Saturday, October 15, 2022



What are you doing here?

This little rascal will scoff down a whole suet cake if I let him.  One had disappeared the previous night, and I thought to myself, uh-oh!  I knew who the culprit was, though I don't think this one has been around before. His ears are tipped with pure white.  Beautiful markings, but I still don't want to encourage for all the obvious reasons mentioned in previous posts.  

How many raccoons does it take to eat one suet cake overnight?  Exactly one!

The usual critters had finished off the birdseed by the time he arrived.  They always do so there is nothing to attract rascals such as this one.  I could take down the suet cake feeder and put it in the garage for the night.  However, the chain attached to the hanger, is so tightly fixed that it would take a crowbar and a mallet to detach.  I could open the cage that encloses the suet and remove that but frankly, I don't want to deal with it once I have put it outside.  My solution is that I won't put the cake out for another month and see what happens.  This is the woodpeckers' favorite food but they will have to wait, and in the meantime, they can eat the nuts and seed put out during the daylight ours.  Do I sound like I am justifying?  Probably!

On this night I was taken by surprise, even though the light was fading (I lightened the photos up some), it was only just past seven-thirty.  After observing him for several minutes, I tapped on the window.  He looked back at me as you can see from the photo above, said "Hold on, busy right now, be right with you!" and then went back to his feast.


  1. Well, at least he didn't open the feeder, take out the cake and run with it! I know they have awfully nimble fingers!

    1. True, he hasn't figured that out yet. Thanks Ginny :)

  2. We don't have them - and I would have been fascinated. I wouldn't have begrudged him his haul either...

    1. You and I think alike Sue :) I would feed them all but there is always the worry of rabies as there have been confirmed cases with raccoons and foxes, not locally at the moment but you just never know. That's why I don't encourage them. Also, feed one and feed all its relatives as they start coming around too. I will wait a month and see what happens.

  3. He is one busy little raccoon. I don't blame you for not wanting to take the suet cake out at night. They're kind of on the messy side sometimes.

  4. Hello,
    Those darn racoons stole my feeders, they will eat everything in sight. You are nice letting them eat your bird food. Have a great weekend.

    1. Yes, we have had feeders stolen in the past, not for a while now fortunately. You have a great weekend too Eileen :)

  5. Pity about the piggish raccoon. I suppose they have to eat, too but I do hate it when I see them manage to climb into the bird feeders. Which reminds me, it's time to start filling them again. Happy weekend!

    1. Thank you Jeanie and a happy weekend to you too :) Yes, time for filling the bird feeders. It's been very nice to see the smaller birds visiting again.

  6. We don't have racoons but they are on their way. They have been spreading north and west for a long time. They've been seen near here.

    1. Interesting Red, I didn't know that. Thanks for the info :)

  7. oh Miss Dee - you have so many friends who drop by and want a snack, let' see if you make it a month

    1. Thank you Carol, it looks like you know me by now :)

  8. Hello Denise :=)
    He is so cute, but you do right not to encourage these attractive creatures. We don't have them here, but the squirrels are just as bad, and will even work out how to take screws out of the feeders Once one of these rascals ran away with the bottom of the mettle feeder in its mouth when he had undone the screws and all the peanuts fell on the floor and he and his pals finished them all off. They are both so cute, but crafty.

    1. Now that's very clever of them to be able to undo screws, but where there's a will, and food to be had, there's a way. A good description, cute but crafty :)

  9. They are persistent critters for sure. Fun to catch them on camera.

    1. They certainly are and yes it is :). Thanks Ellen :)

  10. What a cutie.

    I remember once visiting my parents, going to the kitchen window after supper. There was a hummingbird feeder hanging from an overhead beam over the covered walkway along the house leading from the garage to the front door.

    There was a raccoon hanging with his two back legs and one front leg from a support post. His free paw was tipping the feeder at such an angle that the liquid was draining out onto the pavement below. He looked at me as if to say, "oh! hello there!" And then shimmered down to the ground to lick up his well earned prize.

    1. What a great story William. I loved that! Thank you for sharing it :)

  11. It is all happening in your home.

    1. It seems that way at times :) Thank you Amalia!

  12. This is so good to see at night. They would definitely remind you that you are not far away from nature.

    1. That is very true, we have foxes in the area also, as well as deer. And the rare bear passing through :) Thank you Roentare.

  13. I have taken to bringing in my feeders every night, otherwise they will be on the ground the next morning and all the seed will be gone!

    1. Thank you David, I can see why you would do that :)

  14. No racoons but quite a few squirrels visit our garden.

    Slightly late Happy weekend wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, I wonder if you have seen any badgers in your area? All the best to you also :)

    2. Hello again, funny you mention badgers!
      I haven't seen any but a friend who lives a couple of miles away has, and was only talking about it earlier today (Monday)

      All the best Jan

    3. Thank you for getting back to me Jan :) How interesting about your friend and her badger. I had been told they can be a bit fierce but I don’t know whether that is just when they are cornered. I think we would all be a bit fierce when feeling threatened.

  15. That would be so strange to see a raccoon around my yard. He sure looks like he is enjoying the suet cake you left out. I wish I was more tolerant of the critters around here, like you are, Denise. Cute post, made me smile.


    1. Thank you Sheri, I love those critters but I am happy to have the glass patio doors between us. Wouldn’t want any of us to get too close :)

  16. That’s cute. I’m sure the woodpeckers will be fine until winter sets in

    1. I am sure they will be Linda, but I appreciate the reassurance :)


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