Thursday, January 9, 2025


 Last Monday (1/6/25) was our first significant snowfall of the season. I spent a lot of my time looking at the birds outside. These are photos I took. I have added links to all their names.

The male House Finches were the first to appear after we replenished the birdseed.

This was the first White-throated Sparrow I had seen in a long time. 
A Carolina Wren, always a visitor thankfully.
I felt lucky to get a photo of this Red-bellied Woodpecker before he flew out of frame.
A male Northern Cardinal and I think an American Goldfinch.
A Mourning Dove and a House Finch.
A Blue Jay, another regular visitor.
The House Finches and one Dark-eyed Junco looked like they were having a party.
I think this little House Finch was waiting for a spot to open up.

This is where I am ending my post. I hope you enjoyed my little birds enjoying their snow day. 

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your day is a great one.


  1. Next best thing to "Saturday At the Birdfeeder!" You know my favorite is the little wren, even though I have been attacked by one! How on earth do you get such sharp clear pics of the birds??

    1. That’s very sweet of you to say Ginny. Thank you very much :) I have a lot of blurry photos I don’t share and I am always wishing for a steadier hand. I am very happy you like these :

  2. Such hardy little critters. I would be engrossed in watching them too. Thank you.

    1. Very happy you enjoyed them Sue and they certainly are very hardy. Thank you!

  3. You have such a nice variety of birds that show up at your feeders. How fun to watch them all.

    1. It really is, they are very entertaining :) Thanks Ann :)

  4. Love these bird photos.
    The Cardinal looks so pretty in the snow.
    The House Finches really do look like they’re partying!

    1. Thank you Veronica Lee, so glad you loved them :)

  5. Such pretty birds, and they obviously appreciate the food you put out for them.

    1. Thanks Janice, they do seem to love this birdseed :)

  6. Hello Denise,
    I enjoyed all your birds and photos. It looks like your feeder attracts a nice variety of birds. Take care, have a great day!

    1. Thank you Eileen, I very much appreciate that :) happy you enjoyed. You take care and have a great day also.

  7. The beautiful birds are certainly enjoying your generous offerings Denise. Great photo and I especially loved the woodpecker in flight!

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, I was very happy about that woodpecker :)

  8. I noticed the bunny's are upright and not down for the count. they look a little cold with the snow on the top. all the birds are just darling. so cute and cuddly looking. the first bird looks a bit scruffy but still adorable...

    1. Thank you Sandra, the little finch did look a bit bedraggled. I think he had been enjoying face planting into the snow, lol! Yes the bunnies were fully protected by the deep snow :)

  9. Denise, you have a fine flock there!!!

  10. Some really great shots, Denise. That woodpecker one is amazing.

    1. Thank you Angie, Very much appreciate your comment. I was very happy I was able to photograph that woodpecker.

  11. Thank you for the photo's of the birds. When I lived in a house in "L" a lot of the birds you show here came to the feeder. Now, living in a 5th floor apartment I don't see very many birds. Thanks.
    You appear to have more snow than where I live here in Canada.

    1. You are very welcome and thank you, I enjoy the birds immensely, and I am happy you did too :) We have had a lot more snow this year.

  12. Denise, when we lived in VA and it was a snow day, I did the same thing. You were able to get some wonderful captures of nearly all the same birds we would see on the VA eastern shore. However, I never was able to get a good woodpecker image, so kudos to you. It is nice to be safe and warm indoors on a snow day, unfortunately here in Nashua, NH, we have not had any measurable ❄️☃️ snow aside from flurries 😟

    1. Thank you Dorothy, it was a fun photograph day, especially as we were not able to go anywhere :) It looks like you would enjoy a bit more snow. We enjoyed ours but we don’t have to go anywhere and thanks to Gregg, our pantry supplies are well stocked. I remember the days of being stuck in the snow and having to push the car a few times. Fortunately there was always help from strangers.


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