Monday, January 29, 2024


I have no link for this.  It was something I saw online. The page disappeared and I couldn't find it again. However, I remembered the directions. This is for an air-fryer. What I liked about it is that there is no butter or oil involved, and it fit in with my plan to eat a healthy breakfast.  

Gregg met up with an old navy buddy for lunch, involving an hour and-a-half drive there and back, and was gone for several hours. The time passes quickly, he enjoys his time and I enjoy mine. I do a tidy up of the house. Once that is done, I catch up on some computer time, I read, take photos of the birds and squirrels, look at the melting snow and ice and think to myself how nice it will be to take a walk once everything is clear again. I do a few other things, and before I know it, my dear other half is walking through the door. It was a fast day. 

And now for my lunch, a ‘sandwich for one’ cooked in an air-fryer. You could also do this in the oven but not sure on the timing. You probably have your own version but I like to keep even the simplest of recipes on here, to remind me to make them again if I like them enough.

Egg, Mashed Avocado and Mozzarella Cheese Sandwich in the Air fryer  

2 slices of bread - any favorite - my choice was wheat

1 large egg

1 small avocado 

1/4 cup grated Mozzarella cheese

Preheat the air fry to 350 degrees F.  

Mash the avocado. 

On one slice of bread spread the avocado corner to corner.  Place the second slice on top.

Using a spoon make an indentation on the top of the second slice of bread and crack an egg into the indentation. 

Sprinkle cheese around the egg so that it covers the entire bread but leaving the egg showing.

I put it all together on top of a piece of parchment paper, previously cut to fit the inside of the air-fryer.

Carefully, as that airfryer is hotter than hot, use a large enough spatula to easily transfer both parchment paper and sandwich into the air-fryer basket, and cook from 8 to10 minutes (I cooked mine for 8). 

What did I think? As you can see, I added a few cherry tomatoes to my plate.  

I made it with wheat bread and although I felt my sandwich came out too dark, it tasted great. It was crispy and delicious, but there were a couple of things I want to improve on. 

I made it twice last week. The second time I reduced the heat to 345 and cooked for 10 minutes. It still came out brown and the egg white wasn't all the way set, so back in for a couple of more minutes.  I am still not totally satisfied with the process.

I will try it a third time and use white bread instead of wheat.  I also thought of separating the egg from the white, just using the yolk. I know we're supposed to do this the other way around but the yolk isn’t the problem.  

I could cook it in the oven but would have to  experiment on timing.  

All this being said I thoroughly enjoyed the sandwich. It just looked too dark and I would like it more golden brown. There is definitely room for improvement.  

Here is an idea Denise.  Put the bread in your toaster, spread the avocado corner to corner on the toast and put a poached egg on the top of that. Voila!  Another go-to breakfast which I mentioned a few weeks ago. The new version was fun, just a little more challenging and I do love a good challenge.  

Maybe one of my blogging buddies has another suggestion.  I would love to hear any recommendations.

Thanks for stopping by, 

have a great day and 

Bon Appétit!


  1. I have made something very much like this, but in the toaster oven. I love how puffy and crispy yours looks like!

    1. Thanks Ginny, a toaster oven would be great for this recipe :)

  2. I love that you are prepared to experiment in your effort to get a dish to look and taste just right.

    1. Thank you Sue, I often get a bee in my bonnet about such things :)

  3. I shouldn't read your Monday post when I'm hungry. I don't have an air fryer.

  4. Looks good Denise, something simple and quick.

  5. I can picture how good it tastes like!

  6. If I had an air fryer I'd be so up for this!
    Have a lovely week - Denise.

    1. Thanks Wren, I'm sure it would be good in the oven or even a toaster oven like Ginny does hers :)

  7. I haven't had sandwiches like this in a long its quick preparation and simplicity.

  8. The sandwich looks yummy! I do not have an air fryer, the oven would work.
    Take care, have a great day and a happy new week!

    1. Happy you think so Eileen and I wish you the same :)

  9. Oh this sounds really good. I've just started using my air fryer more recently. For the longest time I didn't realize how convenient it could really be.

    1. Thanks Ann :) I have had my airfryer for a long time but have only recently started making more things. I am doing baked potatoes next.

  10. looks yumm, nix the egg for me and I would love it.

  11. One of my favorites is avocado on toast. Simple and delicious. I enjoyed reading how you spent your alone time. Have a wonderful last Monday in January, Denise.

    1. Thanks Ellen, I'm glad you enjoyed :) You have a wonderful last day Tuesday in January. How time is flying already!

  12. Sandwich looks delicious, will try it for my lunch, along with the cherry tomatoes. I am always looking for a quick healthy lunch, this fits the bill. Thank you.

    1. That's great and you are veyr welcome :) I hope you enjoy it. I'm always looking for quick healthy lunches too.

  13. Looks great. I toast a single slice.. slather is with avocado, add some spinach leaves, jalapeno slices, bell peppers if on hand, a slice of cheese and a over easy egg on top. Yummy.

    1. Hello Hena :) now that sounds delicious also. Thank you for the idea.

  14. Sometimes air frying is trial and error to get the time and temperature at the right settings. We have a new one and there have been a few things that came out too dark and too crispy.

  15. I like the color of your sandwich just the way it is, Denise. Sounds like a nice meal to fix on a day when you are on your own which is nice as well.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, so glad. It's nice to have a quick meal. This certainly fit that bill :)

  16. Sounds delicious! I keep recipes on my blog for the same reason, easy lookup!

    1. Thanks Christine :) I look for my recipes on here all the time.


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