Saturday, May 25, 2024


I beg your pardon?

He's feeling a bit foggy, but Big Bunny knows where your umbrella is. It's behind Froggies3. We think the bandits were back again last night. Kissing Bunnies were knocked over and Camera Lady decided to put them on the deck this time. No table for them, even the bottom part. On the ground from now on, with space between them. A new tactic!

The umbrella was found and is back to where it should be, attached much tighter this time. The rain stopped and the sun is shining. Everyone welcomed Rufus the Red-bellied woodpecker back into the fold, and everyone was happy.

And so it goes on a Saturday Morning at the Birdfeeder.

Thanks for welcoming Rufus back and I hope your birds are singing sweet songs in your neighborhood.


  1. What a lovely story! Like an adult fairy tale, complete with a warmhearted return and lots of mischief. Only it is all really true! You totally enchant me.

    1. Thank you Ginny, and what a sweet thing to say. I will keep writing them as long as I know that you and others enjoy them. Sometimes they might be a bit boring but I'll keep trying to bring a smile :)

  2. Replies
    1. You are very welcome Sue, I love making you smile :)

  3. 😊 let's hope the bunnies don't get knocked over again.

    1. I hope so too Margaret but I've just been watching a raccoon up on the top of the bench and have been keeping a sharp look out :)

  4. We're woken up gently by the sweet songs of the birds that come into our garden. The dawn chorus we hear is beautiful. There's much activity in your garden too. I love the fact that each bird has a cute name. You capture each bird and the garden ornaments so well. Happy May days to you and your hubby.

    1. That's a very soothing alarm call in the morning :) and the dawn chorus is an appropriate expression for them. If you come back and read my reply you'll see that I am very far behind, so I am going to wish you a happy June to you and Mr. P :)

  5. What a delightful Saturday morning update! I'm glad Big Bunny was able to locate the umbrella, and it's great to hear it’s now secured more firmly. The mischief of the bandits keeps things interesting, but it's good to see Kissing Bunnies have found a new, safer spot. Rufus the Red-bellied woodpecker's return must have been a joyous occasion for everyone at the birdfeeder. Here's to sunny days and sweet bird songs in your neighborhood! 🐦☀️

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment Melody. I am very happy you enjoyed my tale :)

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you Donna, much appreciated and sending hugs :)

  7. The birds are very friendly there. It's nice that they all get along so well. I'm glad that the bunnies have their umbrella back.

    1. Thanks Ann :) the bunnies are happy to get their umbrella back too, hahaha!

  8. I just love those kissing bunnies - they look so cute and make me smile every time I see them.

    1. I'm glad I bought them into the fold Janice, they always give me a smile when I look outside :)

  9. Do you have suet out for Rufus? That is one of his favorite foods. We do not have red-bellies, but something very similar.

    1. I do and Rufus and other birds enjoy it. It must be very tasty to them :)

  10. Thanks for the Saturday cheer!

    1. You are very welcome Christine and thank you :)

  11. the bandits sure are destructive, I wonder what they are doing to break things.. maybe babies playing chase? love the bunnies and the frogs.. hope you have a nice week end..

    1. I wonder too Sandra :) and you've probably guessed it. Hope you are having a nice weekend also.

  12. Thanks for the ongoing antics of the birds and animals in your garden.
    A thunder storm woke me this morning, clouds are darkening again, another one on the horizon, as a result the birds are taking shelter and no singing this morning,

    1. You are very welcome and so glad you enjoy them. Since I published this post we have had a few thunderstorms in our area. Now the weather is very fresh in the evenings but warm during the daytime and not too hot. I hope you get your singing birds soon :)

  13. I saw a red headed woodpecker recently. I couldn't believe it. It was huge, the size of a Toucan!

    1. How wonderful Sandi, I wonder if it was a Pileated Woodpecker? They are as big as you describe :)

  14. Nice chat with Rufus. I get fluffer lady . It's a very creative name.

  15. Hello Rufus. Our bird bath was knocked over on it's side this week. It would be interesting to put a game camera out somewhere here at our bungalow to see who visits at night. Hope you have a peaceful Memorial Day weekend!

    1. Oh dear, I keep telling my dear other half we need to put the bird cam out again. I keep forgetting to get batteries! :) We had a very peacetime Memorial Day thank you. I have enjoyed reading about yours :)

  16. Replies
    1. He says thank you Jeanie ;) and I thank you too.

  17. What a fun post, I enjoyed the captions and your birds. I love your cute kissing bunnies! Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Glad you enjoyed Eileen, I'm quite fond of my kissing bunnies too. You take care and have a wonderful weekend also :)

  18. Oh Denise I do like happy endings and so it goes at your darling deck. Big Bunny saved the umbrella so smartly. Happy to know Rufus is back as well as Biscuit the blue jay. I always enjoy hearing from your menagerie, my friend! BTW as I am smiling Grayden asked me what I was smiling about--I mentioned your post and he said--Oh it's Saturday at the Bird feeder! You are well known around these parts.

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, you certainly made my day with these sweet comments :) Happy June to you and Grayden my friend :)

  19. Denise this was such fun!!! You have such a creative mind.
    You might have heard me sqeal with delight. This morning we had a Female Flicker on our suet cage. She had to do some fancy foot work to position herself for the snack but she did it.
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. I am happy you thought so Cecilia, and thank you so much! How wonderful you saw your Flicker, I think I would be squealing too. It's been so long since I saw one. These birds are very clever at their balancing acts, where there's a will, there's a way :)

  20. Another fun post.
    Love your captions, and the name Captain Fluffernut made me smile.
    Happy to know that Rufus is back.

    Wishing you a happy weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan, so appreciate your comment :) Happy weekend to you too and all the best!

  21. What a beautiful story Denise.
    I really like these ones
    lively dialogues of birds and rabbits.
    It's very nice that Rufus is back.
    Big Bunny found the umbrella and everything is in order again!!
    Have a nice week

    1. I am happy you enjoyed it Katerina, thank you so much! You have a nice week also :)

  22. So fun this morning, I love your kissing bunnies.

    1. That's wonderful Carole and thank you so much for letting me know you enjoyed them. Very much appreciated :)

  23. Are you sure the party didn't get a little wild when you weren't looking and the bunnies got knocked over then?

    1. Their parties always get a little wild Rose, lol! Thank you for the smile :)

  24. It's interesting isn't it? I've noticed different birds arrive at the feeders if I have changed the birdseed around a bit. I am always trying to attract different kinds of birds :)


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