Sunday, April 7, 2019


Continuing on our walk we came across a pair of Canada GeeseMother was tending her nest.  She is partly cut out of this frame as she was behind a big tree trunk, which I cropped out.  It always surprises me how close to the pathway some build their nests.  We came across several other pairs. 
Another unidentified duck.
I was very happy to find a male Wood Duck sitting on a nesting box.  I remember seeing a pair from last year at this same spot. 
A closer view.  
We were also happy to see the Great Blue Heron in a familiar spot, and enjoyed observing quietly for a while.
Our patience will achieve more than our force.  ~Edmund Burke~
We could learn a lot about patience from our friend here.
In the same area we saw a bird flying high up in the sky.  Gregg pointed the camera upwards.
It was an Osprey.  We have seen them here before.
Gregg took several photos and I cropped  when we got home to get a better look.
We were happy with the photos considering how high up this magnificent bird was.  
 A gentleman walked by with a large camera and tripod over his shoulder.  He stopped next to us and we all admired the Osprey.  When he spoke his accent told me he was from Scotland, a lovely soft brogue music to the ears.  The three of us talked for several minutes, it was a nice conversation.

He told us his wife was patiently waiting for him with her own camera and tripod in the look-out area some distance away.  We could see she was busy taking her own photos of the Osprey.  We left him as he headed for the Great Blue Heron.  This was our turn-around point and it was time to retrace our steps.  

The last photo for today.  I still have more to share.  The bird in the middle is a Red-winged Blackbird.  More of him next time.  

Thank you everyone and have a great day.


  1. Beautiful, beautiful birds. Thank you.

  2. I love the Wood Duck pictures. And excellent photos of the flying Osprey! Flight pictures are not easy to get. Yes, Blue Herons will stay so still for so long, till they strike and get a fish. It is fun to see.

    1. He is a pretty bird Ginny this wood duck. It has been just about a year since my last sighting, so I was very happy to see him. Love the Osprey and Great Blue Heron too.

  3. You certainly saw wonderful birds on this walk and thanks for sharing them with us.

    1. You are very welcome Margaret, so glad you enjoyed them.

  4. What a lovely day out. I remember when we went birding and how we met lovely people doing the same thing. Oh happy days!

    Great photographs of my favourite wildlife. Thank you, Denise.

    1. It makes the day to meet lovely people doesn't it Valerie? Good memories sounds like. Thank you :)

  5. AWESOME shots of the geese. that second one is breathtaking to me. so beautiful. I love to hear Scot and irish accents.

    1. Thanks Sandra, me too, makes the world a lot smaller when we meet folks from all over.

  6. Replies
    1. Muito obrigado, estou feliz que tenha gostado. Um abraço e uma boa semana para você também.

  7. Hello Denise, wonderful collection of birds and great sightings. I love the Wood duck and the Osprey. Looks like a great day to be at the park. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day! Wishing you a happy new week!

    1. Hello Eileen, it was a wonderful day and I look forward to our next visit. Thank you and enjoy your week :)

  8. It's quite impressive when this magnificent bird goes by with a large fish in its talons.

    1. It certainly is Red and now I look forward to that day with fingers crossed :)

  9. keep away from geese during nesting season, those wings can break shoulders!

    1. Hi Christine, yes indeed. We never get that close, especially when we see a nest, and rely on our zoom lens. I knew swans could break a bone but didn't know that of the geese. Thanks for the warning.

  10. Hi Denise,
    The Canada Geese are always good to see, but the Male Wood Duck is such a colourful bird and so striking.
    Well done with the Osprey, they really are such wonderful birds, he will be returning from his over Winter area.
    All the best, John

    1. They certainly are John, but it is always extra special to see a bird that I don't see but on a very rare occasion. That is a gift. Thank you, I will pass that on to Gregg as he is the one who got those photos. I am trying to learn about migratory patterns. We still have our dark-eyed juncos on the back deck. I thought they would have gone north by now.

  11. Wood ducks are a rarity here, at least in the city. I've only seen one.

    1. That's interesting William, I don't get to see them that often here either.

  12. My goodness, Denise, you have captured lovely photos of gorgeous birds! I'm surprised you could get so close to the nests. Usually the geese are very protective and will attack intruders. Thank you for sharing your love of nature.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, we weren't that close as we had our zoom but I was still surprised to see it not too far from the walkway.

  13. A very nice group of photos, Denise! I have never seena real live wood duck and would love to...just one time.

    1. Thank you Rose, I hope you get to see a wood duck one day.

  14. They are all such beautiful birds.
    Lovely seeing all of your photographs.

    All the best Jan

    1. I'm so glad you liked them Jan, thank you :)

  15. So many fabulous birds that you captured with your camera!

  16. We felt lucky to see what we did :)


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