Tuesday, October 5, 2021



We had a lovely time walking around Merchants' Square, but it was lunch time and we had not had breakfast.  We weren't looking for a sit-down restaurant.  It was parents' weekend for students from William and Mary College and the lines were long anyhow.  As we were walking by The Cheese Shop I thought it would be a place we could get something light.  It had a variety of sandwiches to choose from on their menu board.
I ordered the Egg Salad on wheat bread and Gregg the Prosciutto and Provolone on Foccacia bread.  Knowing we were in for another wonderful meal that night, we were happy that the portions were of a normal size, satisfying but not daunting.  The other treat we got was a Cream Soda which we only seem to purchase when traveling.
We will not hesitate to head to this place for lunch the next time we visit. Not getting any freebies for this bit of advertising.  I like to give credit where credit is due when visiting a place we enjoy. 
The wine cellar and restaurant is downstairs.  We will check them out the next time we visit.  In the meantime it was fun browsing through the shop and I was interested in what they had on sale, as you can see from the following photos.  I picked two small cans while Gregg was waiting for our order, one filled with trail mix (for me) and peppered peanuts (for Gregg).  My trail mix is below and it was excellent. He declared his peanuts a hit, he liked the peppery taste. He also said the peanuts were firmer and crunchier, and he didn't need that many in one sitting. We haven't seen this particular brand in our area. 

These pumpkins were at the top of the stairs which led down to the wine tasting area and the restaurant.  
  It looks like each person in this artwork was wearing a gourd for a hat, with a separate figure on the ledge giving a 3-D-ish effect.
We chose to sit outside and eat our lunch.  Not too many tables were being used.  We had just found one, sat down, started to take our sandwiches out of the bag, when who should turn up?  Our son with a big grin on his face.   He and our dear daughter-in-law had gone off to a pancake house earlier, and had their own walk around another area of Williamsburg.  They had returned to the hotel and daughter-in-law was having a rest in their room.  Son knew that we were walking around and would be getting a bite to eat.  He tracked us using our cell phones.  Yes, we are all connected and it comes in very useful for times such as these.  I was shocked at first as I didn't know who on earth was trying to sit right next to us at our table, until we were at eye level.  We had a good laugh when he told us how how he had found us (the feature isn’t used all the time and can be turned off.)  As no one seemed to need the table we stayed for almost an hour chatting.  Fun and unexpected as we didn't think we would be seeing him until it was time to meet up for the wedding ceremony.  

And that is about it for our walk around Williamsburg.

I hope you enjoyed your look inside The Cheese Shop.  It is another place I am looking forward to going back to when we go south again.


  1. Your light lunches sound great - and the shop looks like a place I could happily spend a LOT of time in.

    1. Thank you Sue, it was a great shop to browse around :)

  2. What a wonderful looking cheese shop - I would have to have had my breakfast even if I was running out the door with some toast would do :)

    1. Us too if we were home. Always a piece of fruit or a piece of toast or a crumpet or yogurt. Specials on the weekend, bacon and eggs, or blueberry pancakes. I must be hungry :)

  3. I love shopping, and would have really loved this place. But shopping with you on the computer is the next best thing. And I am not even winded! Is that tablecloths in the one photo? I would have bought the Horseradish Aioli. I see they have Tate's cookies, too. The cork sniffing photo is so creative and unusual, it made me smile.

    1. I've enjoyed your photos when you've been shopping Ginny, and I'm not winded either, lol! Good one! I believe they were tablecloths but didn't get close enough to look at any labels. I like anything with horseradish :) Never heard of the Tate brand before. Glad the cork sniffing photo made you smile :)

  4. Oh how lovely to join you on your wander and family lunch meet up. Technology is amazing isn't it?
    Have a lovely week
    Wren x

    1. It is amazing, we have a small group of family and friends who are connected that way.

  5. That menu board looks good. Lots of yummy choices. The shop looks like a good place to browse too.
    That sure is convenient to be able to track someone with the cell phone.

    1. It does Ann and lots of choices I would enjoy :) The tracker is convenient, especially if someone has broken down.

  6. Hello, Denise
    The shop looks wonderful, so many goodies. Your lunch sounds delicious, what a surprise to have your son pop up. The phone apps are cool. Have a happy day!

    1. Hello Eileen, thank you and yes it was a real surprise. I do love this app. You have a happy day also :)

  7. Replies
    1. Obrigada :) Um abraço e boa semana continuada :)

  8. When I started reading from the top my first thought was what in the world do they sell in a cheese shop and then you showed us all the beautiful pictures and now I know what is in The Cheese Shop plus all the delicious sandwiches. What a happy and exciting surprised to have your son come and sit down next to you that makes me feel happy just reading about it and I think it's an excellent idea to be able to track each other cell phones everyone should have someone that can track them

    1. Hi Sandra, The Cheese Shop also has a great selection of cheese at the other end, and they are stacked on big wheels of cheese. That was the more busier section and didn't want to bother anyone taking photos but they would have made a great photo :) Thank you, it was a fun surprise. It's a great security feature this tracking app.

  9. Replies
    1. Me too Tanza :) Thank you, you have a happy fall season also.

  10. What a delightful cheese shop, Denise! So many yummy choices!

    Happy Tuesday!

    1. Hi Veronica, thank you and Happy Tuesday to you also :)

  11. It was lovely Linda :) It was fun to have a lot of time with our son and daughter-in-law when we were away. I enjoy their company immensely.

  12. Hello Denise,
    Yet again another interesting visit with the cheese shop, all looked so inviting, so many choices, what to choose? I could spend hours trying. Also how good your son turning up,
    Best wishes,

    1. Yes John, a fun time all round and best wishes to you also :)

  13. I wouldn't mind visiting that cheese shop, it looks great.

    All the best Jan

    1. It is Jan, definitely one of those places we want to return to :)

  14. The shop the food and the surprise meet up all sounded delightful.

  15. I would return there too!! With my debit card!!!!

  16. The Cheese Shop is so nice for sandwiches and wonderful extras! That's so nice your son tracked you guys down--what a fun surprise for you all.

  17. IT looks lovely there, I love egg salad sandwiches!

    1. A kindred spirit with the egg salad Chritine :)

  18. Looks like a good spot for a bite to eat.

  19. That just looks right up my street - love cheese & bread for that matter 😆💕


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