Sunday, February 9, 2025


It's been raining a lot around here. How about where you are?

We will be getting more snow according to the weather forecast.

Me, not much right now but enjoying writing to you and sharing a few words. How about this one?

or how about...

or how about...

My latibule was an airing cupboard with a hot water tank and two racks above it, where the clean clothes were folded. As a child and early memories from the age of five, I still remember climbing up there when I was sad about something or just wanted a bit of alone time.  It was my special place for several years. If I 'disappeared' my mother always knew where I was. She would announce her arrival by saying quite loudly, "Hmmm...I wonder where Neesy is?” It was the first place she checked but left me alone for a while until I was ready to greet the world again. Sometimes I even fell asleep in there. Nowadays I pick up a book, or write in my blog and yes, quite often take a nap.

Hello again, cottage of my dreams in an endless summer with a garden full of roses...and I would love to have this kitchen with such a view in the morning!

And how lovely it would be right now to sit near the fire in a cozy chair. One of the best things in life is to read a good book in total silence. The words on these pages can take you to a million places you have never been before.  Your mind can be an epic traveling companion. 

This would also be my go-to place, as soon as the weather heated up a little.

Are you ready for a recipe? Shall we give this a try? 

Or maybe this for your next salad dressing.

How about some 
Fun with Food?

How about these cuties? What if you fell asleep in an open field, looked up and saw them, what would you say?

They brought their family to meet you too.

A thought came to me just now. I am not ready to give up my sweaters just yet. 

I would love to have a place big enough where I could hang out with chickens. I would call them my family, knit them sweaters and keep them warm in winter.  My imagination can work overtime I know. 

This would be fun to see on the back of your car.
I sure would like to get one of these. 

How about some wise words?


And then sometimes...


Well, I think this is all for now. 

Happy Sunday My Friends!

(My thanks to Pinterest where I found my inspiration and 99% of my photos.)


  1. What a fun post! I love Coddiwomple. I hope to remember it enough to start using it! The food creations are so clever! And I love the sunny porch. I have always wanted a sunroom. We used to have a big screened-in porch, and I sure miss that. We would sit on it and watch lightening in the distance (heat lightening, also called wall fire).

    1. Happy you thought so Ginny, thank you :) I would love a sun porch also, any porch would be great. How wonderful that must have been to watch the heat lightning :)

  2. The words and new vocabularies are just so good to learn.

    1. That’s great Roentare, I love learning new words and I’m happy you do too :)

  3. Hello Denise,
    I love all the cute images and sayings, wise words and the dressing recipe sounds yummy. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week!

    1. Wonderful Eileen and thank you. I wish you the same :)

  4. Inspirational! I love the honey bee quote.

    1. Thank you Janice, very much appreciated :) The bee is one of my favorites too.

  5. There is no shortage of strange words in the English language!

    1. Indeed! :) and I love finding them. Thanks David!

  6. I love everything here. Just when I thought I found my favorite, I scrolled and there was another thing that caught my eye. I would love to curl up in that chair where the cat is with a good book. I also wouldn't mind the front porch that looks so cozy and inviting. I have always wanted a big covered front porch.

    1. That’s great Ann, I am so glad :) I have always wanted a porch too!

  7. U nas nie ma śniegu i święci słońce. Ja też w dzieciństwie lubiłam chować się w szafie w której przechowywano ubrania . Miłego tygodnia życzę:)

    1. To wspaniałe wspomnienie, bardzo podobne do mojego :) Wygląda na to, że jutro spadną dużo śniegu. Dziękuję bardzo za komentarz. Lubię je czytać. Życzę wspaniałego tygodnia :)

  8. Denise I smiled all the way to the bottom of your post. My my what a fun and inspiring post. The 'is you ok' made me giggle
    Hugs cecilia

    1. That’s wonderful Cecilia, I am delighted it gave you a giggle :) Thank you so much and sending hugs.

  9. I love to coddiwomple! No rain here but freezing temps and maybe some more snow. So many fun things to see in this post. Happy Sunday to you.

    1. I know you do. I can tell that from all your wonderful travels :) Thank you Ellen and I hope it warms up for you soon.

    2. Hi Ellen, I just tried to leave a message on your blog for you but the comment section wouldn't open up. I'll try again tomorrow. Cyber gremlins at work I suppose :)

  10. Long interesting post here. The one with three animals looking in the house door reminds me of life on the farm. Often the door was left open with no one in the house. So once in a while you'd find a chicken wandering around the house. And then there was the famous goat. Billy knew when the door was open and went in the house and helped himself to the good stuff

    1. Thanks Red :) I am glad you found it so. I love that memory of your life on the farm. I would have enjoyed that very much. I bet Billy felt very lucky when he found the door open :)

  11. Great Sunday post Denise ... thank you.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan and you are very welcome. All the best to you too :)

  12. Lots of wonderful goodies on today's post. Wishing you a great rest of the weekend.

    1. Happy you enjoyed them Ivy, thank you and I wish you the same :)

    2. That little one with the polka dot umbrella. Sooo sweet.

  13. Great believer in meliorism--even if I hadn't heard the word before--lol!
    My latibule today is my little apartment. When I was a kid I made a fort up in the rafters of the garage with cardboard walls that I painted flowers on. I furnished it with books, drawing supplies, a radio, jug of water (it was like a sauna up there in the summer), sleeping bag, pillow, and writing supplies. That was my safe place.

    1. That was a new one on me too and latibule ;) I loved those memories of your fort in the rafters Rita. What a lovely hideaway you had. Thanks for sharing that.

  14. Lovely assortment of comfy greetings. Thanks! Linda in Kansas

    1. That's great and you are very welcome. Thank you Linda :)

  15. Oh, and I forgot to say that in this neck of the woods the saying is: if you think you're too small to make a difference then you've never met a mosquito. LOL!

  16. Loved your post. Happy Sunday! Daughter and family coming over for a snacky dinner and to watch the Super Bowl until Half Time. Tomorrow's a school day for granddaughters.

    1. Hi Marcia and thank you :) I know you're going to enjoy your daughter and family coming over. Snacky dinners are the best. I'm late answering your comment so that's behind you now. Hope your grands enjoyed their school day :)

  17. What a fun post! I love the little "have a fabulous day" girl. She is so cute. Have a great week. Take care.

    1. Thank you Leslie :) I am very happy you enjoyed. You have a great week and take care also :)

  18. Thank you so much for these wonderful smile makers. I'm not a football fan, but Art is happily watching the Super Bowl so I loved this happy post.

    1. You are very welcome Kay, I am very happy you like them. Not a football fan either but I was putting this together at the same time Gregg was watching the game, same as Art. I'm glad this post helped :) It gives me a smile, thank you!

  19. Lindas imagenes, esperó que hayas tenido un beun domingo. Te deseo una buena semana.

    1. Muchas gracias, me alegro que lo hayas disfrutado. Tuvimos un lindo domingo y espero que tú también lo hayas hecho :) ¡Feliz semana para ti!

  20. A latibule sounds nice. When I was a child, I would sometimes go sit between the cedar trees.

    1. Now that's a lovely latibule :) Thanks for sharing that Linda. Sitting between trees would definitely be me.

  21. The polka dotted chipmunk -- adorable. Love the bunnies, too!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, it was a cute image. I'd like a matching set for wet weather like that :) Yes the bunnies were cute :)

  22. Coddiwomple - I just love that word. The car back window wiper tails made me laugh. So many lovely quotes today that it is hard to choose a favourite. Good to see more fun with food - so clever.

    1. It's a great word isn't it? You laughed at the same thing I did. I couldn't get it passed husband's approval the dog on the back window though and I was only joking anyhow, lol! Glad you enjoyed, thank you Beverley :)

  23. Every bit of this brightened my day. Thank you!

    1. And that makes me so happy it did, thank you Sandra :)

  24. Oh Denise, I always love these posts of yours. They are filled with so many wonderful quotes and pictures. Where do I start? I will send Nel that picture of the cat reading a book. Her cat Luca is beloved in her home. I learned a new word today, latibule. I used to go to the field with my friends and we would build dirt forts when I was a child. We spent the day there, and it was so much fun. I guess you could say that was my latibule. That cottage is so charming with the roses. The rosemary garlic bread looks really good. And lastly, the "ancestors" quote is my favorite. How I appreciate my ancestors who came before me. : ) Thanks for your sweet post today, Denise.


    1. Thank you so much Sheri :), you are very welcome and so glad you enjoyed. Luca is a lovely name for a cat. What fun to build a fort when you were a child. Your latibule sounded lovely! That ancestors quote was beautiful wasn’t it? Have a great day my friend :)


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