Saturday, July 27, 2024



There are days when you have to part with your broomstick for the greater cause, and say it like it is!

 All joking aside I enjoy visits from the crows. I saw them every day, always at the same time, this before I stopped filling the bird feeders. The raccoons and foxes were frequent visitors, and I will start up again in the Fall when nature's bounty is scarce, and the larger animals are safe in their burrows. 

As I have mentioned before, and I might sound a bit boring, but this is also to remind myself why I have done this. My natural inclination is to do the opposite. I must remember that there are too many family pets let out at night all up and down our road, and beyond. I sometimes hear the dogs barking who want to come back inside. No bear sightings like there were last year but I don't want to look outside and see this fellow waving at me, even though he looks very friendly. Look at that, he even wants to help with the tidying up, bless his heart! 
Not to mention I heard a very loud yipping and yowling between said fox and raccoon one night when they found themselves on the deck at the same time. No argue-bargies thank you very much and that was that! I often thought how nice it would be to live out in the countryside, but I love it here and that's not going to happen now. In the meantime, I make sure the water is out and still available if needed. Not only for the birds but for others who make quick trips to the water dishes, and hopefully paths do not cross for larger animals.

So, two cheeky crows visited the 
bird feeder a few weeks ago (plus my imaginary bear), and that's how it goes on a Saturday morning at the bird feeder.

Thanks for looking everyone, and I hope 
you are all having a great weekend.