Wednesday, April 24, 2019


"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees."

~Henry David Thoreau~


I am back and my computer is working, for now.  I am still not clear what the problem was as when Gregg looked at it and saw all the shaking on the screen, he said definitely a loose connection somewhere.  He took it into the repair shop but when the computer tech looked at it, he couldn't replicate the problem.  It had disappeared and all seemed to be well again.  Very strange!

I am keeping my fingers crossed and hoping that the ghost-shadow I see when the screen is dark will not get any worse.  Hoping that I will have my laptop for a good while yet, but it is acting a bit different, not quite as smooth as it used to be.  My confidence isn't as it once was and I am backing everything up each evening, not once a week as I used to.  We shall see!

Thank you for all the supportive comments in my last post.  I am glad I wasn't away for too long (I had thought it would be much longer).  I will be catching up on everyone's blogs over the next couple of days or so.


  1. just like when we go to the doctor and we are sick, get there, temp is gone, no symptoms... same thing. hope it is ok and the shaking was a fluke.

  2. Glad you are back with this sweet post

  3. Hello, I hope your computer hangs in there. Love the photo and quote! Wishing you a happy day!

    1. Thanks Sandra and wishing you a happy day also :)

  4. My computer has been acting up, too. I was on the phone with the computer guy all day earlier this week. He set it up to Defrag, and it took over 24 hours. All computers need Defragging, and mine had never done it. It seems to have fixed everything. Maybe you should try this? I love your Thoreau quote!!

    1. You've given me an idea Ginny, I don't think I have defragged in a very long time. Thank you :)

  5. Isn't is always the way we can't replicate problems? I do hope your computer settles down and will last much longer. We had to buy one recently--ugh! I want them to last as long as a refrigerator! Lol. I love the quote. You always post such lovely ones as well as pretty photos!

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, me too. I agree, they don't seem to last as long as those bigger appliances :) I am so glad you liked the picture and the quote.

  6. I hate it when things go wrong and when you ask the expert it does not repeat the problem. If my car ever had a noise I used to ask my father and of course it never did it with him!! Hope it keeps working. Diane

    1. Thank you Diane, I remember that happening to me too with our car once. Took it in over and over again.

  7. I hope the laptop was only having a very temporary glitch. Glad to see you back.

  8. Hi Denise,
    And your back, its always the same when you take something in for repair, you cannot replicate the problem, be it with the car, computer whatever.
    Like the quote, all the best.

    1. Hi John, thank you, yes there's always something going wrong :) All the best :)

  9. What a lovely photo of spring in your area! My Apple laptop is 10 years old, and I'm holding my breath, hoping it lasts another few months. I'm also backing up.

  10. Replies
    1. It's incredible when it starts blooming isn't it? Thanks Linda :)

  11. It's good that you're back blogging as technical problems with computers can be a problem. Describing your problem I had the same one of a ghost shadow on my old computer and then it cleared up. However, in the end I had to get a new computer and now find that generally it's so much quicker. I back up my blog and also my photo archives on an external hard drive though. Wishing you a good week.

    1. I think the writing is on the wall but still keeping fingers crossed :) Thank you and I hope your week is a great one also.

  12. Glad to have you back and the computer has decided to behave now

  13. Computers can be a pain sometimes but what would we do without them!? You might be interested in the following:
    Phone call to tell me my Internet had a problem and I should discuss it by pressing 1. There had been a slight blip when I first logged on line but it cleared in a few seconds. I didn’t press 1. Had a feeling it was another scam, and the Internet was fine for the rest of the day and beyond.
    I'm not saying this was responsible for your PC breakdown but you never know these days!!!

    1. They certainly can and yes I was very interested in your experience. We do have to be so careful don't we? That wasn't my problem though, thankfully.

  14. The same thing happened to us in a weekend rental. For some reason we could not get in touch with the owners. This happened years ago before cell phones.

  15. It's not nice when technology does not work!

    I do like this photograph and quote.

    All the best Jan

    1. True Jan, very true and all the best to you too and thank you :)

  16. Very pretty!

    Hopefully the computer issues are done.

    1. Thank you William, computer not totally resolved but still ticking :)


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