Sunday, August 21, 2022


I enjoy reading and I enjoy those reads that make you a little bit reflective, make you think. A new to me author wrote this, a very wise lady.   

"Go into this week with the attitude that your peace, your health of mind and your heart mean more than getting everything else done.  That your smile matters.  That feeling rested matters.  That holding the hands of your loved ones matter.  So pause lots, function at a pace that doesn't pull you apart.  Honor the things that make you feel good inside, the things that make you feel alive.  Give time to those things this week.  Make time the gift it is, by giving it to what really matters to you."

~S. C. Lourie


  1. What wise and wonderful words. Thank you.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Ginny, I thought it was wonderful too :)

  3. How so absolutely true and a lot easier to do when retired.

    1. Yes indeed Diane, we were only saying this morning, how much easier things are to do when retired :)

  4. A gift!! She IS wise. Words to live by.

  5. Hello Denise,
    Wise words, a great quote! Take care, enjoy your day and new week ahead.

    1. I enjoyed it the first time too Eileen. Thank you, I wish you the same :)

  6. Replies
    1. It is, thanks Red, only too happy to share the ones that I come across :)

  7. Such wise words that I hope I'll remember as I go through this week. Thank you, Denise.

    1. Thanks Martha Ellen :) and you are very welcome :)

  8. This really is lovely, Denise. Thanks for sharing it.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, you are very welcome, happy you enjoyed :)

  9. This is a beautiful quote, Denise. It really spoke to my heart, and I wondered if I could use it on a blog post sometime? It would go perfect with some of the nature pictures that I sometimes post. It really hit home for me, as I pulled a neck muscle when traveling, and I have to rest this week.....sometimes we just need to be still and pause, just like the quote says. Thank you for sharing these wonderful words with us.


    1. Hi Sheri, so glad you liked the quote and I would be delighted if you used it on your blog :) Sweet of you to ask and much appreciated. I am so sorry to read about your poor neck and hope it heals quickly. I haven’t been able to do any walking these last couple of weeks as I twisted my knee just by going down steps on a trail. I am eager to get out and about again and hope it won’t be long before I can take my own nature photos.


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