Monday, April 22, 2019


The Grey Squirrel and the Chipping Sparrow are comfortable sharing the birdseed, even though there's not a lot of it here.

My laptop screen has something wrong with it, as it is shaking uncontrollably.  I am taking it in to be repaired.  I tried adding more photos to this post using my iPad but was unsuccessful.  If any of you can offer any advice on that I would be eternally grateful.  Otherwise, I will be unable to post any more photos until I get the laptop back, and have decided to take a - hopefully - short blogging break.  I may be slow on comments too as I have never been able to reply and publish when visiting on my iPad. Technology eh?  It is lovely until it goes wrong🤷🏻‍♀️.  I will catch up with you when I get back, and if it takes a long time to get my laptop back, at least I will be able to write and give you an update. 

Thanks for stopping by and have a great week. 
Hugs, Denise 


  1. This must be so frustrating for you. I hope they fix it quickly. I have been having trouble with my e-mail, it has been on the fritz twice. Now I need to call computer tech again. But I don't have to take mine in. They can go into it remotely from their location and take over the computer.

    1. It certainly was Ginny and thankfully it didn't need a fix at all as it turned out! Sorry you are having your own issues and do hope they can sort it out for you.

  2. Sigh on the technical glitches front. I hope they can be sorted quickly.
    The visitors to our feeder rarely share nicely. There are complaints and beak-offs.

    1. Thank you EC, it was. Your visitors sound quite comical, but maybe not in their bird world. Survival of the fittest and fastest sounds like.

  3. Sorry to hear of your laptop problems so hope they can be resolved quickly. Hope you are having a good Easter.

    1. Thank you Margaret. We had a very nice Easter thank you, hope you did too :)

  4. Will miss you, Denise.Hope all goes well with the repair job. I can't blog photographs anymore, not since the big Google upheaval.

    1. Sweet of you to say Valerie and thankfully wasn't gone too long. Sorry to hear about your photo problem. I hope that can be fixed but I do enjoy your posts, photos or no photos :)

  5. Hello, the Chipping Sparrow is a cutie. I am sorry you are having problems with your laptop. I hope all is well soon. Enjoy your day, have a great new week ahead!

    1. Thanks Eileen, and the same to you. All's well with my laptop now. I guess it just needed a break ;)

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you Christine, it's up and running now :)

  7. I found the ipad difficult but I was able to post without photos.

    1. Thanks Red, I can post too but as I am 99% a photography blog and also use it to safeguard my photos, I found not being able to post them using my iPad a bit frustration to say the least.

  8. Love that photo. I would hate to be without my laptop.

  9. email me what happens on your IPAD when you try to comment, maybe I can help with that. are you logged into Google when on ipad? sorry about the laptop, best thing to do with it is the computer guy with something like that. hope the break is not for long. LOVE the one photo you go on here

    1. Thanks Sandra, I will do that once I sort things out. Yes I am logged into Google. Glad you enjoyed the photo and thanks so much for the offer.

  10. Hi Denise,
    These pieces of equipment are wonderful whilst they are working but when they have a fault, a total disaster, but with our modern society we cannot live without.
    Lets hope for a rapid repair.
    All the best, John

    1. Couldn't agree more with your comments John. Glad to be back and all the best to you too :)

  11. Wow great photo. Hope the laptop is fixed quickly. Have a good week, Diane

    1. Thank you Diane, all well now. You have a good week also :)

  12. I love the way they seem to share the seed without any troubles. I hope your computer woes aren't too hard to fix.

  13. The chipping sparrow and the squirrel appear to be wondering along with you about the issues of your computer. I'm sorry about them and hopefully they will be resolved soon.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, it is always fun to watch the interaction out back, and so glad it was nothing as it turned out.

  14. We all dislike when our tech tools are not working correctly, Denise, so hoping your issue is solved. Sadly I have no experience with the issue you described. Like yourself, I find it harder to comment on posts using my iPad as I make so many more typing errors.

    1. Very true Dorothy. I know what you mean about using the iPad keyboard. I understand you can actually buy a separate one but I seem to have gotten used to it now. Love auto correct, until it transcribes incorrectly. Always have to watch what I send out!!!

  15. I really hate it when I get overwhelmed by technology. I can understand your frustrations. Hugs.

  16. Blogging from an iPad is buggy. When I had to do it, I emailed the photos to my blog and went back in using my browser to add text. The email address is unique and is in you blogger settings.

    1. Thank you Linda, it certainly takes some getting used to, especially if I haven't been on it for a while. Thank you for the tip about the blogger settings.


Thank you so for taking the time to leave a comment. I enjoy reading them very much and always try to return a visit. As I do monitor comments it may take a while for them to appear, even quite late depending on what is going on and how much time I am able to spend on the computer.

I appreciate all who look at my blog, but I won't be publishing any businesses. If you are only able to publish anonymously, would you sign your name please, and leave an addy so I can return your visit where possible? Thank you!