Tuesday, January 2, 2024


My parents had a hedgehog family take up residence in their garden for several years.  I thought of them when I found this information online. A friend of mine (in the UK) has a family in her garden. She takes very good care of them, as my parents did theirs years previously. 

I cancelled out of the website and realized later I had forgotten to make a note of it and its author. If I come across it again, I will come back and add it.  It seemed important enough to go ahead and share, for those of you who see them in their natural habitat. If there are any hedgehog experiences you have had, I would love to know about them.  

Wikipedia has interesting information about them at this link. According to them, “there are no hedgehogs living species native to the Americas.  However, the extinct genus Amphchinus was once present in America.”
Here’s the information I found.   

“If you find a "dead" hedgehog during the cold months, do not bury it, do not throw it in the trash...

No one wants to see a dead animal in their garden or road, but it could be a hedgehog hibernating from November to March.

They usually dig holes to stay safe, but we have less green areas, bushes or wooded areas these days and it’s becoming harder to find a safe place to spend the winter sleeping.

Some may come into your gardens seeking safety and warmth to hibernate, some are so exhausted from looking that they end up sleeping in various strange places like roadside streets or even on pavements.

When they are in hibernation, their heart rate and general body functioning slow down considerably, as a way of saving energy that can confuse a person that the hedgehog is dead.

Just in case you see a stationary hedgehog, make sure it is in a safe and warm place and that it can last five months.

If you find a hedgehog in your garden or somewhere on the street, make a hole in a cardboard box and in a dry, safe and quiet place so it can spend the cold months there.

Hedgehogs are an endangered species, they are completely harmless and very important in our ecosystem. They eat beetles, snails, frogs, lizards, snakes, including poisonous.

They also destroy mice nests.

They are not afraid of bees or wasps. The hedgehog can easily destroy a hornet's nest and eat its inhabitants by ignoring their bites.

Scientists have long noticed the immunity of hedgehogs to strong poisons, including bites from insects. This antidote phenomenon is not yet known to scientists.

Be aware when you see a hedgehog in the cold months. It costs nothing to help such a fragile wee thing.

(Images are from pixabay.com)


  1. Thanks for the cool info. Now I want some! My son has beavers in a creek behind his suburban property. They've downed some trees in the creek and I hope they don't hurt his yard trees. I'd prefer a family of hedgehogs. Linda in Kansas

    1. You are very welcome Linda, they are sweet little animals. I lived on a lake once and the beavers kept taking trees down and the neighbors hired trappers. We rented so we observed from afar so to speak. I never saw a beaver the whole two years we lived there but did see the results of their dam building. Hedgehogs would be less destructive. I have seen lots of beavers in more natural habitats since living there. I have only seen hedgehogs in petting zoos here.

  2. No hedgehogs here. sigh. They are a critter I would love to see.

    1. Here neither Sue :) I haven't seen one in several years. I'd love to see them too.

  3. Interesting read Denise. We have echidnas down here.

    1. Thank you Margaret, I have seen pictures of echidnas, and I would love to see them in their own habitat :)

  4. I was going to say that we have found one, looking dead, when we took our walk last week...glad that we didn't touch it. Thanks for sharing, Denise!

    1. Thank you Angie and you are very welcome :) Interesting about your sighting.

  5. Have never seen a hedgehog makes sense as they are not native here.

    1. Yes Christine, I have seen photos of them as pets and at petting zoos. A few small animals were brought to my son's class when he was in elementary school. It was a lovely experience :)

  6. I do! Wishing you and yours all the best for this new year, dear Denise, hope it's a good one!

    1. Thank you so much Amalia, and I sincerely hope the same for you also :) xo

  7. It is so interesting to know. They could be still alive even if they seem like Roadkills. Such a great fact to learn.

    1. Thank you Roentare, I thought it was an important one to share :)

  8. How interesting. I wonder how many have been buried because they were presumed dead. I've never seen one around here but they're kind of cute.

    1. Thanks Ann :) I don't like to think about it, or how many other animals do the same and have been thought to be deceased.

  9. Hello,
    I would like to see a hedgehog, but they are not seen here. Great post. Have a great day and a happy week ahead!

    1. Thank you Eileen :) I have seen photos of them as pets and I seem to remember a hedgehog at a petting zoo one time.

  10. Any animal that destroys wasps nests is a friend of mine! Interesting facts though, I never knew much about these little critters.

  11. the only hedge hog I have ever seen was in the petting zoo that came to the nursing home to visit the residents. i never forgot him. they are precious. I don't think we have them here but if we see one we will make sure it is safe. good to know these things.

    1. That's lovely :) They are precious little things. No, they're not in the wild here.

  12. Yes, we get hedgehogs here in our South Devon garden. And we gain much fun from watching them too, as we put out the camera each evening. Last year, at least three different hedgehogs were coming into the garden, all climbing a number of steps to get here! Lovely little creatures! 😁

    1. How wonderful Sal, I would have a lot of fun observing them. Lovely little creatures indeed :)

  13. I've never seen a hedgehog but I love them. Probably from reading a lot of Beatrix Potter! I didn't know ANY of this about them but the burying is very disturbing!

    1. Definitely, Beatrix Potter is dear to my heart! :) Yes, very disturbing, so loving the little things like I do, I am trying to share this information I came across for people who have them in their part of the world.

  14. I wish I had hedgehogs in my area. I think they are so cute. Interesting facts about them. Happy New Year!

    1. Me too Betsy, darling little things :) Happy New Year to you too :)

  15. Living in the English countryside as a child I saw quite a few. No wild ones here in Canada, although I have heard of some being in pet shops.

    1. That's interesting! I lived in the countryside too when in the UK. I found it hard getting used to a lot of traffic when I first moved here :)

  16. I love them but have never seen one!

  17. We love seeing hedgehogs in the garden over here in the UK. The information is important and we should appreciate any we see and take care of their welfare.

    1. I am happy you think so Linda, feel free to copy and pass around :)

  18. Such interesting information regarding these darlings. I wish we had them in America. I'd invite them into my gardens.

    1. Hello Pam, I would certainly set up a hedgehog habitat if they were frequent visitors :) Do you have another blog besides blogger? I couldn't find a link when I looked but wanted to let you know I would love to visit if you leave a link in a comment. Maybe you are just visiting. If that's the case thank you so much! I appreciated you stopping by very much.

  19. No hedge hogs here but we do have porcupines.

    1. Ah porcupines, I have never seen one in the wild. I would love to, at a distance, lol! :)

  20. I have seen two in our garden here in France but not for a long time now. Happy New Year and all the best for 2024. Cheers Diane

    1. I didn't know you could get them in France, thanks for letting me know Diane. Happy New Year and all the best for 2024 to you and Nigel also. And Cheers! :)

  21. We have never seen any hedgehogs either when we lived in NJ or in VA, Denise. It's highly unlikely we would see any here in NH as we live on the 5th floor!

    1. No, no hedgehogs in America Dorothy, unless purchased from a pet shop or seen at a petting zoo and no, definitely not on the 5th floor, lol! :)

  22. I have never seen a hedge hog, but I'd love to! They are so adorable. I'm glad to know more about them, Denise, thank you!

    1. You are very welcome Martha Ellen and thank you my friend :)

  23. Very interesting. I don’t think we have them here.

    1. No, we don't have them in the US Linda but people do keep them as pets. I have also seen them in petting zoos. I am happy you found this interesting :)

  24. Interesting info about hybernating hedgehogs.

    1. Thank you Sandra, I have always had an interest in animal hibernation :)

  25. I've never seen a hedgehog. We did get a kick out of the Hedgehog road signs we saw in England.

    1. I don't think I have ever seen a hedgehog road sign Ellen, what a hoot that would be. The next time I go back I will definitely keep an eye on the road signs :)

  26. A few years ago, in a different house, we did get quite a few hedgehogs visiting.

    All the best Jan

    1. How wonderful Jan, I would have enjoyed seeing them :) All the best to you too.


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