Tuesday, April 16, 2019


"Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine."

~Anthony J. D'Angelo~

While I am putting my other post together from Meadowlark, I thought I would share this handsome chap.  His home is inside the Visitor Center.  I visit with him every time I am there, and I always say hello.  I named him long ago and when I saw this quote, I knew what photo I was going to use.  Let me introduce you to Sunshine, he's a real sweety.


  1. He is very, very beautiful. Thank you.

  2. He certainly is adorable, Denise. I hope he's happy in there.

    Loved your response to my latest. It was a bit of fun, don't you think?

    1. Me too Valerie! And you are very welcome regarding my response to your this and that post. It was fun, very much so :)

  3. I am very fond of reptiles and he is a beauty. We get beautiful green lizards here but I have not seen one for a while.
    Thanks for asking how we are. Both of us are over the worst, but I am still coughing and Nigel is still getting headaches. Guess now it is just time!
    Have a good day, Diane

    1. Your little green lizards sound lovely. We have darker lizards in this area that I see in the height of summer, but they are so fast I have never been able to get a photo. I'm glad you are both over the worst Diane, and do hope you will get rid of those other ailments quickly. Sadly these things take time. Have a good day and speedy healing :)

  4. So brightly covered and cute! Hugs...RO

    1. He is very cute isn't he RO? Hugs to you too :)

  5. Replies
    1. Obrigado! Um abraço e uma feliz e santa páscoa para você também :)

  6. Well, Denise, I must say you are a positive thinker indeed. I'll have to say Sunshine is a very positive name for this reptile. I love nature, but admit to being a little afraid of reptiles.

    1. I try to be Martha Ellen :) I understand but I'm one of those who is intrigued by them and actually enjoys being around them. I have held snakes - not in the wild - but when I have been allowed to by professionals at zoos, and once when a man brought them to the school my son attended. But that was years ago.

  7. Replies
    1. I thought so too Linda, extraordinary little creature.

  8. he is sooooo handsome.. I love him... great shot also

    1. Thank you Sandra, I have grown very fond of him over these last few years.

  9. Hello Denise,

    Sunshine, what a cutie. Love the quote! Enjoy your day, have a great week ahead.

  10. Lovely, indeed! You are truly a human with heart and exquisite insight!

  11. Hi Denise and Sunshine,
    He most certainly is a handsome creature, also love the quote.
    All the best, John

    1. Hi John, Sunshine and I thank you :) All the best to you too.

  12. He looks to be a friendly little fella (I guess it is a he)

    1. Yes and curious at the lady with her face up to the glass saying hello :)

  13. Well, Denise, that name you gave him/her? was a surprise but it did go well with the quote provided.

    1. It's an English'ism too Dorothy, at least in my family. My parents were always calling me Sunshine.


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