking!
    Loved the sunset and cardinal is beauty ❤
    I am sorry you miss your tree my friend!
    I hope some other tree will bring your joy back somehow!!!
    I loved your optimism and surely your children will enjoy the shade of tree planted by you :)
    Hugs and blessings

    1. Hello Dear Baili, thank you so much for your sweet comments. I appreciated them very much. Hugs and blessings to you also :)

  9. I like the cloud shots and that sunset is just amazing, Denise. Stay warm!

    1. Thank you Angie :) Happy you enjoyed. I was very surprised to find that the temperature today is going to be 73 degrees Fahrenheit. It will be very nice to go outside in the warmth.

  10. Great collection of photos. I like that tire cover and the cute dog. Your feeder station looks great, I sure the birds and squirrels are all happy. The sunset image is beautiful.
    Take care, have a great day!

    1. That’s wonderful and thank you Eileen, very much appreciated :) You take care and have a great day also.

  11. We have two trees in the front yard and a tree and a large shrub in the back that we have had to remove over the last couple of years. Your post reminded me that we need to replace them.
    I love all the nature that shows up in your back yard.

    1. Thanks Yogi, I love it too :) I shall be very interested in what trees you plant. It’s hard to decide.

  12. That tire cover is terrific. Wow -- you have a LOT of snow, maybe more than we do. That end shot is fabulous. What a sunset. And I'm glad your cardinal made an appearance -- they're so pretty!

    1. Hi Jeanie, so kind of you and thanks so much :) I am happy he is back also.

  13. I'm surprised at how much snow you have there! And ya lots of critters.

    1. This is more snow than we had last winter if I am remembering correctly :) I am always grateful for the critters :). Thanks Red!

  14. You live in a very nice area. Yes, plant a tree. You'll love it.

  15. Beautiful pictures.
    That red cardinal, so beautiful.

    1. Greetings Hilly, thank you very much :) I agree, the cardinal is a beautiful bird.

  16. Such lovely photos of the snow in your area, Denise. So happy to hear the male cardinal came for a visit. I know he will love it on your deck. I've heard it said the time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. I believe it was a Japanese saying. You must miss the tree you removed. When we have to do that it is always sad, but planting a new one is great! Have a happy day, my friend.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen! I have heard that saying also, it’s a very wise one. It will be a happy day when we plant a new tree. A happy day to you also my friend :)

  17. Your trip into town looks the same here with the snow piles from clearing parking lots. Hello to that cardinal. Such a pretty contrast to the snow. Glad he returned. 72 degrees on can that be!? Enjoy the rest of the day, Denise.

    1. Hello Ellen and yes, how can that be at this time of year? I will get outside and enjoy the warmth :) I am very happy the cardinal is back again. He is a lovely contrast to the snow isn’t he? Enjoy your day also and happy weekend!

  18. That was a great moment on your blog again. 🌨️ What a nice photo series. Yes, I also love trees. You should plant a tree that grows super fast. The Leyland cypress or something. But I think you know what you want, and it's a beautiful thought that your offspring will enjoy it later.

    So, the squirrel was there again? How nice! And that red bird again... it's so beautiful. I can hardly believe that such red birds exist. Warm regards from me. 🐿️🌲💖 🐦

    1. So kind of you to say, thank you very much :). Thank you for the tree suggestion, a great idea to plant a fast grower. Warm regards from me also, and I wish you a very happy day and weekend.

  19. Sounds like you had a lovely day Denise!

    1. Thanks very much Christine, it was a lovely :)

  20. From the tire cover to the male cardinal, and all the photographs in-between I enjoyed them.
    Thank you.

    All the best Jan

    1. So glad Jan and thank you, much appreciated :) All the best to you too.

  21. Nice to see the cardinal! That sky, though! Wow!

    1. Thanks Jenn, it was a great day for pretty sights :)

  22. Thanks for the look around your area, Denise, and the snow here is nearly gone after warming temps and lots of rain to follow. Wow to that 70+ temp in VA!

    1. You are very welcome Dorothy :) Today was a beautiful day and it did get up to 73 so no more snow here. I don't think it's going to last though.

  23. Gorgeous photos, Denise. Gosh... I haven't been to a Best Buy in ages. And yes, that IS a fun tire cover.

    1. Thank you Kay, I haven’t either, we just drove by :) It was a fun trip out though. Fun to see things like the tire cover. It was good to get out after our snow days.

  24. Beautiful skies. And I loved the snow pictures. We got some snow also, and it's been raining all week. You take the best photos of the red cardinal, Denise. They make my heart sing. Such a beauty of a bird.


    1. So sweet of you to say Sheri, thank you so much :). We had rain for a few days before it snowed. Then yesterday it was in the low 70s. Now it about 50 and more rain tomorrow. You and I are very alike with our birds :) Have a wonderful weekend.

  25. The Cardinal is such a beautiful bird. We don't have them here but I hope you enjoy seeing him in your garden. Pretty sunset.

    1. Thank you, they seem to be coming back more often now :) I truly missed seeing them.


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