Friday, October 21, 2022


A post I am revisiting from my old blog dated 3-13-14.  We were on a road trip. 

I often wonder how TexWis Girl is.  Don't you wonder about old blogging friends we don't hear from now?  Whatever she is doing I wish her well, and thank her again for pointing out that these are mules and not horses.  I thought of myself as a real city girl that day and yes, I am smiling.  A Mule is half horse, half donkey so I guess I was half right, and yes I am still smiling.  Wherever you are, thanks for the correction TW :)  I thought of removing the poem because it's all about horses, but I like it so decided to keep it as is.

"Somewhere in time's own space
There must be some sweet, pastured place,
Where creeks sing on and tall trees grow

Some paradise where horses go.
For by the love that guides my pen,
I know great horses live again."

Mules also I would imagine, but this is a lovely poem, and they certainly are very handsome.

It's those long ears isn't it?  And maybe I wasn't paying as much attention to detail as I should have done.  Now I look at their expressions, they look a little disgusted that I confused them with horses.

Captain Stanley Harrison, described as a pioneer of racing in Winnipeg, Canada, born in Lancashire, England, March 24th, 1885 and passed away in January 1980. He was one of eight children born to James and Annie Harrison.  He moved to Canada in 1904.  A very interesting life if you click on his name below the poem. 


  1. It IS a really good poem! I DO wonder about bloggers who no longer blog. The worst is when someone just quits blogging without saying why or even goodbye. You even wonder if they died.

    1. Thank you Ginny, it's sad not knowing but am thankful to those who let us know, like TexWis Girl. Always grateful as we worry about them otherwise. We are such a family this world of bloggers, we haven't met except for a few, and we become close friends. That's the wonderful world of blogging.

  2. Interesting post Denise. These mules are look rather good.
    I too do wonder what has happened to those that used to post and just disappear - some of mine has passed on, others have let me know they are not posting again...but the ones that just disappear, well that's not good.

    1. Thank you Margaret :) They do don't they? Same here on our blogging friends.

  3. I remember Tex very well as I followed and linked on to her meme of Good Fences. I miss seeing her ducks and pone and horses. Tex tell us when she was stopping her blog and I was very sorry but glad when Goscia took over however I fear events have taken over Goscia's life now and I still write a post for her meme in the hope she will return. Because of Tex's blog on fences, I very much enjoy still looking out for different styles of those. Thanks for the memory today.

    1. Hello Margaret, thanks for the info. I miss the same things as you :) I often think of both TexWis and Gosia, wishing them both well. Isn't it interesting that these simple things like fences, can open our eyes to so much more?

  4. Smiling at the poem and the photos. They are beautiful and I hope that Tex is enjoying life.

  5. Yes, her ducks were the highlight of her blog (for me).

  6. I like the poem. I drove by a pasture the other day and thought I saw horses until I noticed the ears. The ears gave them away instantly.

    1. Yes, it's those ears. I will always know the difference now thanks to TexWisGirl :)))

  7. They do look different, I think they are cute critters. I hope Tex is doing well, I think of her and her blog often. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend!

    1. They are indeed and I wish the same :) Thanks Eileen!

  8. Replies
    1. Many of us do William, so nice to remember :) Thank you!

  9. A nice look back. I do wonder about old blog friends, just like we wonder about people we knew in real life right?

    1. Very true Christine, there's also a special bond between blogging friends I feel :)

  10. I still love the poem. My son rode a mule for a while at equine therapy.

    Yes I wonder about a lot of bloggers. Many have passed away and others just quit. I miss them all. Some just faded away with no trace.

    1. How wonderful :) I wonder if it is true that they are a wee bit stubborn? I've always heard that but don't know if it's because they are depicted that way in the movies, and we know that movies take liberties for the story they tell.

  11. I like mules better than horses and in horses I like Mustangs instead of the really pretty expensive horses. Like I like nuts and dogs and these mules are just absolutely beautiful

    1. Me too Sandra, though it's been years since I saw a mule. I love Mustangs! But yes, mules are beautiful too. Thanks Sandra :)

  12. i have kept in touch with theresa, she is doing well. i will send her a link to this post. the mules are beautiful!!!

    1. Thank you, dear Purple Debbie, for sending me here to Denise's post. It was a gift, for sure.

    2. you're welcome t, i love you dearly and miss your blog every single day!!!

    3. Hey Debbie and TexWisGirl! Can't tell you how happy I was to see this thread!!!! I've been out of town and have been trying to catch up since returning. Thank you Debbie for getting in touch with our blogging pal :) So grateful to you, and was very, very happy to see your reply TWG . This is a gift indeed.

  13. Lovely poem. Haha … we humans do like to keep track of things and label everything but horses and donkeys are cousins of sorts and part of the same family. Speaking of keeping track, I remember Tex and Good Fences and hope she is doing well. She provided a fun meme venue for many folks for quite some time.

    1. Thank you Penelope :) And you may have seen TWG's reply since Debbie got in touch with her. Happy, happy, happy! And I agree with everything you say.

  14. I enjoyed this post.
    Yes, I too remember Tex ... I hope she is doing ok.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. So glad Jan :) I'm glad we have been in touch with Tex, thanks to Debbie :) I had a lovely weekend thank you, and hope the same for you :)

  15. That is a sweet poem, Denise. No matter horse or mule I'm sure they live again.

    1. Gosh, do they ever Martha Ellen. I fell in love with mules all over again, horses too :) Thank you!

  16. A fun post! I certainly enjoyed her blog hop.

  17. It is just gorgeous. Their legs are shorter than horses I guess

    1. Thank you Roentare :) Looks like it, about the legs.

  18. Hi Denise! It's been a minute, hasn't it? :) I had to look it month will be 6 years since I shut down Run*A*Round Ranch blog. You are SOOOO very kind to remember me after all this time! Yes, I do miss the wonderful community I found in Blogland - such great, kind, sharing folks here, and I miss the daily interactions of all those I followed and who visited me. And I still love fence photos. I am sorry Gosia has not been able to keep it going, but I understand...sometimes life pulls you away or puts you into a different direction.

    I'm still out here, I'm just not 'there' anymore. Life changes and continues. I moved from Texas but left Run*A*Round in the hands of a wonderful couple - they saw the beauty of that place immediately, and felt it's magic, too. They love the place, enjoy the wildlife, take care of those silly, wonderful, quirky ducks, and have made it their own home. And they are also very kind to my former neighbors which means the world to me. God sent them to find that place so I could move on, I know it. :)

    I do not blog any longer. I tried to restart a new blog a year or so ago, but it took about 3 posts for me to realize it wasn't in me right now. But blogging changed my life in ways I could never have imagined would happen. I trust in God's plan and am so grateful for the kindness and warmth I still feel from you all. You just don't know how much that means to me, to be missed 6 years later. I could not have asked for a more special group of friends and souls to have shared this space with.

    I wish all of you the best. Happy days, good health, wonderful memories, and faith in tomorrow. Those of you who recognize me or miss me, bless you for your kindness. I am truly blown away.

    1. beautifully have a heart of gold t. everyone felt it!!!

    2. I agree with Debbie wholeheartedly and send you my heartfelt greetings.
      How wonderful to hear from you. You have been missed :) It’s amazing it has been 6 years, sometimes it seems like only a short time ago, and I do thank you for letting us know you would no longer be blogging at the time. In truth I have never forgotten you, and the beautiful bear you painted is still in pride of place. I am going to do a blog post about that very soon. Gosia did a great job in honoring your Good Fences meme, but as we all know life has to take first place, and believe me when I say, thanks to you I look at fences in a different light and see the beauty in them. Sounds like you’ve had a busy life since leaving Texas. I’m very happy you found someone to keep the magic going with Run*A*Round, and that folks are taking care of those ever so cute ducks and other wildlife you always shared with us. It must seem magical to them too. I’m glad they turned up at the right time and it was indeed a blessing. Yes, we miss you but understand perfectly on the need to move on. I’m not there yet and don’t know how long I will be blogging - for a while I hope - and then like you, somewhere down the road – keeping fingers crossed for as long as I can – I will know when it's time. I truly believe you will always be missed in blogland, and I hope you’ll pop in just to say hi once in a while. I would be thrilled for you to do that, but no pressure says I with a smile. No pressure indeed. Take good care of yourself and know that you are never far from my thoughts. Every time I look at my bear you are in them. Waffled on long enough I have so I’ll stop now ;) Thanks so much for getting in touch.


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