Monday, September 26, 2022


 I will serve this up when we have overnight company and am often asked for the recipe.  It is a favorite breakfast (I have also eaten it for supper when I am tired and need an easy supper). What I like is that even when it's just me, I put leftovers in several 1-cup ramekins, wrap them in aluminum foil and freeze them.  Easy enough to take out and pop in the microwave.  Or if there is more than one person who likes oatmeal, I take out and thaw overnight.  Next morning, I can pop them in the oven to warm through.   

I found it at The Slow Roasted Italian which you can find here.  The actual recipe can be found on this page and it was shared by Donna.  Thanks for a great breakfast treat Donna!

Cranberry-Apple Crockpot Oatmeal

Serves 4

4 cups water

2 cups old-fashioned oats
2 cups apples, peeled and cut into bite-size pieces
1/2 cup craisins (dried cranberries)
1/8 cup brown sugar
2 tablespoons butter
1/2 teaspoon salt

Using a 5-quart crockpot, spray the inside with non-stick cooking spray.

Add all the ingredients.  Stir to combine.  Cover and cook on high for 1 hour or on low for 1-1/2 to 2 hours.

Donna suggests preparing this the night ahead.  Add apples, craisins and butter to a Ziploc bag and refrigerate.  Combine oats, brown sugar and salt to a separate Ziploc bag.  Set aside.  In the morning pour both bags into slow cooker, add water, stir and turn on.

To reheat oatmeal, add a splash of water or milk to a 1 cup of oatmeal and microwave for 1 minute (more if necessary). 

Overnight cooking method:  follow recipe as listed, cooking on low for 6-8 hours.  Oatmeal will be very soft and porridge-like.

What did I think of this dish?  I always enjoy and it is very comforting on a cold morning.  It is not something I do just for cold weather, I make it all year round.  The addition of the apples and craisins are very yummy.  As mentioned above, I put what is left in the freezer, to be taken out whenever I feel like a bowl of nourishing oatmeal. 

I am having a feeling of déjà vu, that I may have shared this before on my blog.  I have gone through all my breakfast/recipes and could not find it.  Perhaps it's because I have several other oatmeal recipes on here.  If this is a repeat (as it is one of those I transferred from my old blog and I just updated a little) I apologize.  

Thanks for looking and I hope your week is a great one.



  1. Looks like a heartwarming dish in winter

  2. That sounds truly delicious. Thank you.

  3. I am happy you posted this recipe as it looks delicious, Denise. Like you say a great breakfast when you have company or dinner when tired.

    1. So glad Martha Ellen :) and it fits perfectly into my routine :)

  4. I love a bowl of hot oats in the morning!! My favorite is date and walnut. But, alas, I am a die-hard instant oatmeal cooker...Quaker. lol

    1. Those are good too :) Thanks for the smile Anni :)

  5. Looks delicious. I have had oatmeal with cranberries before and I really liked it.

  6. Replies
    1. Muito obrigado. Um abraço e uma boa semana para você também :)

  7. Replies
    1. Always a good idea, if you like oatmeal :) Thank you Christine!

  8. so the truth, i have never liked oatmeal and i think it is because i had it as a child. it was thick and pasty, no real flavor. i LOVE oatmeal cookies so it seems i should like this. i am going to try it and i will let you know how it goes!!

    1. It's not everyone's cup of tea I know :) Maybe you would enjoy this, not sure but I would love you to tell me if you make it and what you think? Thanks Debbie!

  9. thank you for good wishes...


    1. Dear BB, you are very welcome and do hope all is going well by now. I'll pop on over today sometime.

  10. Your cranberry-apple crockpot oatmeal looks delicious, Denise. You know, I love oatmeal, and this sure looks good. I sometimes add raisins and blueberries and pecans and bananas, and have you ever tried a trail mix to your oatmeal? I saw it at the store one day, and thought it might be good in oatmeal. Oatmeal is such a healthy breakfast choice, and my mom used to make it for us when I was young before school.

    Have a sweet September week, Denise.


    1. Thank you Sheri, happy you think so :) Those additions you mentioned sound wonderful and I will give them a try next time. Sounds like a nostalgia food for you because of your Mom. Mine used to make it for me too in the winter and before sending us off to school. Thank you also for the sentiment and I wish you the same.

  11. This is a perfect pairing of ingredients, Denise. I am a fan of oatmeal too and have added dried cranberries along with yogurt as a topping. Now I will include some apples as well.

    1. Thanks Dorothy, I have added cranberries along with yogurt, and a few chopped nuts, a delicious combination :)


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