Wednesday, March 20, 2019


An old photo of a Carolina Wren.  They have been coming back to the garden but I haven't got a decent photo of one yet.  Such a sweet little bird with a mighty song.
When sad she brings the thunder
And her tears they bring the rain.
When ill she feeds a poison
To us all to fell her pain.
Her smiles they bring the sunshine,
And the laughter and the wind,
And the birds they go on singing,
And the world is whole again.
"Smile sweet Sunday", 
Wednesday whispered in her ear.
"The birds need your love
So that they can lift their wings."

~Alethia Kontis~


A sweet poem and each time, I come across one that speaks to me it is always a gift.

It has been a busy time celebrating hubby's birthday, getting together with family and old friends, ones not seen that often but the kind of friends that it feels like yesterday since the last meeting.  Another gift.

Have a great day everyone, and thanks for stopping by.


  1. sweet little bird and lovely poem. enjoy your friends

  2. Lovely poem and lovely gift of a beautiful photo of a darling wren. They are one of my favorite little ones. Enjoy your time with friends as you all celebrate your husband's birthday. ♥

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, a lovely time was had by all :)

  3. Hello, lovely poem. The wren is a sweet bird, I love to hear them sing. Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks Eileen, me too. Happy Sunday to you :)

  4. Oh what a sweet picture! I absolutely love the tiny wrens. They are fierce and powerful! I was attacked by one once when I got too close to her nest. I wish we had more around here, I hardly ever see any. That makes me love your picture even more! Please wish your husband a very Happy Birthday from me! I love your Denise purple tulip! The poem is so lovely and unusual, and I have read it twice. The person it is referring to may be nature?

    1. Hi Ginny, I didn't realize that they were that fierce but I suppose when worrying about their nest, a parent would. I don't get to see them that often but its a joy when I do. Thank you for your birthday greetings to Gregg, he smiled when I gave them to him. Happy you liked the purple tulip and the poem too. Yes, I think they are referring to nature.

  5. What a chubby little bird. Love the poem. Happy Birthday to Greg. I've been having problems commenting so I hope you get this one.

    1. Yes, he is adorable and so glad you enjoyed the wren and the poem. And Gregg thanks you for sending greetings. Hope you're feeling much better by now too :) and that your commenting problem has sorted itself out.

  6. Love the wren. I have one that occasionally skips across the patio never to be seen again for several weeks. I call him my occasional visitor.

    1. Thanks Valerie, and that's a good name for the little wren you see :)

  7. Replies
    1. Muito obrigado e um abraço e uma boa primavera para vocês também :)

  8. I love wrens. Happy Friday Diane

    1. They are adorable aren't they? Thanks Diane and a Happy Sunday to you :)

  9. Hi Denise,
    Funny enough I was on Osprey duty this afternoon and I took an image of a Wren, {not a big difference with ours and the Carolina } unfortunately it was about 20 metres away so not sure yet as to the outcome.
    Love the poem.
    All the best, John

    1. Hi John, that's interesting. Would love to see that photo if it comes out. Thank you and all the best to you too :)

  10. Mhy favorite bird, if I have a favorite...Such a BIG song from such a little bird. And so much personality!

    Love that poem...

    1. The Mighty Wren, the first time I heard its song I was so surprised to see that it came from such a small bird :) Glad you enjoyed the poem too Rose, thank you :)


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