Wednesday, May 15, 2024



This is a very simple photo I took of some grasses at Green Springs a couple of days ago.  Another very nice walk starting from the top of the garden this time, down to the ponds.  A few wildflowers, one or two turtles, a cardinal high up in a tree and that was about it, that I can think of right now.

It’s gone chilly and rainy around here. It seemed the right kind of day to get into the dentist. I made the appointment a while back. I was in there for frankly I don’t know how long and it was not the most pleasant experience but needed to be done. Half the procedure was completed and the other half will be done at the end of the month. The young lady in reception afterwards said wonderful, we have an unexpected opening and we can fit you in tomorrow. Both Gregg and I said in unison, a very affirmation no thank you and yes he knows me so well! I tottered out of the building heading for the hills, or at least for home.

My dental lady is wonderful and she did a great job, explaining every detail before proceeding on to the next, but I found myself feeling very grotty when I got home and slept for hours. This was an early morning appointment. Half of my face was put to sleep and though that all calmed down, I was aware that I had a fat lip as I had apparently been chomping down on it like a beaver without realizing. Oh well! They really are great at that place and I have no complaints about them. But I need a break before I go through the rest of it.

How are you with visits to the dentist?

Thanks for visiting and 
enjoy your day.


  1. It sounds like you had a root canal, or some other nasty invasive procedure! I hate going to the dentist and have been putting it off for years. I would much rather go to the doctor; of which we have too many to count.

    1. No root canal but a procedure that was very long and uncomfortable. I am actually very thorough in my dental hygiene thinking that was enough to get me through a long absence of visits starting with the Pandemic. Very wrong!

  2. The dentist always scares me and I think about it a lot before making an appointment.
    When I close and go and do the work I have to then I'm happy!
    Have a nice day Denise!

    1. I am happy to have started the process. Thank you Katerina, you have a nice day also :)

  3. I dread visits to the dentist - despite ours being a lovely and very gentle woman. I suspect I would have gone to that unexpected appointment - just to get it done and dusted.

    1. Having had a very uncomfortable hour of gagging and choking, I am in no hurry to go again. I needed the break :)

  4. Let's hope your mouth doesn't hurt too much.
    I love the dentist, fillings were done with no numbing injections, it only hurts for a minute but of course a big filling or anything else that's big an injection.

    1. It took several hours before the numbness wore off. I am one of those ‘lucky’ people who is a slow healer. My immune system needs a good swift kick at times :) Strangely enough I had no fillings! I did have numbing gel plus novocaine. .

  5. I sympathise. Not a fan of dentists, although mine is lovely - very gentle. I have a 'procedure' at the end of the month, which will mean 2 hours in the chair.

    1. Thank you Janice :) I hope your procedure goes well.

  6. Love my dentist, as well. I would have said yes to the next day appointment though...I like getting it Over! lolol

    1. Too wiped out to jump into that dental chair so soon, lol! Sending hugs :)

  7. Wizyta u dentysty nie należy do najmilszych, też nie lubię ale nie ma rady jak trzeba . Życzę zdrowia i miłego weekendu.:)

    1. Dziękuję bardzo za miłe komentarze :) Bardzo je doceniam. Życzę ci miłego dnia.

  8. I am quite sure that a visit to the dentist is not a favourite activity for anyone. It has to be done though, so we all put up with it I suppose. I go in for a cleaning three times a year.

    1. After a long absence I will be going regularly from now on :)

  9. I understand perfectly your feelings about those types of procedures. Hopefully by now you are feeling much better and will be up for the next step after resting and coming back to yourself. Take care, my dear friend. I don't know of anyone that enjoys sitting in a dental chair for hours on end!

    1. Thank you Martha Ellen, so kind of you. Very true on your last sentence. Much better now and back to normal :)

  10. I think a person who likes going to the dentist might be a rare bird.. everyone I know, including me doesn't care for it. I do hate the numb feeling because mine last all day, as does the eye doctor dilated eyes last until the next morning. I have an extremely slow system, it takes weeks for a cut to heal, and numb/dilate takes all day. I to would take the next day because more than anything I hate waiting..

    1. I have yet to meet that rare bird Sandra :) You and I sound very alike processing our recovery time. Not me on your last sentence though. I go straight into denial, lol! I can stick my head in the sand and be very comfortable with that, tsk! Lol!

  11. I am with you, Denise, in that dental visits are not my favorite and thankfully we have a dentist as patient as your own.

  12. Hate'm! I do not hate the picture of grasses though. Even simple pictures like that are fascinating.

    1. Glad you like those grasses and very true, those simple photos can be stunners. They are also where my peace lies :) Nature can be so soothing.

  13. you don't want to hear about my last visit to the dentist....and I should have reported the dentist(female) to someone. I am glad you have someone you like and feel safe with.

    1. Sounds not pleasant Rose, and sorry to read that. I had one very bad experience with a dentist and it took me literally years to feel confident in another. Thankfully I have a practice now where they obviously took time in finding kind and comforting staff.

  14. Pretty picture! I have had a ton of dental work, and mostly without painkillers because that shot bothers me more than the drilling.

    1. Thank you Linda and you are a very brave lady! I am sorry you have trouble with the shots.

  15. The only thing I'll say is I'm glad that I have dental insurance.

  16. I use to hate going to the dentist as one appointment years ago was very painful. Over it as the dentist I have now is gentle and kind. A week from today I have a cleaning appointment. Fortunate to have good teeth, so see no major procedures in the immediate future.
    Hope you are feeling better.
    Thanks for the picture of glasses, so many different colours of green, my favorite colour.

    1. Thank you so much :) I am glad you have someone now who is kind and gentle. So very important! I wish you an excellent trip to the dentist! Yes, those shades of green are wonderful, especially with the sunlight dancing on them.

  17. My visits have been great no problems, knock on wood

  18. My dentist is awesome. He actually graduated a year ahead of me at the same high school. As nice as he is, I hate going though. His staff over the years hasn't always been the greatest.

    1. How wonderfu about your dentist Ann :) The staff working there is important too. They are after all the first impression you get when you walk through the door. I have actually not gone back to places because of rude and indifferent staff, and I’m sure I am not alone.

  19. It's good to know when you need a break and to take it! I hope the rest goes smoothly for you. Aloha!

  20. It takes a long time for novocaine to wear off of me! Doesn't sound fun Denise but I hope all is well to stay. I love the bamboo.

    1. Great, thank you Jeanie :) I can look at one of my photos and get almost the same kind of peace I felt when I was in the spot where I took it. Me too on the novocaine.

  21. Oh you have my sympathy. I have lots of dental issues...for the amount of money spent on my mouth over the years I could probably buy a fire engine red sports car.
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Thank you Cecilia, that means a lot :) I hear you on the fire engine red sports car, lol!

  22. I am not a fan of going to the dentist. I have an amazing amount of saliva that always makes me feel like I'm choking with any dental procedure...ugh. I understand your need to space these things out a ways from each other.

    1. That’s exactly what happens to me Ellen. It is the most awful feeling! Thank you for the understanding :)

  23. oooooh denise, poor you, i really dislike the dentist!! my dentist's office often does the same thing, trying to get me back in for a cleaning just as i am done with one procedure. i want to say "i'm not made of money" after i have just paid for an implant or root canal. plus, i need a break!! the girls at my dentist's office are wonderful as well and i really like my dentist BUT, it's what he does that i don't like!!

    1. Thanks Debbie:) My dear other half had a crown done just before me, and other dental work. Has to be done but oh dear! So good to know you have a great place to go to. I am happy with everyone too.

  24. pretty picture, i like all the green. sorry, i got all caught up in going to the dentist!!

  25. I must admit I never look forward to visiting the dentist although my dentist is lovely and I have been going to him for many years. He and his staff look after me well.

    I hope the rest of your treatment goes well and I too would have a break between treatments!

    All the best Jan

    1. That’s great Jan :) and thank you! All the best to you too.

  26. A visit to the dentist is not my favourite place to be but I do have a good lady dentist which helps. I had a few bad experiences as a child with a dentist and I don't think I ever completely lost that fear. I hope the rest of your treatment goes well when you decide to have it done.
    Very pretty photo of the grasses. Very relaxing. Thank you x

    1. That's super that you have a good lady dentist Beverley. Mine is too but I just had a difficult time and this was unusual for me. Thank you :)


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