Thursday, January 23, 2025


As you may already know, I get a lot of joy from seeing all our feathered friends out back, especially as I am not able to go too far afield lately. I am starting off with an American Goldfinch who managed to get a drink of water. The snow and ice were melting in the bird bath. I have put links on all the names of these birds if you would like to find out more information, and hopefully I am not repeating the same photos. I know you've seen the same birds at some point or another.

Next I managed to get a photo of a White-breasted nuthatch, before he darted off with seed in mouth. He is a flitterer, in that he flits in and he flits out.

A closer one of the Northern Flicker. Such a handsome bird. You can tell this one is a male because he has a black mustache. Females don't have them. I will do a post on him later with more information. Because he has only just started visiting, I am enjoying finding out more about him.

Next is an Eastern Bluebird

For years we never saw any out back, and now we get several and often. 

Here's a White-throated Sparrow.

A Carolina Wren on one of our snow days.

I am finishing off with another Eastern Bluebird, a male Northern Cardinal and a few House Finches on the same snow day. Our Christmas tree is showing on the right. I had to move fast to get them altogether, no time to frame it out of the picture, and I didn’t want to cut the cardinal out.

That's all for now. I hope you have enjoyed.


  1. You got beautiful sharp photos, with great detail! We have Flickers around here. They are the only ground eating woodpeckers. They dig for ants in our driveway. Lots of anthills here. Look at them when they fly, they are beautiful! I think my favorite photo is the cute Nuthatch with the nut in his beak.

    1. That’s interesting info about the flicker. Thanks Ginny :) The Nuthatch is a fun photo. It’s lovely to capture them in certain poses.

  2. They do fill our hearts with joy, don't they! Thank you, D

    1. Thank you Cloudia and you are very welcome. They certainly do :)

  3. Its lovely to see all your feathered visitors in the snow. I like the blue bird and the new one , the Northern Flicker. Its a beauty. Hope your mobility is improving.

    1. Thank you Diane, still plodding along :) I hope all goes well with you too. I am happy you enjoyed my feathered friends.

  4. I have enjoyed them. Your visitors are exotica to me - as I suppose ours are to you. I welcome them all.

    1. You described that accurately Sue and thank you :) you do have very exotic birds visiting you. I would welcome them too.

  5. You have a lovely selection of garden visitors. Word has spread in the neighbourhood that there's always food at your house.

    1. Hello Janice and thank you, you would be correct :)

  6. Love all your photos. You sure get a nice selection of birds. In that last photo the cardinal really stands out.

    1. That’s great Ann! The Cardinal always stands out but especially in the snow :)

  7. You know, in my life I am sure I have seen females with black moustaches. Not something I point out to them, however!

    1. I would hope not David, that’s very wise of you ;)

  8. I enjoyed your variety of bird visitors.

    1. Wonderful and much appreciated. Thank you Linda :)

  9. Your feeder birds are all lovely, what a great variety too.
    My favorites are the Flicker and the Bluebirds.
    Take care, have a great day!

    1. Two beautiful birds indeed :) Thank you Eileen!

  10. You get the best photos! I only have my cell phone and can only get so close. I love watching them, too. So glad you have a flicker visiting. :)

    1. Sweet of you to say Rita. Thank you so much! I am glad too :) we have an old camera with a zoom lens. I am very grateful for it though it feels so heavy and my wrists cry uncle after a while. So much easier to use my cell phone.

  11. the 2nd photo made me smile, looks like "my tail feathers are crossed, hoping I don't fall on my cute head in this icy water" Ginny is right, your photos of birds are always so sharp and clear and so REAL its like seeing them.

    1. Hi Sandra, that’s great and love your caption. Very much appreciate your sweet comment, thank you my friend :)

  12. Denise I delight with you at backyard feathered friends!! They are so appreciative of the seed when it snows. I needed a traffic director yesterday. Excellent photos!!!
    We had all of the same birds as you except I'll add our yellow rumped Warbler.
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Thank you Cecilia, so glad :) I know how much you enjoy yours and I also feel delighted to see them through your photos. I would love to see your yellow rumped warbler. Now that would be really something.

  13. You have a tremendous variety of birds. All I seem to see here are dozens (literally) of sparrows and a few cardinals at the feeder! Lovely photos, Denise.

    1. Thank you Jeanie, and very much appreciated :) we don’t seem to get too many sparrows, more in the summer months though.

  14. Lovely to see! We are great bird lovers and have been avidly watching the birds visiting our garden this winter. All for free, is what I always say! 😁

    1. Hi Sal, that’s wonderful! I know great entertainment :)

  15. I think we waited too long to put our bird feeders out. They are ignoring us. I love all the great shots you got of your visitors!

    1. Thanks Ellen and I think you may have a nice surprise one morning, soon I hope :)

  16. A beautiful set of photos and so nice to see the different birds that you get. Thanks for sharing . Keep warm Diane

    1. Glad you enjoyed them Diane and you are very welcome. It is always lovely to see different birds in other parts of the world. I felt the same when we were traveling. You keep warm also :)

  17. I think you are true friend of the birds.

    1. I appreciate you saying so Yogi, thank you. They pay me back a thousandfold :)

  18. Replies
    1. Totally agree, thank you Gigi and I hope you are feeling better today :)

  19. It’s nice to see your lovely birds. I rarely see bluebirds, but I put some suet out today that has mealworms so I hope they’ll find it.

    1. That’s great Linda, it is always fun to see who turns up at the feeder. I hope your bluebirds turn up. That seems to be their favorite food :)

  20. That's a good crowd at the feeder so that you see birds most of the time you look out the window.

    1. Yes, it’s always fun to see them. Thanks Red :)

  21. Nuthatches are my favorite birds. I love the way they come down the tree head first. You get a nice mix of birds. I would love to see the flicker.

    1. Hello Leslie, the nuthatches are a sweet little visitor :) I always hope the flicker comes back. He is more elusive than the others.

  22. A real joy to see all your feathered friends.


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