Wednesday, January 17, 2024


This is the path from the parking lot, which takes us past the house that I love. There is a new fence on the right.

We also noticed a squirrel nest high up in the Willow Oak. It looks well maintained.  Perhaps they knew the bad weather was heading their way?  Animals have instincts for these things, don't they?  Maybe one of my blogging friends will offer some thoughts. This is Gregg’s photo.

Further along we came across plants that were laden with pretty pink blooms.  It's the Common Camelia, also known as the Japanese Camelia or Rose of Winter.

Next I saw these in the flower beds in front of the house. They are Johny Jump-ups.  Info at this link. As you can see, it resembles a small pansy and they are edible in small quantities, just as long as pesticides haven't been used. People have added them in salads and drinks, and as garnishes.  I bought a small packet of the blooms once, to add to a salad and out of curiosity.  They were a very pretty addition, but I can’t remember what they tasted like and haven't bought any since.

We didn't expect to see much in the way of blooms, but there were a few, a little past their prime perhaps but still doing quite well. Next photo you can see and read more about the Meditteranean Spurge.

The birds must be very happy that there were still so many berries. It's appropriately called Winterberry, named because the berries hang onto the branches until well into the winter.  It is native to the eastern United States, and they attract a wide variety of birds.  You can find more info at this link.
We didn't walk over to the produce garden today.  Probably not much to see but we were surprised in other areas, so who knows.  Anyhow, it was a very short walk and we didn't get that far.

I liked this photo that Gregg took of the trellis work. He has a great eye for angles and patterns.

The garden is very quiet as you can see.

All the flower beds are waiting for next planting season. We'll be back before then hopefully as we enjoy our walk around the garden. If you saw our video yesterday in this post, you'll know why we took a much shorter one today.

We walked back to our car and had dinner at McDonalds, and not too long after that we were heading home.

Thanks for looking at our latest trip 
to Green Spring Gardens
and I hope your day is a great one.


  1. I can well understand why your walk was short - but am glad you found things to enjoy.

    1. Thank you Sue, there are always things we can enjoy there :)

  2. The Spurge is really something else! I have never seen such a plant. A squirrel nest is called a Drey. This is a very nice one. We have Johnny Jump-Ups! And I have actually eaten a pansy. Someone candied them and put them on my birthday cake.

    1. Sometimes it's like a refresher to see these plants and flowers. I never noticed the Spurge before. Thanks for letting me know the name of a squirrel's nest Ginny. I have never heard that word Drey either. Going to look it up now. How super that someone candied those blossoms and put them on your birthday cake.

  3. Thanks for taking us on the tour. I like the Johnny Jump Ups. Linda in Cold Kansas

    1. You are very welcome Linda :) They are pretty aren't they?

  4. You live in a beautiful place. Lovely pictures

    1. Thank you for the compliment Ashok :) I enjoy the area we live in.

  5. Your knowledge of the place is superb.

    1. Thank you Roentare, I have been coming here for many years but feel I am still learning :)

  6. What a wonderful place to visit. Even this time of year there is so much to see.

  7. What a lovely garden tour, the house is beautiful. Take care, have a great day!

    1. Thank you Eileen, so glad you enjoyed it. You take care and have a great day also :)

  8. A gorgeous the fencing. Nothing growing here...waiting for Spring.

    1. At this time of the year I am waiting for spring also Donna :) Sending hugs!

  9. love the Johnny Jump ups and of course the house you love, i love too. what i do not love is the site of that traffic. our traffic looks like that on almost every street. it keeps me house bound

    1. They are a pretty flower :) No, the traffic would you believe was a little lighter than usual as we were there just before rush hour started head on. I find if I have to drive I keep to the quieter times but I'm afraid it's getting to the point if you go on the heavier driven roads, that there is no quiet time.

  10. Lovely garden. I love the Mediterranean Spurge. Very pretty.

    1. Happy you enjoyed it Gigi :) Yes it's a very pretty plant. How are things going? David back home yet? Hope all is well. I will be over soon to check.

  11. Squirrel nests always intrigue me and you see them most in the winter. The flowers are a welcome sight!

    1. Me too Jeanie. I've always been interested in them. I am fascinated watching the squirrels take tufts of leaves into their nests over and over again. This one was the sturdiest I had ever seen :)

  12. Lovely flowers. We might do pizza tonight.

    1. Thanks Christine :) Pizza sounds great. We had one two nights ago and it was very welcome.

  13. That house looks like it could be in England. Looks like a lovely place to stroll away from the hustle and bustle of the city streets! Love to see pink flowers in the winter!

    1. I agree Ellen, it does have that look to it :) Yes, lovely to get away from all the noise. Definitely a lovely surprise to see the flowers still blooming.

  14. Going from the garden to the busy 3 lane road would be a jolt.

    1. I know what you mean but I must be getting used to it as it wasn't as much as a jolt after thinking about it :)

  15. Lovely flowers to brighten the day, thanks for sharing. Nothing growing here, ground frozen and covered in snow, and it is COLD.

    1. Thank you, so glad you are enjoying them and hope you are able to stay inside and keep warm :)

  16. This house is wonderful.
    Nice environment.
    Thanks for the photos.
    A pleasure to watch.
    Many greetings to you from Viola

    1. You are very welcome and It is, isn't it? I have always liked that house. Many greetings from me here in Virginia :)

  17. It was very surprising Linda and unexpected. It's a great place to walk. The flat area is an easy one if you want a short walk around. There is the path that takes you down to the two ponds, and at the end of that path after you have seen them, there is another hill that takes you back to this flat area. It's a great walk and in the warmer weather it is one we take. The cardiovascular loop we call it, lol!

  18. A lovely visit on your winter day, Denise! The new split rail fence looks handsome and will age beautifully into the garden. I believe animals do have an instinct about the weather--not a scientific fact from me but just an observer. Those squirrel nests look quite cozy for them. Lovely camellias as well. Our squirrels love to eat the buds before they can bloom. Sometimes a few elude them, but maybe this winter they will eat them all! Stay warm on this frigid day, dear one.

    1. So glad you enjoyed dear friend :) Observations of animals give us a lot of information on their habits don’t they? I hope your buds survive the winter. You’re right, it is a very frigid day. I am feeling a bit bone-chilled and my nose feels like a popsical. Time for a hot drink methinks. You and Grayden stay warm.

  19. Camelias are really big at the Bok Tower Garden not far from the condo. I hope to make it over there before they're gone. Lovely post.

    1. It sounds interesting Carol, I am going to do a search on the garden. Thank you :) and I hope you can get to the garden before they stop blooming.

  20. I know that birds have specialized feathers called filoplumes that enable them to detect changes in barometric pressure and they modify their behaviour accordingly. Perhaps squirrels have similar ability too; I don't know. I will have to find out!

    1. That's fascinating David, thank you very much for this information. If you find out about the squirrels I hope you'll be back :)


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