Tuesday, January 14, 2025


Hello Family and Friends, here is my latest weekly missive. I go on at some length about my physiotherapy appointment. Several of you have been asking how my first one went, and I thought it would be easier to put it all down here. It takes me a while these days to send individual emails out, sorry to say.

The above shows our weather forecast for the week beginning 1/13/25.

Monday, January 6th, 2025: a snow day. The forecasters were correct. It started snowing late last night and is still snowing this morning at 11.21 a.m. About six inches so far. (I took this photo a few days later while driving through the neighborhood.) It snowed all through the day.

The next photo also taken a few days later, is from the house that always has these lovely seasonal decorations in their front yard. The gentleman must be late taking them down because of the weather, but I am glad as it is a lovely sight and always makes me smile when I drive by. I received a text last night to say my first physiotherapy appointment was cancelled for this morning. I was disappointed, and yet relieved? I was doing cartwheels inside my head. I will pay the piper later!

The same young man who shoveled our driveway last year about this time, knocked on the door this morning. We hired him again and he did a great job. He had grown about six inches taller. He goes to our local high school. When he was finished, snowmelt was put on the driveway. More will be added as the day progresses. 

These photos of the birds were taken the next day. They were nowhere to be seen for those 24 hours. Then they made up for it and were very busy flying in and out for a while. The Kissing Bunnies seem to be doing fine.

Had a lovely chat with son and daughter-in-law. Dear d-in-l wisely cancelled lessons. Son sent me snow photos a few days later also.

Tuesday, January 7th, 2025: Tuesday is always a bit of a fog because without fail lately, I forget to write anything down until the next day.

Can't remember what we had for breakfast or lunch but dinner was a frozen Pad Thai bought from CostCo today. We both enjoy cooking but it's nice to have something you can take out the freezer and throw into the oven. We wanted something hot.

Wednesday, January 8th, 2025: we went for our weekly fast-food trip. It was McDonalds again for lunch with burger and fries, with me taking along my own water. 

Our main roads have been salted, plowed and easy to get around. The neighborhood roads are passable but a little trickier. We went for a drive later and our car miraculously turned into the drive-thru of one of a favorite coffee shop. I took pictures on the way back.  There were quite a few snow men in people’s yards. 

Son called up and said earlier, "Are you at McDonalds?" He could see us on the GPS tracker. Not that we keep tabs on each other, but I guess we keep tabs on each other! It's come in very useful when either of us have had car problems, as the directions take us right to their cell phone. Does anyone else use these between family members? Some might think it a bit too invasive of privacy but we've all grown to like it and it gives comfort when on journeys. We have the ability to turn it off but never do, and we don’t check it all the time.

Thursday, January 9th, 2025: we seem to be eating out a lot as today we were at Santini's. Gregg had his Italian cold cut with a coke. I had their steak and cheese with a cream soda for a change. I brought half of mine home and for....

Dinner: we shared my half of the steak and cheese, along with half an avocado. The sub was as delicious as it was at lunch time (heated up in the microwave). Santini's is not on a regular schedule. We go a couple of times every three-months or so. It is an excellent sub-shop however.

When we came back from lunch we had a chat with brother-in-law across the pond. We were on FaceTime for well over an hour-and-a-half. I've mentioned it before, but he is more like a brother to me than a brother-in-law. I still remember my sister bringing him home that first time to meet us all. I was 13 years old. I remember being very shy. 

Friday, January 9th, 2025 at 10:47 a.m: I am all ready to go to my first physiotherapy appointment. There were several locations to choose from. They have a place at the hospital where I saw the orthopedic surgeon, and as we know the building, all the appointments were made there. It's not too far from our house. I dressed in comfortable clothes with layers. Not sure what to expect. Gregg dropped me off at the entrance while he parked the car. I waited for him in one of the foyer chairs. I saw this. It's a photo of The Air Force Memorial.
First session over and I am back home. My knee was evaluated by a no-nonsense (but very nice) physiotherapist. She was very good at her job. I shot through the roof a few times as she examined my knee. She had me walking up a wide hallway while she watched me from behind. That felt a bit strange. I stayed close to the wall and put my hand out to steady myself a few times. She asked did I always do that? I said not as much since I had the injection but before a lot and now sometimes. I told her I was always glad to have a wall available. When I go out I have Gregg’s arm. I also said I had to use our furniture at home to get myself around when I first sprained my knee.

She taught me how to use my cane. Apparently, I am not the most coordinated person. She told me I should put my left foot forward and do the same with the cane in the opposite hand, synchronizing it to come together with my left foot as I move forward. Can I move my one hand up and down and do a circle motion with the other hand at the same time? My thought, not hers. Nope! I will be practicing. She also adjusted the height of the cane. Gregg bought it for me a couple of weeks back as they sell them at the supermarket. She also told me not to hunch over as I walked, “You need to stand up straight.” Oh boy!

She looked at my shoes and I was wearing my comfy flatties. She told me they don't offer a lot of support for my foot, and I really should buy a pair of good walking shoes. I came home and, fingers crossed, ordered another pair online that are a kind of an orthopedic shoe for people with similar problems. They will arrive in a few days. They look like a regular walking shoe.  I will show them to her for inspection the next time I go. 

I am also doing the exercises every day that she had me do in the office, as I have to strengthen the muscles in my leg. She asked me what my goal was and I told her I wanted to walk around the gardens and the parks again, definitely to walk further than I have been doing. Also to be able to go on longer trips when the warmer weather arrives. We often talk about that when we are home. I left more hopeful and very appreciative of her sound advice. 

Several other questions, more exercises and we were out the door, "and when you order my coffee my love, would you also get a brownie for me? For some odd reason I badly want chocolate!” Family joke and a leftover from childhood! But first, on the way home we had had lunch at Chick Filet, and then the coffee stop nearer home at our local place. We are not doing very good with our ‘not-eating out as much’ resolve.

It is late afternoon now and the man has gone off to Wegman’s. More snow tonight and the store was busy again with people preparing and stocking up for bad weather. It's not supposed to be as much though.

Son texted us to see how my appointment went. He was on the metro coming back from Maryland.

Saturday, January 11th, 2025 - 10:47 a.m: we awoke to about an inch of snow this morning. The roads through the neighborhood were better for driving. Thanks to the young man who cleared our drive and path up to the front door, dear other half didn't have to do much, but he still got a good work out. He has put more snowmelt down and hopefully there will be no more snow for a while. 

The next photo shows the view out of our garage window facing us as we pull the car in. The window need cleaning I noticed, but I have been banned from getting on step ladders for some time now, by the two men in our family. There is also a workbench in front of this window. Man said he will get round to it. 
He knows I'll have a bee in my bonnet. Lots of bees flying around in there lately.
Moving on, the first thing we check each morning is the news, to see what's been going on and have our daily discussion about current events. Daily prayers to people in California, and to all firefighters and first responders, and everyone else who is volunteering and involved in trying to keep people safe. I don't usually mention what I read about (the bottom part of my profile on the side of my blog page explains why), but keeping up with what's going on here and around the world is important to us. I found this online.

Since posting the above I saw that South Africa has sent their firefighters. Here, there are those from other States now. The way the fires were raging and flying because of  those 100 mph hurricane winds looked horrifying, and nigh on impossible to keep up with, an interminably impossible situation. There are probably more helpers involved now. There are many, many helpers out there. Praying for everyone!

The snow is dripping off the roof and for a while there was a mini blizzard of misty snowflakes blowing sideways. 
I enjoyed watching the birds again, a daily pastime. We have a White-breasted Nuthatch, several finches, Dark-eyed Juncos, a Carolina Wren and a male Cardinal out there right now, and a Blue Jay, ones I have mentioned before.
They are most definitely regulars. I have a clear view of them where I sit and my camera with the zoom is always at my side on the sofa. I am still waiting for that Northern Flicker to come back. My knee might not be up to snuff but my camera arm's reaction is really good, and very coordinated! They all flew off at the same time. Something must have startled them. Our houses are pretty close together and someone is always coming and going, more so on the weekends. Or maybe the dinner bell rang at another house.  False alarm, they're back. 

We had a nice chat with our son when he called in the late afternoon. He was shopping and picking up items as he walked around the supermarket. Very much like his dad in that area.  He wanted to know more about my physiotherapy appointment from yesterday.

Sunday, January 12th, 2024 - 10:12 a.m: son isn't coming over today. He is looking after dear daughter-in-law who is feeling under the weather. Hoping she will feel much better so that they can enjoy the rest of the day together.

Last meal to mention: it was eaten late and was our combined lunch and dinner. The man roasted chicken breasts topped with olive oil, salt and pepper and chili crisp, cubed boiled potatoes and Brussels sprouts. Plainer fixings, not too many seasonings and  it was excellent and welcomed. Well done Chef!

That's it for now.

Thanks for looking and enjoy the rest of your week. I leave you while I am doing cartwheels in my head, and several bees are buzzing around in my bonnet! 🐝 


  1. I'm glad to hear your appointment went well! Let me know what she thinks of your new shoes! We have been following the fires a lot on the news every day, how awful!! I'm glad to see the Kissing Bunnies are doing so well! Your bird photos are great, so sharp and clear. I can never use a cane the right way and am so uncoordinated! I use a walker when needed. A brownie is a suitable reward for going to therapy, chocolate makes everything better. I bet it your knee was sore for quite a while after.

  2. Snow looks interesting to me, and hope the knee is improving.
    Dreadful the bush fires in your country.
    Love the Cardinal, well done.

  3. I am so glad that your physio appointment went well -- and hope that she approves of your new shoes.
    Love the snowy scenes and I would be engrossed in watching your birds.

  4. It sounds like you are in good hands regarding physiotherapy. I hope the new shoes help.

  5. It's looking very snowy there. It's supposed to snow again here today and I'm hoping they are wrong.
    Sounds like your therapist knows her stuff and gave you a lot of good advice.
    Sorry to hear your DIL wasn't feeling well. Hope she's feeling better today.

  6. Physios can be so encouraging and I'm glad your appointment went well. I hope the exercises and the new shoes help.

  7. Your winter clicks are always amazing

  8. Hello,
    I hope the therapy, new walking shoes and the exercises are helping your knee. Hubby and I try to avoid eating out too much, maybe once a week. You have some great bird photos, I am sure they enjoy all the bird food you put out for them. Take care, have a wonderful day!

  9. Whew...you've been busy. Too bad the first appointment got canceled, but sounds like a good move to be safe, given the weather. Good shoes are a must. I broke my foot a few years back and though I've always worn good shoes, it became even more important after the injury. I'm not a barefoot person, but used to wear socks around the house...not now, socks are slippery and provide no support. I put on shoes and socks as soon as I get up, otherwise my foot bothers me. Keep up your exercising and therapy, it makes a huge difference. Beautiful pictures of nature.
    Sandy's Space

  10. I'm saying a little prayer for your health and knee. Keep going to therapy and following instructions. You're a busy lady!


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