Monday, May 20, 2024


I fixed myself a salmon recipe from Christine's blog. It was delicious! Thank you Christine for sharing this recipe.


Christine's Dijon Salmon

2 tablespoons Dijon mustard

1 tablespoons honey

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 tablespoon lemon juice

2 cloves garlic minced

1/2 tsp onion powder

1/4 tsp salt

1/2 tsp pepper

1/2 tsp hot sauce (optional)

1 tsp dried tarragon 

1 salmon fillet

Place a salmon fillet on a baking dish lined with parchment paper.  Rub all the ingredients on top of the salmon.

Bake at 425F 15-20 minutes.

The only changes were that I didn't have any tarragon so I used Italian seasoning. 

The other change was using avocado oil instead of olive oil.

I had a few grape tomatoes that I sautéed quickly in the frying pan.

I also baked a sweet potato earlier in the day, heating it up to serve as a side dish.

I sprinkled siracha over the top to serve.

My salmon came out darker, but it didn't detract from the taste. I will definitely be making this again. 

I should have warmed the honey a little to make it more spreadable.

This was a wonderful meal, and fast! For my own taste the two sides went well. Next time I will remember to buy the ingredients for a mixed green salad. 

Below is Christine's full website address for the recipe, in case you prefer copying and pasting instead of the link above.

Thanks again Chistine.

Thank you all for visiting and have a great week!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Ginny, that's what I was going for :) Always trying to cook healthier these days.

  2. Seems a nice recipe. Must try it.

  3. Sounds like a very nice salmon recipe. Your sides look great as well!

  4. I am glad you enjoyed it. Dijon mustard is a winner.

    1. It goes well in cooking and not cooking, that's for sure :) Thanks Sue!

  5. Spróbuję przygotować to danie dla moich bliskich. Dobrego tygodnia życze:)

    1. To jest cudowne! Mam nadzieję, że spodoba Wam się tak samo jak mi :) Dziękuję!

  6. It looks really good. That's my kind of dinner that bakes in just 15-20 minutes.

    1. Thanks Ann, and I love the fact that it is a short time from prep to table :)

  7. Replies
    1. It is David, I can highly recommend Christine's recipe :)

  8. Thanks for the recipe! We love salmon!

    1. You are very welcome Donna, so glad! Thank you and sending hugs :)

  9. You plated this meal beautifully. It looks delicious!

    1. I always try to make it look pretty on a plate. Thank you Gigi :)

  10. Yummy Denise
    Now I'm hungry
    Hugs cecilia

    1. Isn't that always the way Cecilia? :) sending hugs!

  11. Denise so happy you tried it. The mustard honey and lemon really make a difference. I suspect it is darker as we all make recipes our own don't we, with your special touches!

    1. Thanks again Christine, really enjoyed it with those ingredients. It did make it special. And yes, most definitely we end up with our own special touches. I put the timer on the oven and didn't hear it until I went in there to check. It must have been going for at least an extra five minutes or so. Another special touch would be to put the timer on my iPhone which would be right by my side, lol! Fortunately it still tasted great!

  12. I wish I could learn to love salmon but I haven't so far. Maybe I am not fixing it right! I'll keep trying. It is so good for youo

    1. I think you have been fixing it perfectly Latane. Not every one likes salmon, my husband for one :) our taste buds like what they like. Hubby loves fried clams, I can’t stand them in any shape or form. I love hard-boiled eggs, he can’t stand them, or sweet potatoes. I usually fix myself a meal with these when he is out of town, which is what I did this time :)

  13. My daughter might like this...

  14. We really like salmon and finding another easy recipe is always good, thanks Denise. Also, liked the addition of the mashed sweet potato, another favorite.

    1. You are very welcome Dorothy, so glad you like the sound of this meal and I am thankful to Christine for posting the salmon recipe on her blog :)

  15. Delicious looking salmon meal. Thank you for sharing.

  16. That salmon sounds wonderful. And a different one from my regular versions!

    1. Yes, it's really good. I was happy to find it on Christine's blog :)

  17. I'm not much of a fish lover, but this salmon really looks good. I just baked sweet potatoes yesterday! They are delicious with lots of butter. ; )


    1. I was the same was at one time but I grew to enjoy salmon very much. Another favorite is grilled rainbow trout, and also a few of the milder types of fish. Lots of butter, yes indeed, yum! I denied myself butter for years and said why? So I have a treat every now and again, and putting them on sweet potato is as you say, yum! Thanks Sheri :)


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