Tuesday, August 17, 2021


Gregg told me it was Left-handed Day (He is the left-hander in our family and I wrote this last Friday when it actually was Left-handed Day).  

I laughed when he sent me this cartoon. He has acknowledged his left-handedness several times over the years.  I can see all these apply but the caption in the lower right tickled my funny bone particularly. That is so true!  He said did you know that Napoleon was left-handed, Prince William too?  No, I didn’t know that I said.  And then he rattled off several other notable left-handers.  He will say on occasion while looking at the TV, look, he (or she) is left-handed.  Of course, I have a lot of things I say that tickles his funny bone, but not going there today.  

Thanks for looking and hug a left-hander today!


  1. And I bet there are other inconvieneinces as well. President Obama was left handed I think.

    1. He was, I just confirmed that with my left-hander :)

  2. lol. I'm left handed. Can't cut with right handed scissors at all, my late mum bought me some left hand sewing scissors years ago a blessing in disguise.

    1. Ah then, you know all about it :) Scissors is a big thing and left-handed ones are indeed a blessing.

  3. I started life as a left hander. An early teacher wasn't going to let that happen and tied my left hand behind my back while I was at school. I am now EMPHATICALLY a right hander and find it hard to use my left for anything.

    1. Gosh that is so cruel! I believe my mum-in-law was a left-hander but was made to change when at school.

  4. I would love to hug my left handed grandson but our state borders are closed as we are in another wave of Delta. Qld is not too bad but NSW is in a bad way.

    1. Hi Diane, I do hope it won't be much longer before you get to hug your left-hander. So sorry to hear about the closure. I've been keeping up on the news over there. Wishing you all good health.

  5. Replies
    1. Eu não sabia até que meu marido canhoto me contou sobre isso. Um abraço e continuou boa semana :)

  6. I'm assuming you must be left handed. These are cute. I was telling the one girl at work that I've often thought she was left handed because there are several things she does the opposite of how I do them.

    1. Sorry for the confusion Ann. It is hubs who is the left-hander. Interesting about your work friend :)

  7. I'll have to let my husband know. Teachers would smack his hands when he wrote left handed, consequently he has trouble writing. He can also do many thing right handed, but not all.

    1. Hi Linda :) and ugh, that is just not right is it?

  8. i sent my sister in law a happy left handed day, the day after and she said if she had known about it she would have celebrated. Happ Belated Left Hander day

    1. I'll pass that on to hubby, thank you Sandra :) and a Happy Belated Left-hander Day to your sister-in-law.

  9. My husband is ambidextrous (spelling?)...he can use either equally. But, he was taught by his day who was left-handed. I have noticed even tying shoe laces is a bit different with him. But, his dominate hand is right.
    I particularly associate the dinner table...I'vesat next to "lefties" until we trade places.

    1. That's interesting Anni, and must come in useful at times :) It's been a long time since I sat next to a left-hander. Hubby and I usually sit across from one another.

  10. Seems like many special people are left handed. Apparently, left-handed people, generally speaking, use both sides of the brain more effectively and have greater communication skills. I recall teachers and parents prevented children from using their left hands simply because life wasn’t/isn’t designed for it. Yet who knows what the world would be like if everyone was taught to be ambidextrous. Maybe we would have better solutions to our problems?

    1. Thanks Penelope, this is more interesting piece of information. Gives me food for thought :)

  11. Teachers ignore lefthanders unfortunately.

    1. I can't imagine you being that way with your students Red :)

  12. It has always fascinated me to see people who are left-handed when writing. I know a couple left-handed people. Isn't that something they have Left-Handed Day now.


    1. Hi Sheri, we have several left-handers among family and friends :) Yes, it really is something.

  13. My Daddy was left handed and told me that when he started school he was forced to write with his right hand. In turn his handwriting was awful! I'm so glad that that is no longer practiced. Two of my grands are left handed and write beautifully. Darling cartoons for lefties!

    1. Such a shame! I'm glad people are more understanding at schools nowadays. How lovely that your grands write beautifully :)

  14. funny cartoons...and things i never thought about!!

    1. Until I married a left-handed, neither did I :)

  15. This is great, being a lefty myself. I can relate to getting my hands dirty like that while writing.

    1. Great! It is fun finding out who our left-handed blogging friends are :)

  16. Still wondering if either of our grands will end up lefties.

  17. That's so cool! My middle child, son, and granddaughter are lefties.

  18. I'm left handed. One of the other things one notices is that most mugs with a design have that design on the side facing a right hander.

    1. That's a good point, I expect my husband would agree with you :)

  19. I started off as a left-hander, but was made to change when I was in grade-school. It has always been handy to have that as an excuse to blame all my problems on ;>).

    1. I hear that story often Sallie. So strange they thought they were doing us a favor back in the day. :0

  20. I'm a lefty too! I should have had a better celebration for it!

    1. Pop it on the calendar for next year Jeanie :)


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