Friday, April 12, 2019


We were at Arlington National Cemetery at a ceremony for two old friends.  The day was touching and poignant.  But, as we have learned over and over again, out of sadness comes light.  Family and friends come together to say goodbye and to support the loving people who have lost their loved ones.  We ourselves met up with friends we don't get to see that often, but what a joy it was to sit together afterwards, for several hours. The legacy many of our dear families have left for us are their children (like us) who have become connected over many years.  Another gift in life we must remember to treasure.  

"You don't see me but I am here,
By your side forever I will always be
The gentle breeze in the air."
~Linda Montalvo~


  1. I am very glad to hear that the sadness and the joy went hand in hand.

  2. If we look for the good in any situation we will find it. I am glad you did that day at the cemetery Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Lovely photographs. I have never seen Arlington Cemetery but I imagine it to be a peaceful place.

    1. Thank you Valerie, we have lived within driving distance of Arlington off and on my whole married life. We go ourselves and also take visitors.

  4. So sad. Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Beautiful words. Have a great weekend, Diane

  6. Replies
    1. Obrigado, um abraço e um bom final de semana para você também.

  7. the staff member at the YMCA that opens each morning at the YMCA is in Arlington as I type this, her husband is being buried there. he died almost months ago. not sure why it took so long

    1. So sorry to hear about your friend's loss Sandra. It can take several months to be finally laid to rest in Arlington. Sadly there are so many that there is a waiting list. This is probably too simplistic an answer and there may be other reasons, but this is the only one I know.

  8. Hello, beautiful images and quote. Enjoy your day! Have a great weekend!

  9. Friendship in sadness is everything.

    1. Couldn't have said it better myself, thank you Diane.

  10. It is wonderful to have friendships like this...that last a lifetime and their memories that last forever.

  11. My goodness, how lovely and poignant, Denise. My sympathies to you and your friends. ♥

  12. Hi Denise,
    What a wonderful thing to be able to do.
    Joy and sadness are brothers in arms.
    All the best, John

    1. Joy and sadness are brothers in arms. What a touching sentiment. Thank you John and all the best to you too :)

  13. Sad and poignant post, may they rest in peace.

  14. this is going to be a blast from the past when you see my comment!! I had "lost" I need to catch up with what has been going on. Gill

    1. Hi Gill, good to see you here :) I'll be popping over to catch up too.

  15. we have been to this cemetery several times, i find it a bit overwhelming....i'm sure it meant a lot to have friends with you on this sad day. i always find being with friends and family, even on the saddest of days, brings a bit of comfort and ease!!

    the daffodils are gorgeous, i'm glad they are there - they are a little bright spot for visitors!!

    1. It can be overwhelming Debbie but we have been many, many times now to visit with family and friends who have been laid to rest there. We only see the peacefulness and the beauty now.

  16. Lovely post. Beautiful pictures.

  17. Well said. Funerals are sad but I love being able to visit with friends and family that I have not seen in years.

    1. I agree Yogi, and remembering our Loved Ones in conversations with family and friends, the telling of family history and old stories, that is a joy.

  18. I thought it was very touching when I found it Linda. My Mom too :)


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