Tuesday, April 16, 2019


Normally when we go to the garden, my first stop is the fairy garden.  It is a delightful little area that attracts not only children but adults.  All the fairies and their homes are still under glass domes, so no photos of the fairy village today, apart from this log just across from it.  It is crowded with fairies and will be again when it gets warmer, soon hopefully.
It wasn't too long before we came across a pair of Canada Geese, right by the walkway as they tend to do.
They didn't seem to mind the many people who walked by, but I didn't see any nests.  Perhaps it was across the lake and there weren't any eggs to take care of yet.
There were lots of flowers of course, and some weeds, some very recognizable and some I had to search for later.  I look for markers every time I take a photo, but was not always successful.

Top photo from left to right: Pansies, Winter Hazel, Ground Ivy, the last top right photo shows a mixture of Hyacinth, Pansies and Daffodils.  
Bottom photo from left to right: Blue Anemones, Daffodils, Unidentified, Virginia Bluebells 
We noticed the artist making her way up the path with canvas in hand.  The lady was in this post.  Maybe I will be lucky enough to see the finished painting hanging up in the visitor center.  There are many wonderful works of art on their walls.
Another pair of geese swimming on the lake.  It could have been the same pair I saw earlier.
As we were walking by the lake, Gregg saw a grandmother taking a photo of her family, and asked her if she would like him to take one of their group.  She happily accepted.  
Another taken near the gazebo.  It is a lovely spot to sit and we have done so many times, but not today.  
I will end my post here.  There are many more photos and will share them soon.  

Have a very enjoyable day and thank you for looking at another post on Meadowlark Gardens.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing this absolutely glorious place.

    1. So happy you liked it EC, and you are very welcome :)

  2. The area reminds me so much of the place Joe and I so often visited. Seems like an age away now. Thanks for sharing, Denise.

  3. Hello, Denise! What a beautiful park. The blossoms and flowers are lovely. I like the geese and the fairy garden. Have a happy day!

  4. this park is so beautiful and full of stunning flowering trees. no fairies needed in all this beauty.. we have 2 cardinal babies in our bush, the parents are busy feeding them.

    1. Hi Sandra, how wonderful. Are you able to take any photos? I suppose you can't get too close with beautiful BB in the garden.

  5. The blossoming trees are such a cheerful sight.

    1. They always are thankfully, thank you William :)

  6. Thanks for this happy post, lovely!

    1. You are very welcome Christine, glad you enjoyed :)

  7. You are very kind Linda. Those who accept the offer, I think it makes their day to take a family photo home.

  8. I love seeing what you see...would love to have a place like this near here.

    I cannot believe what happened to the Notre Dame Cathedral either!

    1. So happy to learn that Rose, yes it's all very sad.

  9. Such a pretty place. Take care Diane

  10. I just love your photographs from Meadowlark Gardens.

    All the best Jan

    1. That makes me happy Jan, thank you and all the best to you too :)


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